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7 Cards in this Set

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Public interest for warrant 1st

Accused has fledAccused evading capture Danger to publicDanger to victimSeriousness of the offenceAll attempts to locate suspect exhausted

Accused has fledAccused evading capture Danger to publicDanger to victimSeriousness of the offenceAll attempts to locate suspect exhausted

Accused has fledAccused evading capture Danger to publicDanger to victimSeriousness of the offenceAll attempts to locate suspect exhausted

Accused has fledAccused evading capture Danger to publicDanger to victimSeriousness of the offenceAll attempts to locate suspect exhausted

Seriousness of the offence

All attempts to locate suspect exhausted

Warrant of committal

Issued by court upon conviction of an accused for an offence

Arrested NOT to be brought b4 the courts

Bench warrant

Is an arrest warrant issued by a Justice when an accused has failed to attend court

Surety warrant

Issued when a person acting as surety appears b4 a Justice and requests relief from obligations of being a surety

2 types of civil warrants

Small claims court warrant

Civil Court warrant

When seizing property during execution of sw, file the 5.2 within

7 days

Out of province warrant, if they will return the arrested person.

Take person b4 a Justice to obtain a remand warrant (allows to hold for up to 6 days)