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50 Cards in this Set

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Great Compromise
provided for a presidency, a senate w/ all states represented equally and a house of rep. based on pop.
Virginia Plan
by Edmund Randolph-called for 2 houses of congress, each based on pop.
New Jersey Plan
by William Paterson-called for equal representation for states
3/5's compromise
Slaves were considered 3/5 of a person when determining the state population.
Articles of Confederation
delegated most powers ( power to tax,regulate trade, & draft troops) to individ. states, but left fed. gov. power over war, foreign policy, & issuing money.gave fed. gov. too lil power
established the present fed gov of the US& outlined its powers. can be changed through amendments
Annapolis Convention
1786 Lil was accomplished, except for delegates recommended to hold another one to discuss changes to form of fed gov
Philadelphia Convention
September 17, 1787, produced present Constitution of the US, which was drafted by James Madison.
Northwest Ordinance
1787provided that NW Territory be divided into 3 to 5 states, outlawed slavery there, & set 60,000 as min. pop for statehood
Shay’s Rebellion
Poor, indebted landowners in Massa. blocked access to courts and prevented gov from arresting or repossessing property of those in debt
Land Ordinance
1785-for the orderly surveying and distribution of land belonging to the U.S.
Jay's Treaty
between U.S. & Spain would have given U.S. special privileges at Spanish ports in exchange for giving Spain rights to Mississippi River
James Madison
Father of the Constitution
-proposals for an effective government became the Virginia Plan, which was basis for the Constitution
The Federalist Papers
by John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison, explained importance of a strong central gov
Bill of Rights
1st ten amendments to the Constitution, guaranteed basic individual rights.
George Washington
established many prez traditions, the prez term. against political parties and strove for political balance
1st prez cabinet
secofstate=thomasjefferson, secoftreasurey=alexander hamilton, secofwar=johnknox, attorneygen=emund randolph
Alexander Hamilton’s economic plan
Designed to pay off war debts & stabilize economy, believed US should= commercial power.createdbank
Federalists / Democratic-Republicans
Feds =strong central gov, industry, & loose interpre of Constit. DemoRepubssss= weak central gov, state & individual rights, & strict interpret.
Alien and Sedition Acts
raised new hurdles in path of immigrants trying to obtain citizenship
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
by Jefferson & Madison-states could nullify fed laws that they considered unconstitutional.
French Alliance of 1778
France aided the U.S. in the Amer Revo, & the U.S. agreed to aid France if the need ever arose
Loose, strict interpretation of the Constitution
Loose interpre= gov could do anything the Constit doesnt specifically forbid. Strict interpre= if constit doesnt say it gov cant do it
Election of 1796
President Adams (Federalist), Vice-president Jefferson (Demo. Repub)
Citizen Genêt
French diplomat asking Amer gov to aid in French rev war & started recuriting men and arming ships in US ports-washington asked to step down
XYZ Affair
Adams sent delegates to meet French Talleyrand & discuss tensions - 3 french agents tried to bribe but failed
Neutrality Proclamation
Washington’s declaration-US wouldnt take sides after French revo touched off war in Euro
Pickney’s Treaty
between US&Spain- gave US right to transport goods on Mississippi river and store goods in the Spanish port of New Orleans.
Revolution of 1800
Jefferson’s election changed direction of gov from Fed to Demo- Repub, so it was called a "revolution."
War of 1812
between US&GB caused by Amer outrage over impressment of Amer sailors by GB, GB seizure of Amer ships,&GB aid to the Indians attacking Amer on the western frontier
President Thomas Jefferson
believed in less aristocratic presidency. wanted to reduce fed spending & gov interference in life.Demo-repub-strict view
midnight appointments
Prez Adams appointed a large # of Fed judges to federal courts in effort to maintain Fed control of gov. (lameduck period)
Justice Samuel Chase
Fed judge appointed by Washington-Jefferson disagreed with his rulings & impeached for criticizing Jefferson administration
Louisiana Purchase
1803 US purchased land from Mississippi River to Rocky Mountains from Napoleon for $15 million.
Hamilton-Burr duel
Burr lost to Jefferson as a Republican & blamed Hamilton of making remarks that cost him the election. Burr challenged Hamilton to a duel-kiled Hamilton
Lewis and Clark
commissioned by Jefferson to map and explore the Louisiana Purchase region
War Hawks
western settlers who encouraged war with Britain - in cong=
Battle of New Orleans
War of 1812- US victory under general andrew jackson
Treaty of Ghent
Ended War of 1812 -territory captured in war was returned to original owner&set up commission to determine canada/us border
Hartford Convention
convention of new eng merchants who hated war of 1812-talked of seceeding
Second bank of the U.S
was established in 1816 and was given more authority than the First Bank of the U.S. Bank
Tariff of 1816
helped American industry by raising prices of Brit manufactured goods, which were cheaper&higher quality than those produced in US
Monroe Doctrine
Europe shouldnt interfere in West.hempisphere affairs & any attempt at interference by a Euro power is seen as threat to the US
Missouri Compromise
Admitted Missouri as slave state & Maine as free state. Declared territory north of 36°30" latitude would = free states
Marybury v. Madison
1803 (Marshall) midnight appt. Marbury sued sec of state Madison to obtain his commission-ruled for Madison-&crt's right to judicial review
Fletcher v. Peck
1810 (Marshall)ruled that a state cannot arbitrarily interfere with a person’s property rights
Darmouth College v. Woodward
1819 (Marhsall)declared private corporation charters to be contracts & immune fr. impairment by states' legislative action.
McCulloch v. Maryland
1819 (marshall)upheld power of Cong to charter a bank as a gov agency, and denied the state the power to tax that agency.
Gibbons v. Ogden
1824 (Marshall) ruled only the fed gov has authority over interstate commerce
Adams - Onis treaty
1819 - set northern boundary of Spanish possessions near the present northern border of CA