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28 Cards in this Set

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When is classical AI suitable?

Well-defined tasks for which there are a clear set of rules

When is classical AI not suitable?

Situational awareness and comparisons based on previously learnt experiences

What is modern AI based on?

Building blocks of the brain

How does a neuron receive input?

A neuron receives inputs from other neurons via its dendrites

What does a neuron generate with sufficient stimulation?

An impulse / action potential

How do impulses travel?

Impulses travel across the axon of a neuron which is connected to other neurons via synapses ("junctions" in the brain)

What are the four main components of a MCP (McCulloch-Pitts) modelled neuron?

Weights, bias, threshold, output

How are weights interpreted in the MCP model?

Positive weights are considered excitatory, negative weights are considered inhibitory.

What is the role of the bias in the MCP model?

The bias sets the firing threshold for the neuron

How many inputs does an MCP neuron have?

Two (x, y)

How does an MCP neuron decide to fire?

Input (x, y) is multiplied by their respective weights and added together. If total >= threshold then the neuron fires.

What is the formula for calculating whether or not an MCP neuron fires?

xW1 + yW2 + b >= 0

What is the purpose of a perceptron?

Classify data into different classes. Output of 1 if input falls into a class, output of 0 if falls into another class

How to plot the feature-space line?

xW1 + yW2 + b = 0 can be rearranged in the form y = mx + c

How does a perceptron calculate correct bias and weight values?

Perceptron is given training data containing expected outputs for some inputs. Bias and weight values are then adjusted accordingly until training data is accepted

What formula is used to adjust the weights of a perceptron?

Delta Wi = n(Tp - Op)Ii

What formula is used to adjust the bias of a perceptron?

Delta b = n(Tp - Op)

What are the limits of a MCP neuron?

An MCP neuron can only separate between two classes

How are the limits of a MCP neuron dealt with?

Neurons are connected together to form a neural network

What does a binary discriminant neuron (BDN) do?

Classifies input data into one of two responses (true or false, 1 or 0)

How many input patterns can a BDN classify?

2^n patterns, where n is the number of inputs

What is the number of inputs to address the RAM neuron known as?

A tuple. Eg: if there are 8 bits, it would be an 8 tuple

Why isn't a unary RAM chip used?

Not cost efficient, can't discriminate between learning sets and actual data

What is the solution to the problems of using a unary RAM chip?

Arrays of n-tuple RAM chips are used. Large input vectors are divided between these chips

What is a compound RAM also known as?

A class discriminator

How many class discriminators would we need to learn to recognise digits 0-9?

10 class discriminators (one for each digit)

What are the memory requirements of a class discriminator?

In a discriminator with k times over-sampling of an input vector of size R and a tuple size of n, M RAM's are needed, where M = (k*R)/n

Memory size of each RAM must be 2^n bits

Total memory required is M*(2^n)

What does a small tuple size imply?

Each neuron behaviour is decsribed by a small list of mappings