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134 Cards in this Set

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What is hemoglobin composed of?

4 heme, 4 iron, 1 globin

What disorder does a defect in heme synthesis lead to?


What is the function of the enzyme methemoglobin-cytochrome C reductase in a red blood cell?

to keep iron in the ferrous state

Which hemoglobin has a 200 times greater binding capacity for the hemoglobin molecule than oxygen?


What product is formed when ferrous iron of hemoglobin is oxidized to the ferric state?


Which hemoglobin derivative causes irreversible changes in the red blood cells?


What hemoglobin is NOT normally present in a normal adult?


What embryonic hemoglobin is normally found in newborns?


What is the most abundant hemoglobin in a newborn?


What is the molecular structure of hemoglobin S?

valine replaces glutamic acid in the 6th position of the beta chain

Which hemoglobin is insoluble under lowered oxygen tension?


What laboratory test is used to confirm the specific diagnosis of sickle cell anemia?

hemoglobin electrophoresis

In the solubility test for hemoglobin S, what is the reagent responsible for the reduction of the hemoglobin molecule?

sodium dithionite

In hemoglobin C, what replaces glutamic acid?


Which red blood cell inclusion is characteristic of hemoglobin C disease?

rod-shaped crystals

What is hemoglobin F composed of?

2 alpha + 2 gamma chains

What hemoglobin is resistant to alkali denaturation?


What hemoglobins are differentiated by the Kleihauer-Betke technique?

Hb-A1 from Hb-F

What is the order of migration of hemoglobins, from fastest to slowest, on cellulose acetate at pH 8.4?

A1, F, S, C

Why is citrate agar used when abnormal hemoglobins are identified on cellulose acetate at pH 8.6?

It separates hemoglobin S from hemoglobin D

The cyanmethemoglobin method measures all hemoglobin pigments EXCEPT what?


What is the diluent used in the cyanmethemoglobin method for the determination of hemoglobin?

Drabkin's solution

What is the normal plasma hemoglobin concentration?

2-3 mg/dL

What plasma protein binds free hemoglobin?


What is true concerning hemolytic anemia?

Hemolytic anemia is a normocytic, normochromic anemia

The RBCs, hemoglobin & hematocrit are decreased

The indirect bilirubin is increased

Myoglobin can be separated from hemoglobin by saturating the specimen with what reagent?

ammonium sulfate

The hematocrit is also known as what?

packed red blood cell volume

The degree of packing of cells during centrifugation depends on all of the following?

speed of centrifugation

radius of centrifugation

time of centrifugation

During examination of spun hematocrit, in which layer are the white blood cells found?

buffy coat

When performing a microhematocrit, where should one read the percentage of packed red cell column from a microhematocrit reading device

below the buffy coat

An increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate can be the result of an increase in quantity of what?


What test is increased in acute infections?

erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)

What sources of error will falsely elevate the erythrocyte sedimentation rate?

tilted tube


vibrations from a nearby centrifuge

What is the Westergren ESR reference range for males?

0-15 mm/hr

A cerebrospinal fluid has 285 red blood cells counted in the 5 red blood cell squares after being diluted in a Unopette (1:100). What is the calculated red blood cell count?


Any cell that passes through the aperture will momentarily increase the resistance of the electrical flow between the electrodes, generating a pulse. This is the basic principle of what?

electrical impedance

What principle utilizes laminar flow and hydrodynamic focusing to characterize cells based on granularity and reflectivity?

laser light scatter

Scatterplots are created using all of the following?




Both nucleated red blood cells and large platelets interfere with what parameter?


Lyse-resistant red blood cells detected by automated hematology analyzers are seen in what clinical condition?

sickle cell anemia

ON automated hematology analyzers, what will affect both the red blood cell count & the platelet count?


The white blood cell count is 10.5. There are 5 nucleated red blood cells seen on the 100 cell differential. What is the corrected WBC Count?


On automated hematology analyzers, hemoglobin determinations may be falsely elevated due to the presence of what interfering substances?


The following CBC results are obtained:

WBC 6.5

RBC 1.69

HGB 9.1

HCT 22.8

MCV 135.0

MCH 53.8

MCHC 39.9

What is most likely cause of these results?

cold agglutinin

What may cause a falsely decreased platelet count?

giant platelets

platelet clumps

platelet satellitosis

A leukocyte count greater than the linearity of the automated analyzer will falsely elevate what other CBC parameter?


Fragile white blood cells seen in leukemia patients may cause pseudoleukopenia, which in turn may cause automated WBC and WBC estimate not to match. What action should be taken if this occurs?

perform a manual plasma replacement procedure

What is the dilution factor for performing a platelet count from a sodium citrate tube?


What is the formula for correcting a WBC count for the presence of nucleated red blood cell?

(WBC X 100)/(nRBC + 100)

Smudge cells can cause the automated WBC & the WBC estimate not to match. What action can be taken to prevent this occurrence?

add 22% bovine albumin to stabilize the WBC

IF cryoglobulin causes WBC cellular interference, then what is the most appropriate action to take before reporting the results?

incubate the specimen at 37C for 15 minutes

If cold agglutinin is suspected to be causing erroneous results, then what is the most appropriate action to take before reporting the results?

incubate the specimen at 37C for 15 minutes

After centrifuging a microhematocrit, the presence of lipemia is noted. What is the most appropriate correction action?

perform a saline replacement procedure

What can produce a normal MCV but hypochromic red blood cells to appear on the peripheral blood smear?


If a WBC count is performed on a 1:100 dilution & the number of cells counted in a total of 8 squares is 50, then what is the WBC count?


A blood smear shows 80 nucleated red blood cells per 100 leukocytes. The total leukocyte count is 18.0 x 10 9/L. What is corrected WBC count?


Which reagent is the fixative incorporated in the Wright's Stain?


How can the color of Wright-stained red blood cells be adjusted?

adjusting the pH of the buffer

Malarial parasites in red blood cells are best demonstrated by which stain?


What RBC inclusion is NOT visible with Wright stain?

Heinz bodies

What stain is used for iron?

Prussian blue

In which special cytochemical stain are homogeneously pink cells counted as positive?


What stains both nonspecific and specific granules in myelogenous cells?

Sudan black B

In the cytochemical stain for peroxidase, which cell stains negative?


The results on leukemic patient are as follows:

alpha-naphthol-AS-D-acetate esterase (NASDA)

NASDA with sodium fluoride (NaF)

These results are suggestive of what type of leukemia?


In which leukemia are the blasts periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain positive?


What is a stain for neutral lipids?

Oil red O

What stain is used to differentiate chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) from a leukemoid reaction?

leukocyte alkaline phosphatase

What stain is positive for hairy cell leukemia?

acid phosphatase

What is the most reliable criterion for the estimation of a cell's age?

nuclear chromatin

What is the last red blood cell precursor to retain the nucleus before it becomes and erythrocyte?


What peripheral smear finding is consistent with reticulocytosis?


What is the life span of an erythrocyte?

3 months

What are indications of anemia?

decreased RBC

decreased HGB

decreased HCT

What patient lab results are consistent with anemia?

neonate: HGB 17.7 g/dL

adult male: HGB 13.0 g/dL

adult female: Hgb 10.9 g/dL

To calculate the mean corpuscular volume (MCV), what parameters must be known?


What is the reference range for the mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration?


Which CBC parameter is numerical expression of anisocytosis?


What is the abnormal variation in the size of erythrocytes known as?


Which determination is considered a reliable assessment of effective erythropoiesis in the bone marrow?

reticulocyte count

To caluclate the reticulocyte production index, other than the reticulocyte count (%) what


Which tests will be abnormal in a patient with fibrin stabilizing factor deficiency?

Factor XIII

Factor XIII is also known as?

fibrin stabilizing factor

An abnormal level of factor XIII would be expected in a patient with?

fibrin stabilizing factor deficiency

When yeast extract and activated charcoal are added into Feeley-Gorman agar, the components enhanced the ability to support the growth of?

Legionella spp.

Yeast extract serves as the protein source; activated charcoal decomposes hydrogen peroxide and other toxic products to allow for a better yield of?

Legionella spp. growth

Diseases associated with dysfunctions of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) include all of the following?

Chediak-Higashi syndrome (CH)

Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD)

Myeloperioxidase Deficiency (MPO)

Cefoxitin is the disk used to test for?

methecillin resistant to staphylococcus

Reed-Sternberg cells are closely associated with?

Hodgkin Lymphoma

Lymphadenopathy, Reed-Sternberg cells, bands of fibrosis, and various-sized lymphocytes are noted. What condition is the most likely diagnosis?

Hodgkin Lymphoma

Mantel cell lymphoma follicular lymphoma and Burkett lymphoma are not associated with?

Reed-Sternberg cells or bands of fibrosis

All the following is criteria for donor RBC to be used for exchange transfusion relate to both ABO HDFN and HDFN due to Anti-D?

Less than or equal to 7 days old or fresher

reconstituted with AB

CMV negative

Negative for Hemoglobin S


Sulfalosalicylic acid precipitation (SSA) is used to detect what on a urine dipstick?

protein in urine

SSA reaction will determine?



Bence-Jones proteins

While serum elevations are NOT generally seen in early stages, which tumor markers are elevated in more advanced stages of breast cancer?

CA 15-3 and CA 549

What temperature is considered optimal for Taq polymerase activity?


The assay that is most helpful in identifying specific allergens is?

RAST tests

RAST tests or Radioallergosorbent tests are used to screen for?

an allergy to a specific substance or substances if a person presents with allergy-like symptoms

If a colony is red with black centers on XLD , it will have?

H2S on TSIA and LIA , be a non lactose fermenter, and lysine positive. and Likely to be Salmonella

If a colony is red with black centers on XLD, what organism is it likely to be?


What may cause a false positive bilirubin on urine chemical reagent strip?

large doses of chloropromazine

Which antibodies usually show enhanced agglutination with the use of proteolytic enzymes?

anti-Jka, Jkb, C, and E

What is a bronchodilator used to treat a 39-year-old male asthmatic patient?


Which beta thalassemia shows no anemia and may not be detected using hemoglobin electrophoresis?

beta thalassemia minima

The nitrite portion of the test strip can be used to?

detect a bladder infection in early stage of pregnant women

screen individuals with recurrent infections

detect presence of cystitis

What is true regarding amylase and lipase in pancreatitis?

Diagnoses sensitivity is increased by assaying both amylase and lipase.

urinary amylase: creatinine ratio is the most sensitive test for acute pancreatitis.

Serum lipase peaks at 24 hours after episode of acute pancreatitis and remains high for 7-8 days.

The primary site of absorption of glomular filtrate is the?

Proximal convoluted tube

How many large hematocytometer squares contain a total volume of one uL (microliter) of fluid?


In what conditions would you see increased osmoality be expected finding?


diabetes insipidus

A motile, gas producing, lactose fermenter, that produces methyl carbinol in VP broth, and utilizes sodium citrate as the sole source of carbon. The most likely id is?

Enterobacter aerogenes

Cell mediated, humoral, innate, and non-specific are all branches of?

the immune system

T helper cells are?

CD4 positive

CD3 is a?

pan T cell marker (and should reflect CD4 plus CD8)

CD8 is the?

cytotoxic/suppressor T cell marker

What represents the % population of T- helper cells?


Lectin from the seeds of Dolchious Biflorous is a source of what grouping?


Green pigmentation of the colony with power like surface and lawn like border to border extension to the edges of the agar plate. Clusters of spherical conidia from the tips of finger-like conidospores simulating penicillus structures. recovery of this fungus is considered contamination. IS most likely?


Colonies are gray to light shades of yellow with a smooth surface. Conidia arranged in loose clusters. IS most likely?


Colonies are generally cottony or woolly. Lavender, pink, deeper red or magenta coloration. Sickle-shaped and multi-celled. This is?


Colonies are more yellow than green and extend from one side of agar plate to the other. Small clusters of spherical conidia are produced in the tip of short conidiospores place laterally from segmented hyphae. This fungi is most likely?


Which complement component is found in both classical and alternative pathways?


Why are small dense LDL molecules more atherogenic?

small dense LDL molecules have greater mobility in the endothelium and arterial wall

A definitive diagnoses of malaria can be made by?

Demonstration of organisms in peripheral blood

Patients with the following condition would benefit from washed red cells?

elevated serum potassium

May-Hegglin anomaly is characterized by?

presence of large Dohle bodies within neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils and monocytes.

The identification of Sacchromyces is confirmed by?

acrospore production

Gram positive, catalase negative, non-motile inoculated to bile esculin agar, 6.5% NaCl broth, and to 6 ug/mL of vancomyacin in Mueller Hinton agar; it should be reported as?

Enterococcus spp. resistant to vancomyacin

What is the cause of metabolic alkalosis?

excessive vomiting

A zinc deficiency in the elderly is often caused by?

decreased intake and absorption

The cause of the most sever life threatening hemolytic transfusion reaction is?

Anti-A, Anti-B, Anti-A, B

Folic stimulating hormone (FSH) is produced by?


A completely sickled-cell (drepanocyte)is most commonly seen in what condition?

Homozygous HbSS

What changes Fibrinogen to Fibrin monomer?


Hyperglycemia is also known as?
