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240 Cards in this Set

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which monosaccharides make MALTOSE

glucose + glucose

which monosaccharides make LACTOSE

glucose + galactose

which monosaccharides make SUCROSE

glucose + fructose

what kind of sugar is glucose

hexose sugar

monosaccharides join to make disaccharides and polysaccharides with what bonds

glycocidic bonds

name test for sugars

benedicts test

method of testing for sugars

1) add benedicts reagent

2) heat to boil

3) +ve is red

if negative

4) add HCL to break poly to mono

5) boil

6) add NaOH to neutralise

7) do benedicts test again

name 3 polysaccharides




what is starch

plans excess glucose storage

what reaction breaks polysaccharides


what reaction makes polysaccharides


what is the test for starch called

iodine test

how do you test for starch

add idodine dissolved in potassium iodide

+ve change from orange/brown to blue/black

what is glycogen

excess glucose storage in animals

has many side braches to can be released quickly

not common- main energy storage is fats

what is cellulose

long unbranched chain of beta glucose

straight chains

linked by hydrogen bonds to form microfibrils

stuctural support

monosaccharide + monosaccharide =


disaccharide + monosaccharide =


what is a triglyceride

one glycerol with 3 fatty acids attached

structure of fatty acid tails vary

how are triglycerides formed and what bond

condensation reaction

esther bond

what makes triglycerides saturated/undaturated

fatty acid tail

saturated- no double bond

unsaturated- one or more double bonds

what is a fatty acid tail

hydrocarbon chain


what makes lipids insoluble

hydrophobic hydrocarbon/fatty acid tail

what is a phospholipid

glycerol with two fatty acids and a phosphate group attached

where are phospholipids found and why

cell membranes

phosphate head is hydrophilic and fatty acid tail is hydrophobic so form a phospholipid bilayer

name the test for lipids

emulsion test

how do you test for lipids

1) add ethanol

2) pour into water

3) +ve is a milky emulsion

4) more lipid- more emulsion

use of lipids other than membrabe and why

source of energy

fatty acid tails contain many bonds so lots of energy is released when they are broken

so contain more energy than carbohydrates per gram

lipids are insoluble why is this useful

dont affect water potential and cause cells to burst via osmosis

what are lipids soluble in

inorganic solvents

how many types of fatty acid are there


amino acid + amino acid =


dipeptide + amini acid =


structure of amino acid

amine group (NH2), carboxyl group (COOH), lone hydrogen and an R group/ residual side group

describe primary protien structure

sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain

describe secondary structure of a protien

hydrogen bonds, polypeptide chain coils into an alpha helix/beta pleated sheet

describe tertiary structure of proteins

hydrogen bonds

ionic bonds

disulphide bridges

form a more coiled 3D structure/globular protein

describe a quartinery structure of a protein

multiple chains held together by all bonds in tertiary

4 protein uses



transport protiens

structural/channel proteins

name test for proteins

biuret test

how do you test for proteins

1) add NaOH

2) add CuSO4 solution

3) +ve goes purple,-ve stays blue

what are enzymes

proteins which are biological catalyst that lower the activation energy of a reaction

theyvcan be intra/exra cellular

have specific active site due to tertiary structure which substrate binds to to form an enzyme substrate complex

what do enzymes do to substrates and how

1) join two by holding them close and reducing repulsion so they can bond easily

2) break into two substrates as active site causes strain on bond so breaks easily

describe induced fit model

substrate has to be right shape and make active site right shape when enzyme substrate complex forms

describe the lock and key model

substrate and actuve site right fit

list properties of enzymes

specific and catalyse one reaction

different tertiary structure means different active site

tertiary structure is altered be changes in temp, pH, etc

how do mutations affect enzyme production

primary structure determined by gene

if mutation in gene

could change tertiary structure of enzyme produced

describe effect of temp on enzyme activity

rise makes more vibrations

so more collisions

more enzyme substrate complexes

so faster rate of reaction

if abouve certain temp enzymes denature because tertiary structure changes shape

so active site changes shape

so substrate wont fit

describe the effect of pH on enzyme activity

most work best at 7

pepsin works best at 2 because it is found in the stomach

abouve and below optimum pH OH- and H+ ions mess up ionic and hydrogen bonds changing tertiary structure

changing active site


dedcribe effect of enzyme concentration

more enzyme means faster ror until more enzyme than substrate so levels off

describe substrate concentration effects

more substrate means more collisions

until saturation where all enzyme active sites are full then levels off

what is competitive inhibition

inhibitor same shape as substrate so fits in active site but no reaction so no substrate can fit in

more inhibitor means less enzyme substrate complex

more substrate means more enzyme substrate complexes

what is non competitive inhibition

inhibitor binds to side of enzyme

causes active site to change shape

substrate cant bind

increasing substrate has no effect

how do you calculate rate of reaction

tangent then gradient

what is a nucleotide

nitrogen containing organic base

with pentose sugar

and phosphate group

list 5 bases






A pairs with? and how many hydrogen bonds

Thymine in DNA

uracil in RNA

2 bonds

guanine pairs with? and how many hydrogen bonds


3 bonds

nucleotides join to form ? which joins pentose sugar and phosphate with what bonds to form what


phosphodiesther bonds

sugar phosphate back bone

describe DNA structure

double helix with gydrogen bonds between bases

complimentary base pairing

two strands run anti parallel

3 prime and 5 prime

describe structure and types of RNA

single chain

mRNA made in transcription, carries code to ribosomes

tRNA used in translation, carries amino acids to ribosomes

who discovered DNA and when

watson and crick


describe DNA function and why

pass on genetic information

stable and rarely mutates

2 strands can seperate for DNA replication

large molecule so more information

how does DNA replicate

semi conservative replication

when does DNA replicate

before cell division

which enzyme seperates the strand of DNA and what bonds does it break

DNA helicase

hydrogen bonds

describe DNA replication

strands unwind

act as a template

free floating DNA nucleotides are attracted to the two strands and complimentary base pairing takes place

condensation reactions with DNA polymerase join the nucleotides

2 new strands contain one original and one new

what is conservative replication

two old strands would stay together

who proved the semiconservative replication

meselson and stahl

hiw did they prove smeicinsevative replication

N15 and N14

initial DNA containing N14 settles at top of tube

N15 replicates in N14 broth

then centrifuge

semi meant 1 line in middle

conservative would be 2

water use



temp control

cohesive so transport

describe structure of water



H+ O-

high latent heat of vapourisation

lots of energy to break bonds

so lots of energy is used to evaporate it

useful as cools when sweating

water buffer

hydrogen bonds absorb energy

so hight specifuc heat capacity

so water doesnt have rapid tem changes so maintains constant body temp

water as a solvent

things can dissolve in it

like inoganic ions

water is cohesive

helps flow

good gor transporting

high surface tension

what is ATP

a phosphorilated molecule

adenine base with ribose sugar and 3 phosphate groups

what is ADP



2 phospate

hydrolysis from ATP




1 phospate




when does ADP to ATP occur

1) chlorophyll- photophsophrilation

2) respiration in plant and animal cells- oxidative phosphoylation

3) in plant and animal cells when phosphate groups are transferred from donor molecules- substrate level phoshorylation

how does ATP work

energy released when phosphate broken off in hydrolysis


catalysed by ATP hydrolase

ATP formation

catalysed by ATP synthase

phosphate ion and ADP


use of FE2+ ions


4 polypeptide chains with one fe each

o2 makes fe3+ for a bit

use of H+ ions

more h+ lower ph

Na+ ion use

cotransport of glucose and amino acids

use of PO4 3- ions




eukaryotic cells

animal and plant


cell surface membrane



circular DNA


slime capsule

plant cell

celulose cell wall



algal and fungal cells

like plant cells

fungal have chitin cell wall and no chloroplasts

cell surface membrane

made of lipids and protein

regulates movement of substances

receptor molecules


nuclear envelope


protein bound DNA


conrol cell activity

instructions for proteins

makes ribosomes


double membrane

inner folded into cristae

filled with matrix

contains enzymes for respiration

site of areobic respiration

active so more energy


double membrane

thykaloids- stacked up form grana linked by lamellae

photosynthesis takes place


fluid filled sacs

vesicles at edge of sacs

processes and packages lipids and proteins

makes lysosomes


stores lipids and protiens

takes out of cell


no structure

contains lysozymes

digestive enzymes


protein synthesis


rough- ribosomes

folds and processes proteins

smooth- lipids

cell wall

made of cellulose



cell sap

membrane called tonoplast

maintain pressure

prokaryotic structure

no membrane bound organelles

plasma membrane

cell wall


palsmids loop of DNA

circular DNA


a cellular

nucleic acid surrounded by proteins

invade and reproduce

protein capsid

attatchment proteins

binary fission

DNA replicates

move to poles

divides to 2 identical daughter cells

virus replication

host cell by attatchment proteins

virus to only one type of cell

light microscopes

light to form image

0.2 micrometres

electron microscopes

higher resolution

0.0002 micrometres

transmission microscope

electro magnets

see internal structure

only thin specimens

scanning microsocpe

electron beam

3D surface only

thick specimines

lower res

cell fractionation







cell normal functions

DNA doubles


chromosomes condense


centrioles move to opposite ends of cell form spindle fibres

nuclear envelope breaks down


chromosomes line up along equator

become attatched to fibres


centromeres divide

seperating chromatid pairs

spindles vontract bringing chromatid to poles


uncoil to thin and invisible

nuclear envelope forms 2 nuclei

cytopladm splits

2 identical daughter cells


uncontrolled cell division

mitotic index



dust etc

fluid mosaic structure

bilayer is fluid

has cholesterol

proteins- channel and carrier allow large molecules

receptor proteins react to hormones

lipids have polysaccharide chain called glycolipids

cholesterol use

makes membrane more ridgid

maintain shape


net movement from high to low conc


facilitated diffusion

carrier protiens

large molecules



diffusion of water from high to low water potential


sam ewater potential

when % change in mass is 0

water potential of sucrose is same at potato

active transport

active uses ATP

agains conc gradient

co transport

2 molecules at same time

conc gradient of one is used to move the other against its own

glucose enters ileum with



foreighn or non self antigen trigger immune response

1) phagocytes engulf

2)recognises non self

3)pathogen engulfed and contained 4)in phagocitic vacuole

5)lysozymes break down

6)phagocye presents pathogen antibodies for lymphocytes to detect

t cells

activated by phagocytes

receptor proteins bind to complementary antigens

t helper- release chmeical signals to activate phagocytes and t killers an b cells

t killers- kill abnormal cells eg infected body cells

b cells

covered in antibodies bind to antigens

clonal selection

divides into plasma cells

plasma cells

make antibodies

monoclonal antibodies


2 binding sites



2 light chains

2 heavy

joined by disulphid bridges


antibodies clump to several antigens at a time and surround pathogen marker for phagocyte

immune response


t cells etc


b cells clonial selection

antibody production

primary response

antigen activates immune system

slow not many b cells

after exposure t and b memory cells produced

remain in the body


secondary immune response

same pathogen

quick response dues to memory cells


dead or inactive antigens

with out cauding disease

herd immunity

mass immunity

less people to catch from

antigenuc variation

pathogens can change shape of antigens by random mutation so not triggering memory cells

passive immunity

natural baby milk from mother

arteficial antibody injection

active immunity

natural immune after catching

arteficial immune after vaccine

cabcer treatment with monoclonal antibodies

attatch drug to antibody

antibody attatch to mutated cell

pregnancy testing

detect hcg found in pregnant women

antibodies attatched to blue bead

urine carries beads due to antigen antibody complex

strip turns blue


see if patient has certain antibodies

1) hiv antigen to bottom of well plate

2) sample added and wash

3) hiv antibodies will bind

4) seconary antibody added

5) wash

6) add substrate with colour

7) if present will be colour change


core contains genetic material

protein capsid

envelope made of stolen membrane

attatchment proteins attatch to t helper

hiv replication

attatch to receptor

capsid release RNA

make dna fron the rna

dna inserted into human dna

viral proteins assembeled and sent out

counter current flow

water enters

gill fillaments with lamellae with capilaries large sa

blood flow in one direction water in opposite

maintains diffusion gradient


air moves into trachea through surface pores called spiracles

O2 travels along conc gradient to cells

CO2 moves back to spiracles

dictotyledonus plants

main gas exchange is mesophyll cells on leaf surface

gas moves in and out via stomata pores

guard cells controll opening of stomata

control water loss

insects- waxy coating close spiracles tiny hairs around them

plants- stoma open in day

water enters guard cell making them turgid opening the stomata for water loss

gas exchange in humans






inter corstal muscles contract

increase volume air pulled in


muscles relax

air forced out

lung disease

tb-damages gas exchange surface

fibrosis- scar tissue

asthma- inflammation

emphysema- inflammation attracts phagocytes break down elastin

carbohydrates broken down by what


produced in slaivary glands

lipid broken down by what


produced in pancreas

eork in small intestine

lipd and bile salts produced in liver emulsify

lipid broken down and fatty acids stick with bile salts to form micelles

protein break down


within protein



at ends

remove single amino acids

cell surface membrane

micelles function

move monoglycerides to epithilium


quartinery structure protien

4 chains with heam group wit hfe ion attatched

partial pressure of oxygen

measure of oxygen concentration

raise in CO2

low affinity for oxygen

vein to kidneys

renal vein


from heart

thick muscle

elastic tissue to recoil maintain high pressure

folded inner lining to stretch


to heart

low pressure

little elastic muscle

valves prevent back flow

thick muscle


one cell thik

good diffusion

tissue fluid

hydrostatic pressure high than in fluid near arteries

forces fluid out

reduce pressure so lower at end of capillary bed

so lower water potential

so fluid reenters

some fluid drained to lymphatic system


pulmonry artery aorta

vena cava pulonary vein

right atrium left atrium

semi lunar valves

atrioventricular valves

right ventricle left ventricle

heart properties

left more muscle powerful pump blood out

ventricles thicker have to push blood out

av valves stop back flow to atria

sl valves stop back flow to heart

chords stop valves being forced open


damage to artery

white blood cells clump and lipids

fiborous plaque forms


increase blood pressure due to atheroma

form sac

burst sac


plaque rupture

damage artey

blood clots

high chloesterol

reafily for atheromas

high salt high blood pressure


high bp


water and mineral ions


no end walls

formed from dead cells

chesion and tension

water moves up plants

1)evaporate at top

2) tension/suction so water forced up tube

3) cohesive so pull each other up

4) water enters roots


water evaporates and acumilates at leaf

stomata open

water moves down leaf conc gradient and out


organic substances

sieve tubes living cells that form tube have few organelles so there are

companion cell for each sieve tube element provide energy for active transport


movement of solutes


move from sources to sinks made to used

enzymes maintain conc gradient at sink by breaking down/converting the solute that arrives

mass flow hypothesis

active transport

lowers water potential in sieve tubes so osmosis from xylem

high pressure at source

at sink solutes are removed increasing water potential

osmosis to xylem

lowers pressure

pressure gradient moves solutes to sink

linear DNA

long so has to be wound up

wound around proteins-histones

help support DNA

coiled tightly to make a compact chromosome

super coiling

DNA compaction in circular DNA


complete set of genes in the cell


full range of proteins cell can produce


doesnt code for amino acids


codes for amino acids


different form of a gene


has codeons

codes for maino acids at ribosome


hydrogen bonds between pairs hold its shape

carries an amino acid and an anti codon


mRNA copy made

RNA polymerase unzips DNA

used as template

t replaced by u

when RNA polymerase reaches stop triplet it detatches and mRNA stops being made

transcription pt 2

introns and exons are copied into mRNA so splicing occurs

leaving exons

mRNA leaves the nucleus


mRNA attatches to ribosome

tRNA carry amino acids to it

ATP provides energy for bond to form

tRNA anticodon complimentary to mRNA codeon attatches to mRNA

second pair do the same

amino acids are then joined by peptide bond

tRNA molecules move away

makes chain until stop codeon

genetic code

non overlapping base used once

degenerate more combinations tgan amino acids so some code for same

universal same triplets code for the amino acid in all living things


sex cell passes DNA down



gametes made

dna replicates

double armed chromosomes made from 2 sister chromatids joined by centromere

homologous pairs line up crossing over takes place

sperated halving chromosome number

chromatids are seperated centromere divided

4 haploid genetically different cells are made

independant segrigation

random seperation of the mother father homologous pairs

so random which chromatids end ul with which

chromosome mutation cause

error in cell division


one base for another

not always a problem

due to degenerate code


one base deleted

every triplet after has changed so completely different amino acids

mutagenic agents




genetic diversity inceased by

lots of alleles


genetic bottle neck

most of population dies

smaller gene pool

behavioural adaptation


psychological adaptaion

processes in body that increase chance of survival

anatomical adaptation

structural features of body

directional selection

characteristics of and extreme are more likely to survive

stabilising selection

middle of range more likely to survive

aseptic techniques


near bunsen

sterilise loop

flame bottle neck


evolutionary history of organisms



classification list









digest king prawn curry or fat greasy sausages

binomial naming system

genus, species

gonome sequencing

dna sequence can be determined

and compared

amino acid sequence comparison

similar dna means similar amino acid sequence

immunological comparisons

similar proteins will bind to similar antibodies


variety of different organisms in an area


where organism lives


all populations of different species in a habitat

species richness

number of species in an community

monoclonal antibodies

produces from single group of same b cells


can bind to anything

eg to cancer cells

which have tumor markers

so make monoclonal antibodies attatch to those

few side affects

ethical issues of vaccination

animal testing

human testing can result in altercations

risk of side effects

hiv causes aids how

deteriorates the immune system by targeting t helper cells

antibiotics dont work on viruses?

interfere with metaboluc reactions of bacteria by targeting the ribosomes and enzymes

this is because those bacteria and enzymes are different to that of a humans

viruses use host cells ribosomes and enzymes making them uninhibitable by antibiotics

smaller animals have a ...... sa:v


rate of heat loss is affected by


tidal volume

volume of air in each breath

0.4-0.5 dm3

ventilation rate

number of breaths per min


forced expiratory volume

max air breathed out in 1 sec

forced vital capacity

max air to be forcefully breathed out of the lungs after a really deep breath in


used to wok out tidal wave etc


glycerol with one fatty acid

vena cava

deoxygenated to the heart from body

pulmonry artery

deoxygenated to lungs from heart

pulmonry vein

oxygenated from lungs to heart


oxygenated to body from heart

cardiac cycle


atrial systole

ventricular systole


blood into atria

high pressure

atrioventricular valves open

all walls relaxed

semi lunar valves close due to pressure change

atrial systole

artia contract

ventricles relax

small volume incresed pressure in atrias

blood pushed into ventricles

ventricular systole

atria relax

ventricles contract

atrioventricular valves close

semi lunar valves open

blood to arteries