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117 Cards in this Set

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-New, softer style

-Feminine look

-Small stones and shells

-18th Century

-Organic, growing

-Hall of Mirrors



-The Pilgrimage Church


-Unique floor plan


-Pilgrimage to Cythera


-Fete Galante


Fete Galante

-"Amorous Festival"

-Depicts amusement of high society

-Cupid a Captive


-Madame de Pompadour's favorite artist


-The Swing


-Boucher's student


The Enlightenment

-18th Century

-New fascination with science an empirical evidence

-A philosopher giving a lecture at the orrey



-Iron Bridge



-Skeletal use of iron

Natural Art

-Inspired by the common people

-Rejection of frivolous Rococo


-Saying Grace


-Wanted to change the course of art to the common person

-Natural Art



-Marie Antoinette's personal artist

-Natural Art

-Self-Portrait with two pupils


-Second most important female painter of her time

-Was a revolutionary

-Natural Art

-Mrs. Richard Brinsley


-Blend of Natural Art and Rococo

-Paul Revere


-Natural Art

-Riva Degli Schiavoni


-Used Camera Obscura

-Profitable for Artist

-Natural Art


-Scenic Venecian view, very profitable for artists at the time

-Effect of the Grand Tour


-Resurgence of classical principles

-Greece and Rome models of political organization

-Rococo motifs fully gone

-Cornelia presenting her children



-Death of Marat


-Depiction of assassination

-PR for revolution




-Austere, no theatrics


-Rotunda and lawn




-George Washington


-Inspired by classical elements


-George Washington


-Despised for its overly classical motifs


-Napoleon at the plague house at Jaffa


-Napoleon's favorite painter

-God-like powers (good PR)


-Coronation of Napoleon


-Became court painter after pro-revolutionary

-Inspired by the Empire of Rome


-La Madeline



-Pauline Borghese as Venus


-Napoleon's sister

-Hidden from public eye, bad taste


-The Grand Odalisque

-Departure from Neoclassicism

-Mannerist feel

-Combination of romantic and classical

-Ancient of Days




-Period between Neoclassicism and Modernism

-Emerged from the desire for freedom

-Inspired by dreams, not real world

-The Third of May


-Inspired by current events


-Saturn devouring one of his children


-"Black Painting" frescos from his farm house


-Raft of the Medusa


-Most associated artist with the Romantic movement

-X-shaped composition


-Liberty Leading the People


-Filled with imagination and color


-Tiger Hunt


-Visit to Africa found its locale more "rome" than Rome.


-The Haywain


-Consequences of the Industrial Revolution


-The Slave Ship


-Release of form for the sake of color


-The Stone Breakers




-Focused on the world around them

-Lower class depiction

-No religious or symbolic themes

-The Gleaners


-Wasn't approved of by the Salons




-Scandalous subject (prostitute)


-Daughters of Edward Darley Boit


-American painter born in Italy, studied in France

-Influenced by Velasquez




-Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood

-Romanticism combined with classical realism

-Houses of Parliament


-Neo-Gothic celebration of England's history

-Royal Pavilion


-Indian-Gothic style


-Greek for "Light Writing"

-Daguerre and Talbot

-Long exposures made portraits difficult

-Eugene Delacroix


-Wanted to sum up a person's character


-Interested in color and light

-Disregarded form

-"impressions" or sketches

-Deals with "the moment"



-An attempt to capture the images and sensibilities of their age

-Impressions: Sunrise



-Rouen Cathedral


-Series of paintings

-Accused of destroying form


-Saint-Lazare Train Station


-Conveyed own feelings to a painting


-Paris: A Rainy Day



-La Place Du Theatre Francais


-Used camera


-Summer's Day


-Female artist

-Plein Air


Plein Air

-Mood of relaxed leisure

-Sketchy brushstrokes

-Le Moulin de la Galette


-"If you could explain a picture, it wouldn't be art"

-Feeling of energy


-A bar at the folies-bergere


-Bar was a favorite place for impressionists

-Bridged realism and impressionism

-Monet in his Studio Boat


-Plein Air

-In the style of Monet


-The Rehearsal


-No classical composition


-The Bath


-Female painter


Post Impressionism

-Revival of line, form, and pattern

-Focused on more realistic subjects

-At the Moulin Rouge



-Post impressionism

-Jane Avril



-Father of the poster

-Post Impressionism

-A Sunday on la Grande Jatte


-Rigid and planned


-The Potato Eaters

-Van Gogh

-Started painting late in his career

-Post Impressionism

-Starry Night

-Van Gogh

-Post Impressionism

-Vision after the sermon


-Believed artist decides color, not nature

-Post Impressionism

-Where do we come from?


-Settled in Tahiti

-Only after death became famous

-Post Impressionism

-Mount Saint-Victorie


-Used geometic objects to create form

-Post Impressionism

-Basket of Apples


-Three dimensionality from different angles

-Post Impressionism


-Instead of imitation, concerned with expressing fantasy

-Sleeping Gypsy


-Self taught


-The Scream


-Emotions the main theme of his art


-The Kiss


-Patterns supersede form


-Gates of Hell


-Rough sculptures (not polished)


Art Nouveau

-Organic forms using industrial materials


-Staircase in the Van Eetvelde


-Art Nouveau

-Tiffany Lamp


-Glass and Metal

-Art Nouveau

-Casa Mila


-No straight lines

-Art Nouveau

-Eiffel Tower


-Art Nouveau

Avant Garde

-Front guard (from military)



-Independent of salons

-Builds on impressionism but uses color for emotion instead of a representation of other objects

-Used pure colors from the tube--no mixing

-Woman with the hat



-Red Room


-Priority was expression for Matisse


-Saint Mary of Egypt Among sinners


-Die Brucke (major group of german expressionists)

-German Expressionism

-Improvisation 28


-Der Blaue Reiter (the blue rider)

-First artist to explore complete abstraction

-German Expressionism

-Nude Self Portrait


-Prolific but short lived artist

-Rejected the traditional nude male portrait

-German Expressionism

-Family of Saltimbanques


-More realistic blue period


-Demoiselles d'Avignon


-Influence of primitive art


-The Portugese


-Worked with but also against Picasso

-Dissected musician (analytic cubism)




-Visual form to the aerial bombing


-Unique forms of continuity in space


-Loved change and regarded it as universally positive

-Technological glorification




-Cynicism after horror of war toward society and art


-The Fountain



Art Deco

-Celebrated technology and mass-production of progress

-Encompassed all art forms

-Chrysler Building

-Celebrated success of American business before crash

-Art Deco





-The Persistence of Memory


-Precise details in nonsensical space




-Automatism--creation of art without conscious control

-Half was calculated, half was not


-Reclining Figure


-Abstract but recognizable


-American Gothic

-Emblem of rural America and those hit by the depression

-Two decades later it is laughed at

-Ancient Mexico


-Art as a political Instrument

-The two Fridas

-Frida Kahlo

-Considered a surrealist, but rejected association

-Tragic life mirrored art


-Number One



-Green Coca Cola Bottles


-Art as a consumer

-Advertising as inspiration

-Pop Art

-Supermarket Shopper


-Do we appreciate art for its realism or for its illusionism?

-Pop Art

-Guggenheim Museum


-Sense of continuity and mobility



-An asymmetrical balance in a figure's posture

Center of Basillica


Center Aisle of Basillica


Circular indentations on Basillica sides


Interior columns of Basillica



Modeling with light and shadow


Subtle smoky haziness