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40 Cards in this Set

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in 1534 he explored the st lawrence river, searching for the northwest passage

jacques cartier

French protestants


granted limited religious freedom in France

Edict of Nantes

the first permanent french settlement


who founded quebec?

samuel de champlain

sailed to the mouth of the MS River and claimed the entire MS River valley for France

he named it Louisiana

robert de la salle

British gainedNova Scotia from France and trading rights in Spanish America

Treaty of Utrecht

a major french fortress that controlled access to the St. Lawrence River


The Albany Plan of Union- important because it set the precedent for colonial cooperation during theRevolutionary War

led aforce of British regulars and colonial troops against Ft. Duquesne.

Edward Braddock

decided to concentrate British military strategy on conquering Canada

William Pitt

majorattack against colonial settlements in the Ohio River Valley – around 2000settlers and soldiers were killed

Pontiac's Rebellion

Itprohibited colonist from settling west of the Appalachian Mts

Proclamation of 1763

wasthe idea that a just society was one in which all citizens willinglysubordinated their private interests to the common good


theminority party in Great Britain’s government


wasthe first of a series of acts by the British government that angered thecolonists.

Proclamationof 1763

placingduties on foreign sugars and certain luxuries – purpose was to raise money forthe crown

Sugar Act

requiredthe colonists to provide for the living quarters for British soldiers stationedin the colonies.

Quartering Act

requiredthat revenue stamps be placed on most printed paper in the colonies.

Stamp Act

the stamp act was the first _____ _____ on the colonists

direct tax

TheSugar Act and Stamp Act both used _______ courts forenforcement, which banned trial by jury and put the burden of proof on thedefendant.


statedthat Parliament had the right to tax and make laws for the colonies “in allcases whatsoever".

Declaratory Act

collectedduties on tea, glass and paper – the revenue raised was to be used to pay thesalaries of royal officials in the colonies.

Townshend Acts

One of the leading Sons of Liberty

Samuel Adams

aBritish customs ship that had caught several smugglers


passedby Parliament in 1773 to grant the British East India Company a monopoly overthe tea trade with the colonies – caused the price of tea to go down.

Tea Act

1.In1774, to punish Boston for the Tea Party, Parliament passed a series of actsknown as the ________ Acts.

Coercive (Intolerable)

InApril, 1775, the British sent troops to the towns of ________ and _______ toseize colonial arsenals.

Lexington and Concord

pledgedtheir loyalty to Great Britain and asked the king to intercede with Parliamentto secure both peace and the protection of colonial rights

Olive Branch Petition

declaredthe colonies to be in rebellion

Prohibitory Act

who wrote Common Sense?

Thomas Paine

thefirst treaty between the U.S. and an Indian nation – the Iroquois ceded most oftheir land to the new nation.

Treaty of Fort Stanwix

By1777, ten of the former colonies had constitutions, mostly written and adoptedby the ______ _________

state legislatures

wrotethe first constitution for the U.S.

John Dickinson

establisheda policy for surveying and selling western lands.

Land Ordinance of 1785

establishedthe Northwest Territory and established a method for creating new states out ofthe territory.

Italso established the Ohio River as a boundary line in regard to slavery – nonew states north of the Ohio could allow slavery.

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

calledfor a legislative branch with representation based on population - which would favor the larger states

Virginia Plan

calledfor a legislative branch with equal representation – would favor the smallerstates.

New Jersey Plan

createdthe reservedpowers ofthe states.


Inan effort to resist the movement of U.S. settlers westward, a number of tribesformed the __________ __________

Northwest Confederacy