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15 Cards in this Set

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How long did the "seperate sphere" concept last?
100 years
Who did the "seperate sphere" concept apply to?
Upper and middle class white families
Who came up with the idea of art class, music class, PE class and viewed children as morally superior to adults?
Bronson Alcott
To combat this uncertainty reformers did what?
Sought stability and order in religion
What two religions soared during the second great awakening?
Baptist and Methodist
Where was the burned over district?
Western NY
Religious communities in the burned over district attempt to create?
Who was the leader of The Millerites and what was their main belief?
William Miller. Celebrates the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ
Who were the Fox Sisters?
Tricked everyone into thinking they could talk to the dead. Believed in Spiritualism
Voluntary associations joined the family and churches as what?
The third pillar or the middle class
Associations were assuming functions performed in a what?
Who was Ann Lee
Founder of the shakers. Believed she was the second coming of jesus
What were the shakers main worship practice?
What is practicing celibacy?
Living in gender segregated housing
Who believed in personal communication with God?