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15 Cards in this Set

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The ancient aegean cultures were ____ dominated rather than river-dominated as in Mesopotamia and Egypt.

Sea, sea provided: trade, contact with cultures, protection (natural boarder).

Chapter Four (The Ancient Aegean in Prehistoric times)

The Clcladic culture gets its name from _____, which were inhabited during the _____ era by sea-farers, traders, farmers and craftsman.

The Cycladic islands and inhabited during the

Cyladic period/culture: 2500-1200 B.C.

What sculpture medium was readily on the Cyclades?


Chapter Four: Ancient Aegean

Describe Cycladic figurines, stylized and abstracted or naturalistic? Where were the figurines placed?

-Nude Women Statute from Syros:

·Heavily abstracted and stylized

·Simple Triangles, Geometric forms

·Closed formed

·Featureless heads/faces; flat shapes.

·Swollen Belly (fertility)

*Placed flat on backs on top of graves - pg.87 represent fertility goddesses most likely, could represent dead women.

Musicians from Keros:

*Placed on Burials, perhaps to entertain the dead? pg. 88

·Some geometric shapes


·More open with negative spaces. ·Expressive and lively.


Chapter Four: Ancient Aegean

The Palace of Knossos was discovered by _____ in 1900?

Sir Arthur Evans

Chapter Four: Ancient Aegean: Minoan Culture:

The Minoan culture flourished in what island?

The island of Crete

Chapter Four: Ancient Aegean: Minoan Culture:

Describe the bath complex of Caracella

Symmetrical plan of complex. Brick-faced concrete. 50 acres enclosed by wall, landscape gardens.

"The Baths of Caracalla, the second largest baths complex in ancient Rome, were built between 212 and 219 A.D. by the emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, better known by his nickname Caracalla".


Chapter 7: Late Roman Period

What was the tetrarchy and who founded it?

"Tetrarchy: ruled by four, split evenly between Two Augusti and Two Caesars. A division of Eastern and Western parts of Empire. Statues show Tetrarchs in porphyry- without any individuality. Anticlassicism of the Late Imperial Style seen in abstraction and stylization of figures. Message conveyed is complete unity of Empire- despite rule by four. Icons "

"In an attempt to restore oder to the Roman Empire,

Diocletian, who's troops proclaimed him emperor, decided to share the power with potential rivals. In 293, he established the tetrarchy (ruled by four) an adopted the title of Augustus of the East. The other three tetrachs were a corresponding Augustus of the West, and Eastern and Western Caesars"

pg. 224

Chapter 7: Late Roman Power

True or False? The Late Imperial style was Naturalized and Stylistized.

"- without any individuality. Anticlassicism of the Late Imperial Style seen in abstraction and stylization of figures. Message conveyed is complete unity of Empire- despite rule by four. Icons "

List some characteristics of the Late Imperial style.

Compositions are marked by figures that lack individuality and are crowded tighter together. Everything pushed forward on the picture plane, depth and recession were rejected. Contrapposto ignored, bodies are almost lifeless.

Chapter 7: Late Roman Period

In 306 CE, this person restored unified rule of the Roman Empire?


"Realizing that the Roman Empire was too large for one man to adequately rule, Emperor Diocletian (284-305 CE) split the empire into two, creating a tetrachy or rule of four. While he ruled the east from Nicomedia as an “augustus” with Galerius as his “caesar,” Maximian and Constantius the Pale ruled the west. It was the son of Constantius, Constantine, who would one day rise to defeat all challengers to the throne and reunite the split empire, moving the capital away from Old Rome and build a new capital, a capital that one day would bear his name, Constantinople". (http://www.ancient.eu/Constantine_I/)

Chapter 7: Late Roman Period

The Edict of Milan was issued in 312 CE following the defeat of Maxentius; what did the Edict of Milan do? What was the result of the defeat?

Worship any religion Romans may choose to worship. Christianity became the de facto official religion in 325.

Chapter 7: Late Roman Period

What became the official religion of the Roman Empire?

Christianity pg. 236

Chapter 7: Late Roman Period

Where was "New Rome"?

Constantine moved Old Rome east to Byzantium, "New Rome", and named it Constantinople.

Chapter 7: Late Roman Period

Describe Constantinian reliefs on the Arch of Constantine

Appropriated classical styled reliefs from Imperial monuments of Trajan, Hadrian, and Marcus Aurelius. Aimed to show connection to "good" emperors and continuity.

- Constantine's releifs heiretic, stiff, stylized.