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30 Cards in this Set

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Geometric/Archaic pottery painting

Identify the differences in styles

After the dark ages in Greece, there was a revival of the figure in paintings and narratives.

Geometric Krater vase


what is depicted

red figure or black figure style ?

c. 750 BCE

depicts a funeral

was a gravemarker/marked wealth

different registers LET RAIN OUT BOTTOM

black figure style and silhouette

name the parts of a vessel






scrolls on the sides

Death of sarpedon


who is shown

what is happening

what color

c. 515 BCE


proper burial shown

diluted brown shades

3 revelers


black figure or red figure style?

technique used to create allusion of receding into space

c. 510 BCE

red figure style


identify differences between Geometric Krater and 3 Revelers

Geometric 750 BCE 3 Revelers 510 BCE

black figure style red figure

multiple registers one register

geometric style more realistic style

triangular torsos decent proportions

formal piece modeling of flesh

grave marker short narrative

Acropolis in Athens

reasons for why it was build



war betweens Persians/ Athenians

military overlook

housed monetary treasury of Athens/ cultural treasures

idealized dwelling for gods

harmony and unity in architecture

5th century BCE

classical period

Greek Architectural Orders


doric order vs. ionic order

capital, pediment, frieze, triglyph, metope, volute,

Functions and dates of

Propylaea, Erechtheum, Parthenon

Prop 437-432 BCE: entrance to the acropolis in Athens. symbolic partition between secular and religious parts of city

Erech 421-405 BCE: dedicated to Athena, olive tree, stream of Poseidon IONIC COLUMNS

Parthenon 447-432 BCE: idealism, harmony=beauty 8 by 17 columns

collanades, cella, humanism:gods portrayed as humans

frieze, metotypes above columns

ionic vs corinthian columns

ionic: detailed volutes

doric: frieze has triglyph and metope

Augustus of Primaporta: style, symbolism, influence, date

commemorative, idealism, political, portraiture

200 BCE

Roman utilitarianism and organization applied to colosseum DATE

entertainment for the masses,

72-80 CE

animal slaughters, executions, naval battles, etc.

utilitarianism: needs of whole > individual needs

organization: in the round, corridors, seating divided into sections.

utilitarianism and organization applied to Trajan's Forum

113 CE

had a market place, libraries, socialization, education, place for worship

organized like a mall, symmetrical, everything connected ,temple in the back

utilitarianism and organization applied to Pantheon

temple dedicated to planetary gods

place to gather and become closer to gods

hemispherical dome, harmony, unity

Vaulting systems

name vaulting systems and picture them

post and lintel


barrel vault

groin vault

Trajan's Column: how is the story organized?

Saint Peter is ont top, in spirals, vertical, used trees to seperate

pantheon- function, symbolism, weight-reducing building techniques

supported the dome!

used basalt for foundation

thinner layer of cement as dome rises

tribute to planetary gods

worshipper becomes closer to the gods

compare contrast: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th style roman painting


200-60 BCE horizontal painted zones

stimulation of marble of various colors

polished marble dust

SECOND style

early 1st century BCE

recognizable realistic representation

vistas of towns, gardens, temples, courtyards

shadows, trompe l'oeil devices

axial perspective atmospheric perspective

Third style

20 BCE- 20 CE

reject illusion in favor of surface ornamentation

monochromatic background

small figural and landscape scenes

elaborate architecture, vegetation

4th style

combines all styles

less disciplined


revives narrative painting

textile like quality

troubles in researching women artists in the Middle ages

considered inferior, historically overlooked

considered bad artists

changed name when married

reassigned name to male artists

style of late Medieval painting

little sense of 3 dimensionality

figures seems to float

gold leaf or gold painted background "divine light"

universal lighting

style of romanesque architecture

rounded arch, barrel vaults

corinthian capitals

fluted pilasters

egyptian influence ; celestory windows

ambulatory: walkway

- semi circular recessed structure

gothic architecture

vaulted ceilings

pointed arches

flying buttresses

stained glass windows

flying buttress

exterior masonry structure used for support of vault

ribbed vault

found in churches, triangular shaped

compare (look at image)

madonna enthroned by Giotto vs

Madonna enthroned by Duccio


c. 1285 CE

elongated, disproportionate


c. 1310 CE

more realistic

shading, rounded

more angels,

sense of space

GOTHIC style

similarities: gold background