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46 Cards in this Set

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Describe covalent bonding

Atoms share a pair of electrons in their outer shell

describe ionic bonding

ions with opposite charges attract one another this is electrostatic attraction

describe hydrogen bonding

electrons within a molecule are not evenly distributed but tend to spend more time at one position

what is the evidence of evoultion

different organism share biochemistry and they contain the same groups of carbon based of compounds

describe condensation

a reaction forms a chemical bond between monomers releasing a molecule of water

describe hydrolysis

a reaction breaks the chemical bond between monomers using a water molecule

describe metabolism

all the chemical processes that take place in living organism are collectively

what are monosaccharides

sweet tasting soluble substances that have the general formula (CH2O)n and they are monomers for carbonhydrate

all carbohydrate have..




what are isomers

molecules with the same molecular formula but atoms connected in different ways

what does an alpha glucose look like

what does a beta glucose look like

describe the test for reducing sugar

1. Add 2cm3 of the sample in test tube but grind it first

2. add an equal amount of Benedict's reagent

3.heat the mixture gently and if solution turns red then reducing sugar is present

how is a disaccharide formed

2 monosaccharides join together







test for non-reducing sugar

1. add 2cm3 of the sample in the test tube

2. add an equal amount of Benedict's reagent

3.warm the test tube gently

4.if there's no change add HCl acid to hydrolyses any disaccharide

5. Add sodium hydrogen carbonate to neutralise the acid

6.heat again and if it change colour then sugar is present

what are polysaccarides

polymers formed by combining together many monosaccharide molecules

test for starch

1.place sample in test tube

2.add iodine

3 if it turned black/purple then starch is present

where is starch found

in plants

describe the structure of amylose

long, unbranched chain of alpha glucose, angles of gylcosidic bonds give it a coiled structure which makes it compact so it can store more things in small space

describe the structure of amylopectin

long branched- side branches allow the enzymes that break down the molecule to get gylcosidic bonds easily so it gets there quickly

where is glycogen found

animal cells

describe the structure of glycogen

lots of branches so it means that glucose can be stored and can be released quickly

compact molecules

describe the structure of cellulose

long unbranched chains of beta glucose

when beta glucose molecule bond they form straight cellulose chains

cellulose chains are linked together by hydrogen bonds to form microfibrils

all lipids have...

proportion of oxygen to carbon and hydrogen is smaller than in carbohydrates

contain carbon hydrogen and oxygen

insoluble in water

they are soluble in organic solvents

role of lipids

source of energy




what does a triglycerides look like

what does fatty acids look like

what is the difference between saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids

saturated don't have any double bonds and unsaturated does

how is the structure of triglyceride related to their properties

have low mass:energy ratio-good storage molecules are large and non polar-insoluble

high ratio hydrogen:oxygen atoms so releases water when oxidized

high ratio of energy-strong carbon-hydrogen bonds:carbon atoms so excellent source of energy

what does phospholipid look like

where are phospholipid found

in cell surface membrane

how is the structure of phopholipid related to their properties

polar molecules -in an aqueous environment , phoslipid molecule form a bi layer with cell-surface membrane

hydrophobic barriers is formed between the inside and outside of a cell

hydrophilics heads help to to hold at surface of cell-surface membrane

structure allows them to form gylcolipids by combing with carbohydrates within cell-surface membrane

test for lipids

add ethanol and then add water if it turned cloudy then lipids is present

in the lipid test why is the solution cloudy

light passing through the emulsion is refracted as it passes from oil droplets to water droplets making appear cloudy

what is the monomer of protien

amino acid

how many amino acids are there

20 amino acids

what does protein look like

fill it later

describe primary sturcutre

sequence of amino acid in specific order in polypeptide chain

describe secondary structure

hydrogen bonds form between amino acids in the chain

alpha helix

beta pleated sheets

describe tertiary strucutre

coiled or folded chain of amino acid is often coiled and folded even further

hydrogen and ionic bonds and disulfide bridges are present and 3D shape

what is disulfide bridges

they form when 2 molecules of amino acid cysteine bond to sulfur atom in the other atom

describe Quaternary structure

more than 1 polypeptide chain and 3d shape

test for protiens

1.add sodium hydroxide solution

2.add copper (2) sulfate solution

3.f it turns purple protein is present