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111 Cards in this Set

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What Army Field Manual is called "Training The Force"?
FM 7-0
What are the three types of training plans?
1. Long-range
2. Short-range
3. Near-Term (para 4-10)
What is the definition of METL?
A compilation of collective mission essential tasks an organization must perform successfully to
accomplish its wartime mission(s). (para Glossary, pg 13)
Which FM covers Battle Focused Training?
FM 7-1
What is the number one principle of peacetime training?
Training for warfighting readiness (para 1-6)
What is a battle drill?
A battle drill is a collective action rapidly executed without applying a deliberate decision-
making process.
Training schedules are developed at what level and approved by whom?
Developed at company level and approved by the battalion commander. (Table 4-22)
What unit is the lowest level to have a METL?
The company. (para 3-33)
What are 5 of the ten principles of training?
1. Commanders are responsible for training
2. NCOs train individuals, crews, and small teams.
3. Train as a combined arms and joint team.
4. Train for combat proficiency
5. Train to standard using appropriate doctrine
6. Train to adapt
7. Train to maintain and sustain
8. Train using multi-echelon techniques
9. Train to sustain proficiency
10. Train and develop leaders. (Fig 2-1)
What is the FM concerning the M4 and M16A2 Rifles?
FM 3-22.9
What are the four fundamentals of marksmanship?
1. Steady Position
2. Proper Aim (Sight Picture)
3. Breathing
4. Trigger Squeeze (para 4-32)
What is immediate action?
Immediate action involves quickly applying a possible correction to reduce a stoppage without
performing troubleshooting procedures to determine the actual cause.(SPORTS) (para 3-2)
What are the 8 steps in the functioning of the M4 and M16A2 Rifles?
1. Feeding
2. Chambering
3. Locking
4. Firing
5. Unlocking
6. Extracting
7. Ejecting
8. Cocking (para 4-2)
What FM covers first aid for Soldiers?
FM 4-25.11
What are first aid measures?
Urgent and immediate lifesaving and other measures, which can be performed for casualties by nonmedical personnel when medical personnel are not immediately available. (para 1-2 terminology)
What are some signs of a closed fracture?
- Swelling
- Discoloration
- Deformity
- Unusual body position.
- Check for pulse. (para 4-2a)
What are the three types of bleeding?
1. Arterial- Blood is bright red and will spurt with each heart beat
2. Venous- Blood is dark red and flows in a steady stream
3. Capillary- Blood oozes from the wound
What are the 8 steps in evaluating a casualty?
1. Responsiveness
2. Breathing
3. Pulse
4. Bleeding
5. Shock
6. Fractures
7. Burns
8. Possible concussions (head injuries) (para 1-6)
What are the basics of first aid?
1. Check for breathing
2. Check for bleeding
3. Check for shock (para 1-5)
Name 4 common points for checking pulse
1. Carotid- The side of the neck
2. Femoral- The groin
3. Radial- The wrist
4. Posterial Tibial- Ankle (para 1-3c(2))
What are the five categories used in medical evacuation?
1. Urgent
2. Urgent surgical
3. Priority
4. Routine
5. Convenience (Table 081-831-0101-1, STP 21-24-SMCT)
What Army Regulation covers the Evaluation Reporting System?
AR 623-3
What form is used for the NCOER counseling support form?
DA form 2166-8-1 (DA PAM 623-3, para 3-1)
What are the 5 areas that NCOs are evaluated under Part IV of the NCOER?
Physical Fitness & Military Bearing
Responsibility & Accountability (DA Form 2166-8)
How often should NCO's be counseled?
Within 30 days after the beginning of each new rating period and at least quarterly thereafter. (AR 623-3, para 2-10c(2))
What are the five parts of the NCOER?
Part I - Administrative data
Part II - Authentication
Part III - Duty description
Part IV - Army Values/Attributes/Skills
Part V - Overall Performance and Potential (DA form 2166-8)
What 4 signatures are required in Part II - Authentication of the NCOER?
Rater, Senior Rater, Reviewer, Rated NCO
What Army Regulation covers Enlisted Promotions & Reductions?
AR 600-8-19
What are the three levels of promotion?
Unit level or decentralized (SPC and below)
Semi-centralized (SGT & SSG)
Centralized (SFC and above) (AR 600-8-19,para 1-7)
What are the primary and secondary zone TIS and TIMIG requirements in order to be promoted to SGT?
TIS: 36 mos (PZ) & 18 mos (SZ)
TIMIG: 8 mos (PZ) & 4 mos (SZ)
What form is used as a worksheet for computing promotion points?
DA form 3355
What FM covers Army Leadership?
FM 6-22
Describe the three Army Leadership levels?
Direct (Unit level, Face-to-Face leadership)
Organizational (Brigade size or larger organization)
Strategic (Major Commands through DOD levels)
According to FM 6-22, what attributes must an Army leader possess?
Leader of character
Leader with presence
Leader with intellectual capacity
What are the three things an Army leader must do under the Core Leader Competancies?
Lead, develop, and achieve
What are the three factors that make up a leader's character?
Army values, Empathy, Warrior Ethos
Where in Field Manual 6-22 would you find information covering counseling?
Appendix B
What are the three categories of developmental counseling?
Event counseling
Performance counseling
Professional growth counseling
Name the four stages of the counseling process?
Identify the need for counseling
Prepare for counseling
Conduct counseling
FM 6-22 identifies 5 qualities that Army leaders must demonstrate in order to be effective counselors. Can you give me 3 of the 5?
Respect for subordinates
Cultural awareness
What are the key elements of active listening?
Eye contact
Body posture
Head nods
Facial expressions
Verbal expressions
What Army Regulation covers Chain of Command?
AR 600-20
What are the three formal channels of communication in the Army?
The Chain of command, the NCO Support Channel, and Staff & Technical Channels para
How does the Chain of Command operate?
It facilitates the transmittal of orders from the highest to the lowest levels in a minimum of time with the least chance of misinterpretation
How much does money does TA offer each year per Soldier to use for education?
100% of the total cost of tuition and fees charged by the institution, not to exceed $250 per SH with a yearly cap of $4,500.
What AR covers the Army Sponsorship Program?
AR 600-8-8
What criteria would you use to select a sponsor for an incoming Soldier?
The sponsor will be of the same or higher rank,
Of the same gender, marital status and MOS when feasible,
Someone who is familier with the unit or activity and community
What FM covers Composite Risk Management?
FM 5-19
What are the five steps to the Composite Risk Management process?
Identify hazards
Assess hazards to determine risk
Develop controls and make risk decisions
Implement controls
Supervise and evaluate
Military Justice is administered at two punitive levels, Non-judicial punishment and judicial punishment. List some examples of nonpunitive measures:
Denial of pass privileges
MOS reclassification
Written reprimands
Extra training
What is the maximum punishment a field grade officer may impose on enlisted personnel?
Extra duty 45 days
Restriction 60 days
Correctional custody 30 days (E-3 and below)
Forfeiture of pay - 1/2 of one month's pay for 2 months
Reduction in rank - E-4 and below( one or more grade
E-5 & E-6 (one grade in peacetime

Written or oral reprimand
Who is the only person that operates both in the Chain of Command & the NCO Support Channel?
Team/Section/Squad Leader
Name the three approaches to counseling.
What are the three types of developmental counseling?
Event oriented counseling
Performance counseling
Professional growth counseling
What are the 3 Core Leader Competancies?
FM 22-6 states that An Army leader has certain attributes that distinguishes them. What are these three attributes?
Leader of character
Leader with presence
Leader with Intellectual capacity
What are the three levels of Army leadership and describe their influence?
Direct (Unit level, Face-to-Face leadership)
Organizational (Brigade size or larger organization)
Strategic (Major Commands through DOD levels)
What are the key elements of active listening?
Identify the need for counseling
Prepare for counseling
Conduct counseling
What are the three basic control measures for communicable diseases?
Control the source
Stop the transmission
Protect the susceptible person
How far should field latrines be located from food operations and sources of water?
At least 100 meters from food operations - downwind and down slope if possible and at least 30 meters down slope from any water sources.
What are the steps to prevent shock?
Position the casualty
Elevate the casualty's legs
Loosen any restrictive clothing
Climatize the casualty
Reassure the casualty they will be ok
Notify medical personnel of the casualty
What is FM 4-25.11?
First Aid
What are the 8 steps of properly evaluating a casualty?
Check for responsiveness
2.Check for breathing
3.Check for pulse
4.check for bleeding
5.Check for shock
6.Check for fractures
7.Check for burns
8.Check for possible head injuries
Name the five prescribed methods for controlling bleeding
field dressing
Manual pressure
Pressure dressing
Digital pressure
What are the commands to properly extend a formation in the extended rectangular formation for physical fitness training?
Platoon Attention
Extend to the left, March
Arms downward, Move
Left Face
Extend to the left, March
Arms downward, Move
Right Face
From front to rear, Count off
Even numbers to the left, uncover
What are the 7 principles of exercise?
What is the mission of ASAP?
To strengthen the overall fitness and effectiveness of the Army’s total workforce and to enhance the combat readiness of its Soldiers.
What AR covers the Army Substance Abuse Program?
AR 600-85
Name the 5 ways Soldiers can be identified as having a substance abuse problem
What must a Sergeant have in order to accomplish Sergeant’s Business?
The skill, ability, and leadership to train Soldiers for combat and lead them into combat.
What are the three recognized channels of communication in the Army?
The Chain of command,
the NCO Support Channel;
the Staff or technical channels
What are the 4 parts of an AAR?
What was supposed to happen,
what did happen;
what when right or wrong;
what needs to happen to sustain training
What are the three method used to present training?
What is AR 350-30?
Code Of Conduct
Under the Code of Conduct, what information are you required to provide your captors?
date of birth, and
service number
When was the Code of Conduct established?
17 AUG 1955 under the Eisenhower Administration
What FM covers Drill & Ceremony?
FM 3-21.5
What are the 4 rest positions that can be given at the Halt?
Parade Rest;
Stand at Ease;
At Ease;
What are the two parts of most drill commands?
Preparatory Command
Command of Execution
What are the 5 types of commands in drill?
Two part;
What are the 4 main malfunctions of the M4/M16A2?
Failure to feed, chamber, or lock
Failure to fire cartridge
Failure to extract
Failure to eject
What TM would you check for servicing a vehicle?
The -10 manual for that vehicle
Describe the three classes of leaks found on military vehicles
Class I – seepage of fluid or wetness
Class II – leakage great enough to forms drops but not enough to drip
Class III – leakage great enough to form drips
What are the two types of guard duty?
Interior guard and exterior guard.
What are your three general orders?
1. I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only
when properly relieved.
2. I will obey my special orders and perform all my duties in a military manner.
3. I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions to the Commander of the Relief.
What is a countersign?
The combination of a secret challenge and its reply, or password.
When facing punishment under Article 15, UCMJ what basic rights does a Soldier have when being informed that he/she facing punishment?
Right to remain silent, Right to counsel, Right to demand trial.
What AR covers military Justice?
AR 27-10
Can a unit post a Soldiers Article 15 punishment on the unit bulletin board for display? If so what would be the purpose for doing so?
Yes. After deleting the social security account number of the Soldier and other relevant privacy information. The purpose for doing so would be to preclude perceptions of unfairness of punishment and to deter similar misconduct by other Soldiers
What is AR 840-10?
Flags and Guidons
What flag are authorized to be flown beneath the flag of the United States without referral of The Institute of Heraldry
The Minuteman Flag, the Prisoner of War/Missing in Action (POW/MIA) flag, the Retiree flag, or the Commander-in-Chiefs Installation Excellence Award flag
What is a guidon?
Guidons are unit identification markers approved by HQDA and authorized for TOE companies, batteries, troops, detachments, and separate platoons.
AR 670-1 applies to active and retired Army, Army National Guard and Army Reserve personnel. What personnel does AR 670-1 not apply to?
Generals of the Army, the Chief of Staff of the Army, or former Chiefs of Staff of the Army.
When is the wear of awards prohibited?
a.On any uniform other than those authorized by AR 670-1
b.When serving a sentence of confinement
c.When wearing civilian clothing, except for civilian awards, lapel buttons, or rosettes intended for wear with civilian clothing.
Which DA PAM covers the Geneva Convention?
DA PAM 27-1
How many articles govern the Geneva Convention in relation to the treatment of POWs?
143 articles
What does JSLIST stand for?
Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology
When fitting the protective mask, in what sequence should the straps be tightened?
1. Forehead straps
2. Cheek straps
3. Temple straps
What does MOPP stand for?
Mission Oriented Protective Posture
What will a rating chain for an NCO consist of?
Rated NCO
Senior Rater
What AR covers Army Physical Fitness Program?
AR 350-1Chapter 1 Section 24
What are the five components of physical fitness?
1. Cardio Respiratory Endurance
2. Muscular Strength
3. Muscular Endurance
4. Flexibility
5. Body Composition
What does FITT stands for?
Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type
4. What are the three periods of a normal daily exercise routine?
1. Warm-up
2. Conditioning
3. Cool-down
Describe the M9 Pistol
9-mm, semiautomatic,
magazine-fed, recoil-operated, double-action weapons. Both are chambered for the
9-mm cartridge.
Maximum Range for an m9 pistol
1800 Meters
What is the basic load for an m9?
Describe the M9 Pistol
9-mm, semiautomatic,
magazine-fed, recoil-operated, double-action weapons. Both are chambered for the
9-mm cartridge.
Maximum Range for an m9 pistol
1800 Meters
What FM covers field sanitation?
What is the basic load for an m9?