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56 Cards in this Set

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Title: October
Period: Northern Renaissance
Artist: Limbourg Brothers
Reason: Record and Commemorate
1. focuses on peasantry
2. depicted a sower, a harrower on horseback, and washerwomen, along with city dwellers, who promenade in front of the Lourvre
3. peasants do not appear particularly disgruntled as they go about their tasks.
Title: Sacrifice of Isaac
Period: Northern Renaissance
Artist: Filippo Brunelleschi
Reason: Extraordinary version of ordinary object
1. created for a competition to submit design for the new doors of Florences baptistery
2. commission was prestigious
3. relief panel depicting the sacrifice of Isaac
4. shows a sturdy and vigorous representation of the theme
Title: Sacrifice of Isaac
Period: Northern Renaissance
Artist: Lorenzo Ghiberti
Reason: Extraordinary version of ordinary object
1. created for a competition to submit design for the new doors of Florences baptistery
2. commission was prestigious
3. relief panel depicting the sacrifice of Isaac
4. imbued his image with dramatic emotion
Title: Saint Mark
Period: Northern Renaissance
Artist: Donatello
Reason: Tangible feelings to the unknown
1. Completed for the guild of linen drapers in 1413
2. contrapposto weight shift
3. Viewer senses the figure as a draped nude human
4. accentuates the movement of the arms, legs, shoulders, and hips.
Title: David
Period: Northern Renaissance
Artist: Donatello
Reason: Create tangible feelings to forms and ideas
1. first nude statute since ancient times
2. youthful biblical slayer of Goliath who had become the symbol of the independent Florentine republic
3. Medici selected for their private residence
4. possesses both the relaxed classical contrapposto stance the the proportions and sensuous beauty of Greek gods
Title: Tribute Money
Period: Northern Renaissance
Artist: Masaccio
Reason: Record and Commemorate
1. depicts an episode from the Gospel of Matthew
2. Christ directs Saint Peter to the shore of Lake Galilee
3. As Christ foresaw, Peter finds the tribute coin in the mouth of a fish and returns to pay the tax.
4. Christ surrounded by his disciples, tells Saint Peter to retrieve the coin from the fish
5. Each figure conveys a maximum of con tainted energy
Title: Birth of Venus
Period: Northern Renaissance
Artist: Sandro Botticelli
Reason: Tangible feeling to unknown
1. The theme was the subject of a poem by Angelo Poliziano, a leading humanist of the day.
2. Poet's retelling of the Greek myth, Zephyrus, carrying Chloris, blows Venus, born of the sea foam and carried on a cockle shell, to her sacred island, Cyprus.
3. There, the nymph Pomona runs to meet her with a brocaded Mantle.
4. Nudity of Botticelli's Venus was in itself an innovation.
Title: Battle of the Ten Nudes
Period: Northern Renaissance
Artist: Antonio Del Pollaiuolo
Reason: Tangible form to feelings and ideas
1. Conceived the body as a powerful machine and liked to display its mechanisms, such as knotted muscles and taut sinews that activate the skeleton as ropes pull levers.
2. Shows this figure type in a variety of poses and from numerous viewpoints, allowing Pollaiuolo to demonstrate his prowess in rendering the nude male figure.
3. Developed figures so lean and muscular that it appears écorché (as if without skin)
Title: Last Supper
Period: High Renaissance
Artist: Leonardo Da Vinci
Reason: Tangible form to the unknown
1. Made for refectory of the Church of Santa Maria dell Grazie in Milan
2. Shows Christ and his 12 disciples sitting at a long table placed parallel to the picture plane in a simple, spacious room.
3. Christ's appears isolated from the disciples and in perfect repose, the calm eye of emotion swirling around him
4. Christ is the focal point
5. Juda's face is in shadow, and he clutches a money bag in his right hand as he reaches his left forward to fulfill the Master's declaration
6. Window supplying light, halo around Christ because of natural light, highlights christ as most significant person
7. Judus is a trader, has money bag in hand
Title: Philosophy (School of Athens)
Period: High Renaissance
Artist: Raphael
Reason: Record and Commemorate
1. Plato and Aristotle serve as the central figures around whom Raphael carefully arranged the others.
2. Plato holds his book Timaeus and points to Heaven, the source of his inspiration, while Aristotle carries his book Nicomachean Ethics and gestures toward the earth
3. Appropriately, ancient philosophers, men concerned with the ultimate mysteries that transcend this world, stand on Plato's side.
4. Aristotle's side are the philosophers and scientists who studied nature and human affairs.
5. Poses and gestures symbolize their doctrines
6. Raphael portrayed himself as a young man wearing a dark cap on the right
Title: Pietà
Period: High Renaissance
Artist: Michelangelo Buonarroti
Reason: Record and Commemorates Jean de Bilheres death marker
1. created for the French cardinal Jean de Bilhères Lagraulas
2. commissioned the statue to adorn the chapel in Old Saint Peter's where he was to be buried
3. Mary cradling the dead body of Christ in her lap
4. Tender sadness of the beautiful youthful Mary as she mourns over the death of her son
5. Marys ageless beauty is an integral part of her purity and virginity.
6. Christs woulds are barely visible
Title: David
Artist: Michelangelo Buonarroti
Period: High Renaissance
Reason: tangible form to unknown
1. Symbol of Florentine liberty
2. Young biblical warrior is shown not after the victory, with Goliath's head at his feet, but turning his head to the left, sternly watchful of the approaching foe.
3. Face is tense with gathering power
4. Rugged torso, sturdy limbs, and large hands and feet alert viewers to the strength to come.
Title: Creation of Adam
Artist: Michelangelo Buonarroti
Period: High Renaissance
Reason: tangible form to unknown
1. God and Adam confront each other in a primordial unformed landscape of which Adam is still a material part, heavy as earth.
2. Lord transcends the earth, wrapped in a billowing cloud of drapery and borne up by his powers. Life leaps to Adam like a spark flashed from the extended, mighty hand of God.
3. Virgin Mary is around God's arm
Title: Pastoral Symphony
Artist: Giorgione Da Castelfranco
Period: High Renaissance
Reason: tangible form to unknown
1. casts a mood of tranquil reverie and dreaminess over the entire scene, evoking the landscape of a lost but never forgotten paradise
2. Two nude women, accompanied by two clothed young men, occupy the rich, abundant landscape through which a shepherd passes.
3. Shepherd symbolizes the poet pipes and the lute symbolize his poetry
4. Two women accompanying the men may be thought of as their invisible inspiration, their muses.
5. Fullness of their figures contributes to their effect as poetic personifications of nature's abundance.
Title: Venus of Urbino
Artist: Titan
Period: Manerist
Reason: Record and Commemorate
1. Representation of an Italian woman in her bedchamber
2. reclines on the gentle slope of her luxurious pillowed couch
3. maids in back apparently searching for garments to clothe "Venus"
4. could have meant to be sexual
Title: Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time
Artist: Bronzino
Period: Manerist
Reason: tangible form to unknown
1. Depicted Cupid fondling his mother Venus
2. Folly prepares to shower them with rose petals
3. Time, who appears in the upper right corner, draws back the curtain to reveal the playful incest in progress.
4. Seems to suggest that love - accompanied by envy and plagued by inconstancy - is foolish and that lovers will discover its folly in time
Title: Last Supper
Artist: Tintoretto
Period: Venetian
Reason: tangible form to unknown
1. Figures appear in a dark interior illuminated by a single light
2. Shimmering halos establish the biblical nature of the dramatic scene
3. figure of Christ is the tranquil center of the drama and the perspectival focus
Title: Isenheim Altarpiece
Artist: Grünewald
Period: Holy Roman Empire
Reason: tangible form to unknown
1. Complex and fascinating monument that reflects Catholic beliefs and incorporates several references to Catholic doctrines, such as the lamb whose wound spurts blood into a chalice in the exterior Crucifixion scene
2. Created for the monastic hospital order Saint Anthony of Isenheim
3. Crucifixion in the center, Saint Sebastian on the left, Saint Anthony on the right, and Lamentation in the predella.
4. suffering (disease)
Title: Fall of Man (Adam & Eve)
Artist: Albrecht Dürer
Period: Holy Roman Empire
Reason: tangible form to feelings and ideas
1. Setting is a Northern European forest
2. Idealized figures of Adam and Eve stand in poses reminiscent of specific classical statutes probably known to the German artist through graphic representations
3. Ideal human proportions in balanced contrapposto poses
4. Tension between cat and mouse in the foreground symbolizes the relation between Adam and Eve at the crucial moment in Fall of Man
Title: Four Apostles
Artist: Albercht Dürer
Period: Holy Roman Empire
Reason: Record and Commemorate
1. Peter symbolic of the catholic church
2. Key symbolic as authority of leader of church
3. Peter decides to read the Bible and get authority from that
Title: The French Ambassadors
Artist: Hans Holbein the Younger
Period: Holy Roman Empire
Reason: Record and Commemorate
1. Court painter for English Court
2. Capture likenesses of French Ambassadors
3. Figure from the church and secular figure
4. Men are humanists- you can tell by the mathematical objects, sun dials, etc.
5. Carpet on the table is imported from middle east, showing a sense of wealth
6. Book of ten commandments open
7. skull image- anamorphic- distorted deliberately- may suggest mortality
Title: Château de Chambord
Artist: Unknown
Period: Holy Roman Empire
Reason: Create places for human purposes
1. Served as country houses for royalty, who usually built them near forests for use as hunting lodges.
2. Central staircases that gives access to groups of rooms-ancestors of the modern suite of rooms or apartments
3. Moat surrounds the whole
Title: Butcher's Stall
Artist: Pieter Aertsen
Period: Venetian?
Reason: Tangible feelings to feelings and ideas (religion)
1. Every-day scen
2. Morality scene saying don't be a bad Christian
3. Fish crossed in a cross- symbolic of christianity
4. Two pretzels- symbolic of bread wine- symbolic of blood of christ
5. In the background person is giving to the pour
6. People in background going to church
7. Oysters referring to sex, lust, people sitting eating, sloth and gluttony, seven deadly sins
Title: Netherlandish Proverbs
Artist: Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Period: Venetian ?
Reason: Give tangible form to feelings and ideas
1. Depiction of Netherlandish village
2. Proverb- unmasks the foolishness of man
3. Guy ramming his head into a brick wall- ambitious idiot
4. Guy biting column- hypocritical man
5. guy on roof shooting arrows randomly- short sited fool
Title: Burial of Count Orgaz
Artist: El Greco
Period: Mannerism
Reason: Tangible feelings to forms and ideas
1. Based the artwork on the legend that the count of Orgaz, who had died some three centuries before and who had been a great benefactor of Santo Tomé, was buried in the church by Saints Stephens and Augustine, who miraculously descended from Heaven to lower the count;s body into its sepulcher.
2. Brilliant Heaven that opens above irradiates the earthly scene.
3. The two saints lovingly lower the count's armor-clad body, the armor and heavy draperies painted with all the rich sensuousness of the Venetian school.
4. Action of the angel, who carries the count's soul in his arms as Saint John and the Virgin intercede for it before the throne of Christ, reinforces this connection.
Title: Conversation of Saint Paul
Artist: Caravaggio
Period: Baroque
Reason: Tangible form to unknown
1. For the Cerasi Chapel in the Roman church of Santa Maria del Popolo.
2. Conversion of the Pharisee Saul to Christianity, when he became the disciple Paul.
3. Old hostler seems preoccupied with caring for the horse.
4. Audience could interpret the scene as a mere stable accident, not a man overcome by a great miracle.
5. Light of divine revelation converting Saul to Christianity.
Title: Las Meninas (The Maids of Honor)
Artist: Diego Velazquez
Period: Baroque
Reason: Record and commemorate
1. Painter represented himself in his studio standing before a large canvas.
2. Young Infanta Margarita appears in the foreground with her two maids-in-waiting, her favorite dwarfs, and a large dog.
3. In the middle ground are a woman in widow's attire and her male escort.
4. Chamberlain stands in a brightly lit open doorway.
5. The room was the artist's studio in the palace of the Alcazar in Madrid
6. An attempt to elevate both himself and his profession.
Title: Elevation of the Cross
Artist: Peter Paul Rubens
Period: Baroque
Reason: Tangible form to unknown
1. The scene brings together tremendous straining forces and counter forces as heavily muscled men labor to lift the cross.
2. Rubens placed the body of Christ on the cross as a diagonal that cuts dynamically across the picture while receding into it.
3. Tension is emotional as well as physical, as reflected not only in Christ's face but also in the features of his followers.
Title: Self-Portrait
Artist: Judith Leyster
Period: Baroque
Reason: Record and Commemorate
1. Leyster succeeded at communicating a great deal about herself.
2. depicted herself as an artist.
3. Announced that the painting is her creation because of the brush in her hand
4. allows the viewer to evaluate her skill
5. quick smile and relaxed pose reflect her self-assurance as she stops her work to meet the viewer's gaze
6. Her elegant attire distinguishes her socially as a member of a well-to-do family, another important aspect of her identity.
Title: Archers of Saint Hadrian
Artist: Frans Hals
Period: Baroque
Reason: Record and commemorate
1. Depicts the members of one of the many Dutch civic militia groups that claimed credit for liberating the Dutch Republic from Spain
2. Saint's feast day in dress uniform for a grand banquet.
3. Each man is both a troop member and an individual with a distinct physiognomy
4. Some engage the viewer directly, others look away or at a companion.
5. Each man is equally visible and clearly recognizable.
6. Uniformity of attire- black military dress, white ruffs, and sashes- did not deter Hals from injuring spontaneity of work.
Title: The Company of Captain Frans Banning Cocq (Night Watch)
Artist: Rembrandt Van Rijn
Period: Baroque
Reason: Record and Commemorate
1. Captain Frans Banning Cocq and his lieutenant Willen van Ruytenburch, along with 16 members of their militia, each contributed to Rembrandt's fee.
2. Capturing the excitement and frenetic activity of the men preparing for the parade.
3. Portrays the company scurrying about in the act of organizing themselves, thereby animating the image
4. Recorded the three most important stages of the musket-loading. firing, and readying the weapon for reloading- details that must have pleased his patrons.
Title: View of Haarlem from the Dunes at Overveen
Artist: Jacob Van Ruisdael
Period: Baroque
Reason: Record and Commemorate
1. Overarching view of this major dutch city.
2. Saint Bavo church in the background
3. Numerous windmills that recall the land reclamation efforts
4. figures in the foreground stretching linen to be bleached
5. Shows pride Dutch painters took in recording their homeland and the activities of their fellow citizens.
Title: Galerie des Glaces (Hall of Mirrors)
Artist: Jules Hardouin-Mansart and Charles Le Brun
Period: Baroque
Reason: Create places for human purposes
1. Was a room in what was converted from a royal hunting lodge to a great palace.
2. Overlooks the park from the second floor
3. Hundreds of mirrors, set into the wall opposite the windows, alleviate the halls tunnel like quality and illusionistically extend the width of the room.
4. King and his guests could gaze out on a sweeping vista down the park's tree-lined central axis and across terraces
Title: The Swing
Artist: Jean-Honore Frangonard
Period: Rococo
Reason: Record and Commemorate
1. Shows an unsuspecting old bishop swing a young mans pretty sweetheart higher and higher
2. Her lover is in the lower left- corner, stetting out to admire her ardently from a strategic position on the ground.
3. The young lady flirtatiously and bold kicks off her shoe toward the little statute of cupid.
4. The infant god of love holds his finger to his lips.
5. The glowing pastel colors and soft light convey the theme of sensuality.
Title: Death of General Wolfe
Artist: Benjamin West
Period: Rococo
Reason: Record and Commemorate
1. Depicted the mortally wounded young English commander just after his defeat of the French in the decisive battle of Quebec in 1759, which gave Canada to Great Britain.
2. Modern hero dies among driving officers on the field of victorious battle in a way that suggests the death of a great saint.
3. Wanted to present the heroes death in the service of the state as a martyrdom charged with religious emotions.
Title: Oath of the Horatii
Artist: Jacques-Louis David
Period: Neoclassical
Reason: Give tangible form to feelings and ideas
1. Depicts a story from pre-Republican Rome, the heroic phase of Roman history.
2. Conflict between love and patriotism
3. Shows leaders of warring cities Rome and Alba resolving their conflicts with a series of encounters waged by three representatives from each side.
Title: Death of Marat
Artist: Jacques-Louis David
Period: Neoclassical
Reason: Record and Commemorate
1. Record of an important episode in the struggle to overthrow the monarchy but also to provide inspiration and encouragement to the revolutionary forces
2. Jean-Paul Marat was a writer and Davids friend, was tragically assassinate din 1793.
3. Stabbed to death in his medicinal bath.
4. Vividly placed narrative details- the knife, the wound, the blood, the letter with which the young woman gained entrance
Title: Monticello near Charlottesville
Artist: Thomas Jefferson
Period: Neoclassical
Reason: Create places for human purposes
1. Jefferson returned to America after serving as a minster in France and remodeled his home.
2. Someone reminiscent of Villa Rotonda
3. Used local wood and brick from Virginia
4. Jefferson was a gifted amateur architect
Title: George Washington
Artist: Jean- Antoine Houdon
Period: Neoclassical
Reason: Record and Commemorate
1. "column" on which Washington leans is a bundle of rods with an ax attached- the ancient Roman fasces, an emblem of authority.
2. Thirteen rods symbolize the 13 original states
3. Plow behind washington and the fasces allude to Cincinnatus, a patrician of the early Roman Republic
4. Washington wears the badge of the Society of the Cincinnati
Title: Grande Odalisque
Artist: Ingres
Period: Romanticism
Reason: Record and Commemorate
1. shows admiration for Raphael in his borrowing of that master's type of female head
2. She is a woman in a Turkish Harem
3. Painting had a lot of criticism
4. Grand Odalisque- prostitutes seen over and over again
5. Head out of proportion with body
Title: Third of May
Artist: Goya
Period: Romanticism
Reason: Record and Commemorate
1. Depicted the anonymous murderous wall of French soldiers ruthlessly executing the unarmed and terrified Spanish peasants.
2. Encouraged empathy for the Spaniards by portraying horrified expressions and anguish on their faces
3. Peasant about to be shot throws his arms out in a cruciform gesture reminiscent of Christ's position on the cross.
4. Captured the specific moment when one man is about to executed, as well as depicted the bloody bodies of others already lying dead on the ground.
Title: Raft of the Medusa
Artist: Théodore Géricault
Period: Romanticism
Reason: Record and Commemorate
1. 1816 Shipwreck off the African Coast
2. Aground on a reef due to the incompetence of the captain, a political appointee
3. 150 passengers built a makeshift raft from pieces of the disintegrating ship.
4. Drifted for 12 days, and the number of survivors dwindled to 15 (survived because of cannibalism)
5. Sought to capture the horror, chaos, and emotion of the tragedy yet invoke the grandeur and impact of large-scale history painting.
Title: Liberty Leading the People
Artist: Eugene Delacroix
Period: Romanticism
Reason: Record and Commemorate
1. Captured the passion and energy of the 1830 revolution in France
2. Parisian uprising against Charles X
3. Depicts the allegorical personification of Liberty
4. Gothic towers of Notre-Dame rise through the smoke and haze.
Title: The Slave Ship
Artist: Joseph Mallord William Turner
Period: Romanticism
Reason: Record and Commemorate
1. Subject is a 1783 incident reported in a widely read book by Thomas Clarkson
2. Captain of a slave ship who, on realizing that his insurance company would reimburse him only for slaves lost at sea but not for those who died at route, ordered the sick and dying slaves to be thrown overboard.
3. Artist transformed the sun into an incandescent comet amid flying scarlet clouds.
4. Turbulent sea choked with the bodies of slaves sinking to their deaths.
Title: The Stone Breakers
Artist: Gustave Courbet
Period: Realism
Reason: Record and Commemorate
1. Showed two men- one about 70, the other quiet young, in the act of breaking stones.
2. Job of the lowest in french society
3. Suggested that those born to poverty remain poor in their entire lives.
4. Artist neither romanticized nor idealized the mens menial labor.
Title: Rue Transnonain
Artist: Honore Daumier
Period: Realism
Reason: Record and Commemorate
1. TItle refers to a street in Paris where an unknown snipper killed a civil guard, part of government force trying to repress a worker demonstration
2. Depicted not the dramatic moment of execution but the terrible, quiet aftermath.
3. Artist created a view of the slaughter
Title: Olympia
Artist: Edouard Manet
Period: Realism
Reason: Record and Commemorate
1. Depicts a young white Prostitute reclining on a bed
2. She has a bracelet on her arm, orchid in her hair, and fashionable slippers on the feet.
3. Meets the viewers eye with a look of cool indifference.
4. Behind her appears a black maid, who presents her a bouquet of flowers from a client.
Title: Le Dejeuner sur l'Herbe
Artist: Edouard Manet
Period: Realism
Reason: Record and Commemorate
1. Depicts two women, one nude, and two clothed men enjoying a picnic of sorts.
2. Gentlemen are the sculpture Ferdinand Leenhof and his brother
3. Two men wear fashionable Parisian attire of the 1960s.
4. Woman is an unidealized figure type and is disturbingly at ease.
Title: Still life in studio
Artist: Daguerre
Period: Realism
Reason: Record and Commemorate
1. Recorded a still life form his studio
2. Amazing detail and finely graduated tones from black to white
3. First successful plates produced after perfecting his method
4. captures every detail
Title: Impression: Sunrise
Artist: Claude Monet
Period: Impressionism
Reason: Record and Commemorate
1. no attempt to disguise the brush strokes
2. Personal response to nature
3. Painted outdoors, which sharpened his focus on the roles light and color play in capturing an instantaneous representation of atmosphere and climate
Title: The Bath
Artist: Mary Cassatt
Period: Impressionism
1. Shows the tender relationship between mother and child
2. Visual solidity of the mother and child contrasts with the flattened patterning of the wallpaper and rug.
Title: Starry Night
Artist: Vincent Van Gogh
Period: Post-impressionism
Reason: tangible forms to feelings and ideas
1. Painted this while living in an asylum in Saint- Remy, where he had admitted himself.
2. Communicated his feelings about the electrifying vastness of the universe, filled with whirling and exploding stars and galaxies of stars, the earth and humanity huddling beneath it.
3. Suggests a quiet bur pervasive depression.
4. Expressed his feelings about death and the stars in a letter to his brother "we take death to reach a star"
Title: Mont Sainte-Victoire
Artist: Paul Cezanne
Period: Post- Impressionism
Reason: Record and commemorate
1. Painting of a mountain near his home in Aix-en-Provence
2. artist sought a lasting structure behind the formless and fleeting visual information the eye absorbs.
3. attempted to rode the lines, planes, and colors that compromised nature.
Title: Seal with seated figure in yogic posture
Artist: Unknown
Period: Indus
Reason: Extraordinary version of ordinary object (seal)
1. Secured trading goods wrapped in textiles
2. Depicts a male figure with a horned headdress and perhaps three faces seated with an erect penis among the profile animals that regularly appeared alone on other seals.
3. The man is in a yoga posture, a method for controlling the body and relaxing the mind.
Title: Lion capital from a column erected by Ashoka
Artist: Unknown
Period: Vedic and Upanishadic
Reason: Place for human purposes
1. Carved from a single block of stone
2. seven feet tall
3. Placed where the Buddha gave his first sermon, and set the Wheel of the Law into motion.
4. Used as a marker for a site from Buddha
5. back to back lions stand on a round abacus decorated with four wheels and four animals symbolizing the four quarters of the world.
Title: seated Buddha preaching first semon
Artist: Unknown
Period: Gupta
Reason: Tangible form to unknown
1. Buddha wears a clinging monastic robe covering both shoulders.
2. His eyes are downcast in meditation
3. Holds his hands in front of his body in the Wheel-turning gesture, preaching his first sermon.
4. Buddha is a scene with the Wheel of the Law
5. Statues smooth, unadorned surfaces conform to the indian notion of perfect body form and emphasize the figure's spirituality.