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151 Cards in this Set

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*King William’s War
Queen Anne’s War 4
-the wars heightened Anglo-Americans' sense of British identity and made them feel dependent on the mother country for protection
Jonathan Edwards 4
- preached calvinism
-religious ferver
- shows enthusiasm and willingness for religion
dominion of new england 4
- combined 4 colonies to make- made in order to INCREASE ROYAL CENTRALIZATION- took away their power to elect
- governor=sir edmond andros
- aka: created by James II in order to increase his hold on the colonies and eliminate their colonial assemblies
glorious revolution 4
- after many bad leaders james II(?) fleed and william and mary took over (non violent overthrow)
- beginning of a limited monarchy
- gave americans confidence in england
- religious freedom for protestants
leislers rebellion 4
- people in mass were angered by the fact that there would still be royal control in their colony
*mercantilism 4
- export more than import
- made to improve economy in the colonies
navigation acts 4
- practiced MERCANTILISM
- resitricted foreign shipping which effected colonies economy
- required the colonies to ship all their tobacco, rice, and naval stores to England-MADE TO BENEFIT BRITISH ECONOMY
-difficult to enforce
redemptioners 4
- german immigrants shipped as indentured servants to america
stono rebellion 4
- a slave rebellion
- led to the creation of stricter slave codes
board of trade 4
- 1696 established to monitor american developments
- pretty loose- didnt enforce much
enlightenment 4
- values reason over religion
-attempted to come to a greater understanding of the universe- with science and reason
- ex american philosophical society
english bill of rights 4
- powers parliament
deists 4
- believes a supreme being created the universe but universe operated without divine interference
-ex. TJ
great awakening 4
- religious enthusiasm
- lessened the anglican church and royal rule
- ex. whitefield
new lights v. old lights 4
- OL- older denominations
ex. presbyterians
- george whitefield
- NL- new denominations (rationalists)
ex. methodists

the conflict pulled many poeple away from the church (the OL were denying the legal staus of the church)
albany plan of union 5
- a colonial confederation
- created so that all colonial assemblies could be represented
- american unity
- didnt work because no one wanted their power undermined
*seven years war (aka french and indian war)5
- 1758-1763
-French and Indian allies vs. Britain and Indian allies-BRITISH VICTORY
- created bonds between british and anglo americans because fighting for the same cause
pontiacs uprising 5
- anti british movement because being treated as subjects not allies
proclamation line of 1763/quebec act 1774 5
- created to end anglo indian conflicts and restore colonial expansion by having england take control- COLONISTS COULDNT SETTLE PAST (roughly follow appalacian mt. range)
- ANGERED COLONISTS by lessening claims to land and greatly slowing expansion
writs of assistence 5
- 1760
- search warrent allowing customs officials to searcgh any potential smuggling ships
-otis says- UNCONSTITUTIONAL and invaded privacy
sugar act 1764 5
- raise money to help british and make colonies pay british debt
- raised colonies awareness of the new direction of imperial policies and their power
- external tax
stamp act 5
- on papered goods
- CONFLICT-created dispute between parliament and american over colonials political rights
- STAMP ACT CONGRESS- successful intercolonial meeting to discuess britans power
- demonstrates COLONIAL UNITY
- grenville
- patrick henry

-SONS OF LIBERTY- intimidated people with acceptable protests
virtual representation 5
- idea that colonies were virtually represented in british parliament because they are subjects
- used arguement against GRENVILLE with stamp act (grenville says NOT virtually represented)
- patrick henry urged to fight stamp act
- loyal nine and sons of liberty joined together to fight the stamp act
declaratory act 5
-stamp act was revoked
- but affirmed parliamentary power to legistlate colonies in all cases
townshend duties/act 5
- CONFLICT- Imposed external taxes on colonies in order to increase parliaments power
- revenue would pay royal governors saleries- threatened colonial assemblies
*nonconsumption/nonimportation 5
- first continental congress
- a way to act against the british by not using products
- spinning bees-daughters of liberty
-nonimportation/boycotts hurt british buisness and got parliament to repeal the stamp act and towshend duties
quartering act 1765 5
- colonies had to pay for goods needed by soliders
- indirect tax
boston massacre 5
- 1770
-created COMMITTEES OF CORRESPONDENCE to exchange information of british policies and opposition to british
- shows british control
- american propaganda for british dissent
- John Adams served as a lawyer for soldiers tried for shooting civilians
tea act 1773/ boston tea party 5
- even though TA was repealed taxes remained on tea
-threatend colonial representative government because revenue paid for royal governors
- boston tea party- action taken by americans in response to tax on tea-by SONS OF LIBERTY
intolerable/coercive acts 5
- angered colonies
- colonial response: first continental congress- decided to boycott all british goods
- final push to get most colonies to rebel for independence
first continential congress 5
- suffloke rsolves- decided colonists wouldnt listn to coercive acts- boycott all british goods
*salutary neglect 5
*Lord Dunmore’s War 5
second continental congress 5
- greatly influenced by "common sense"

-created olive branch petition
- steps toward war
- continental army was formed
- colonists were declared as rebellous
thomas paine "common sense" 5
- convinced many more colonists to no longer be loyal to britan
- created a big step toward american independence
declaration of independence 5
- america declaring independence from britan
- britan is no longer meeting american needs
- primarily written by Thomas Jefferson
loyalists v. rebels 6
- loyal to britan-NY, NJ
- rebelling from britan
- shows american divisions
battles/ places 6/ generals
- saratoga- rebel victory
- valley forge- hard winter for rebels
- yorktown- cornwallis (brit) surrendered
- nathaniel greene- young american- good leader
natural aristocracy 6
- fittness for government through personal accomplishments not wealth (virtue over wealth)
*peace of paris 6
-britain recogonized american independence and evactuated all royal troops
- didnt solve all issues
*"republican motherhood" 6
*northwest ordinance 6
-forbid slavery in the NW territory
- permitted citizens of a territory to elect legistlature and make their own laws
shays rebellion 6
- in response to tyranical MA government
- farmers couldnt pay their debts or taxes
- demonstrates weakness of AoC because national government wasn't able to raise a militia to suppress it
3 conflicts at constitutional convention
1. how to balance interests of small or large states
- ex. 3/5 clause
2. fear of centralized government
- federalists vs. antifederalists
3. whether to improve the AoC or replace with a new constitution that gave more power to the national government
federalists vs. antifederalists 6
- fed- thinks constitution is a balance betweeen national and state government
-anti- thinks constitution failed to balance power of national and states gov (reflects fear of centralized power)
- forced federalists to create a bill of rights for the constitution
*the ordinance of 1785 6
established equality of new states with old.
development of eglaitarianism among white males in 1770s 6
- war forced gentry to respoect orginary folk
- social status depended on ability rather than wealth or family
link between revolution and slavery? 6
- establishes process by which slavery could EVENTUALLY be stopped
judicicary act of 1789 7
-developed a system of lower federal courts for each state
*bill of rights 7
- first 10 amendments- key role by james madison
-speech, press, religion, assemble, bear arms, etc.
11th amendment 7
*- 1798
*report on public credit 7
- 1790
- alexander hamilton?
- concentrate americas debt in the national gov
- attract wealthy people to invest in america.
-Supported the new federal government and the extension of their powers
- attracted Europeans to invest in US bonds
strict vs. loose interpretation of constitution 7
national bank issue
- TJ- strict- feareed excessively concentrated economic and political power
- AH- loose- believes congress should be able to enact all measures "necessary and proper"
- national bank= loose interpretation
whiskey rebellion 7
- tax on whiskey for national governments revenue
- causes many people to rebel
- relfects regional and class tensions
- taguht that violent opposition would not be tolerated
*impressment 7
- forced enlistment of british crew men on american ships
- took US citizens that the british did not vie right to adopt US citizenship
- americans were upset by gov. for its willingness to defend its citizens
*jays treaty 7
-didnt work
left britain free to violate neutrality and ruin profitable commerce by restricting US trade with France
- ended British occupation in US
- help increase American trade exports with Britain
- AVOIDED WAR at that time
*XYZ affair 7
- the french gov tried to bribe the US as a price for negotiating
-anti french sentiment and patriotism
- citizen genet- supposed to increase US support of France in war (even though US declared neutrality)-
washingtons farewell 7
- warned citizens to avoid political connection with europe
- dont discriminate too much against one nation
*alien and sedation acts 7
- MAIN GOAL=silence and punish critics (republicans)of the Federalists
- feds thought war could break at any time

- alien acts= secure nation against foreigners with dangerous acts
- sedation act= distinguish between freedom of speech and attempts at encouraging others to violate fed laws or overthrow gov
VA and KY resolutions 7
- challenced the jurisdiction of fed courts
- demonstrated potential for disunion
-attacked alien and sedation acts
- written by madison and jefferson
fugitive slave law of 1793 7
- return all escaped slaves
- makes a departure from when whites and blackers were movng toward equality
gabriels rebellion 7
- confirmed whites fear that a black rebellion could occur on american soil
- lighter enforement on slaves for fear of rebellion
*indian non-intercourse act 7
- indians moved to tiny reseravations
- NA forced to give up land and culture
handsome lake 7
- traditional vs. new ways
- NA spiritual revival
eli whitney 7
- created the cotton gin which increased the need to slave and furthered the institution of slavery
ideas about men and women equality 7
- matrimonial republican- obedience between husband and wife should be mutual
- judith sargent murray- said genders were equal- wanted women to educate themselves
- mercy otis warren- men and women should but dont have equal opportunities
Judiciary Act 1801 8
- threatened jeffersons opportunity to appoint a justice
marbury vs. madison 1803 8
- first time the spreme court was able to void an act of congress as "unconstitutional"
lewis and clark expedition 8
- after Louisana purchase
- mapped and explored unmarked territory
- enabled to gain knowledge of the new louisana territory
- with the help of sacajawea
twelth amendment 8
- seperate distracts for president and vice president canidates
*era of good feelings/ misnomer? 8
- 1817-1825
- destruction of federalist party- republican party took some of their ideals
- divisions
- election of 1824- corrupt bargain
chesapeake affair 8
- asserted british right to sized desseters off US navy ships
*non-intercourse acts 8
- replaced embargo ac
- opened trade to all nationals except france and britan until they stopped violating neutral rights
american system 8
- henry clay- wanted to make nation economically self sufficient and free from europeans dependence
- internal improvements
- tariffs
tecumseh and the prophet/battle of tippocanoe 8
-worked to stop american expansion
- battle of tip (NA lost) convinced tucumseh to ally with british in order to stop american expansion
*treaty of ghent- 1814 8
- ended war
- put things back to the way they were pre-war (nothing changed)
- neutral rights were no longer an issue because no longer war in europe
*hartford convention 1815 8
- met to assert states rights
- fed. convention- couldn't gain enoguh support because no longer issues to argue because the war of 1812 was over
dartmouth collge v. woodward/ mcCulloch v. maryland 8
- marshalls decisions stripped state govs power to impose the will of the people on corporations
-backed the rights of federal courts to declare acts of congress unconstitutional
*MO compromise 1820 8
- MI enters as slave- (before caused controversy because of inbalance of slavery)
- M enters as free
- settles border dispute between texas and NM in favor of NM
- fugitve slave act
- ends slave trade in DC
- MI compromise line- slavery in south, no slavery in the north
*rush-bagot treaty 1817 8
- restricted the number of ships the US and Britain could have in the great lakes
adams onis treaty(transcontinental treaty) 1819
-US recieves florida
-left US free to purchase interests in oregon
louisiana purchase 8
- nearly doubled the size of the US (for cheap)
- increased manifest destiny
*high federalists 8
opposed the ratification of the constitution
aoc=loose central gov
*embargo act 1817 8
- prohibited exports in amer. stopped imports
- created in attempt to make Brit and France support American neutrality
peaceable coercion 8
- us hopes to make nations respect american neutrality by restricting british and french trade with US
*war of 1812 8
- NE states were increasinly unhappy with the war
- battle of new orleans- after war but increased nationalism
- war ended with treaty of ghent- returned things to prewar conditions
- hartford convention met in response to war of 1812- but war was over and couldnt get support- SEEN AS TRAIDERS- END OF FED PARTY
- ANDREW JACKSON=WAR HERO at new orleans
*monroe doctrine 1823 8
- foundation of US foreign policy- TELLING EUROPE TO STAY OUT!
- by keeping open options to annex territory in america's used doctrine to position in new world
Joint stock Company 2
-financed the virginia settlement by having many people in england buy a share in the colony so it could make money for its investors
Anabaptists 2
Indulgences 2
-pardons granted for sins by preists
-could be bought
-shows corruption in church- wanted money
Puritans 2
- believed in predestination
- calvinists
- beliefs appeal to many small farmers, merchants, shopkeepers, artisans
Slave Trade 2
-first NA and indentured servants- needed for sugar cane labor
- blacks are the best because property, skill as planters, immune to diseases
-by 1710s blacks outnumbered whites in SC
Colombian Exchange 2
- interection between NA and Europeans
- traded goods and food which inluenced each others cultures
- diseases
- animals (ex horses)
Champlain 2
-established important posts and trading network
Quebec 2
-est. 1608 by france
-by champlain (fur trade guy)
Roanoke 2
- colony establishd 1585
- poor relations with NA
- colony found after being burned with the word croatoan carved into a tree
- colony was a failure
Jamestown 2
-englands second attempt to establish a colony
-considered to be first successful English colony
-first year-ill prepared for surival- relied on NA
-john smith's policy's helped second year
-tobacco saved colony
John Smith 2
- settler of jamestown- taken by NA
- led jamestown to better survival- "no work no food" inflicted the needed discipline in order to make colony successful
Mayflower Compact 2
-signed by men aboard the mayflower
- declared support for king james
- created a gov to establish rules for the colony
Plymouth 2
-1620- pilgrims- children were becoming too dutch in NL
-interacted with 2 NA (squanto,
Roger Williams 3
-dissenter- dissented from "a city upon a hill" believed Europeans didnt own land because didnt buy it from NA
- called for the separation of church and state
- established providence RI with religious toleration
Anne Hutchinson 3
-dissenter- challenged the authority of ministers and placed on trial
- banished from colony for beliefs against what was accepted
Town meeting house 3
Half-Way Covenant 3
-created because too few 2nd and 3rd generation puritans were willing to testify publically about their conversion experience
“praying towns” 3
King Phillip’s War 3
- english continued to expand onto NA land
- attacked by NA
- english retaliated- alliances with NA
Bacon’s Rebellion 3
- conflict between former indentured servants and large land owners
- causes: growing gap between rich and poor, drop in the price of tobacco, increased concern over conflict with NA
-NA attacted encroaching white settlers
Maryland Act of Religious Toleration 3
John Locke 3
- enlightenment thinker
- ideas later helped in rebellion against Britain
- people have right to overthrow government if it exceeds its powers
Quakers 3
-believed in "inner light"
- egalitarian approach to others and worship- gave women a voice in church and some decisions
Pueblo Revolt 3
Headright System 3
- created to increase amount of indentured servants to jamestown
- awarded land for anyone willing to pay for a servants passage
- most were men- many came for the economic opportunity
Pequot War 3
-NA resisted English expansion
- colonists attacked pequot village
- ended pequot resistence to english expansion
Proprietary colony 3
articles of confederation
- did not have much centralized power
- weaknesses= hard for gov to raise money through taxes and duties
*Report on Manufactures, 17907
*Neutrality Proclamation7
*“Mad Anthony” Wayne/ battle of fallen timbers7
-scored a victory with NA that opened ohio to white settlement and won a promise by the british to evacuate forts in the NW territory
-battle- wayne scores victory
*Pinckney’s Treaty7
-granted US free access MI river and New Orleans
-great success
*Treaty of Greenville 7
- defeated NA gave land to US
-US received most of ohio and parts of Indiana
- established US as dominant nation in the region
- US accepted NA soverignty over lands not ceded
*National Gazette 7
*Election of 1796 7
-adams (fed) won but jefferson became vp
*Quasi-War with France 7
-xyz affair
- dr continued to sympathize with france
- alien and sedition acts
Barbary Pirates 8
-from north africa
Judicial review 8
John Pickering and Samuel Chase 8
election of 1804 8
high federalists 8
“peaceable coercion” 8
Macon’s Bill #2 8
*james oglethorpe 4
- wanted to outlaw slavery and prevent plantations
- hoped Georgia would be a safe haven for english debtors
- and a barrier to spanish expansion northward
tories and whigs 6
-whigs=opponents of jackson (assosiated with democracy)
battle of saratoga 6
general charles cornwallis
battle of yorktown 6
-ended the revolutionary war
peace of paris 6
benjamin banneker 6
phillis wheatley 6
"camp followers" 6
deborah sampson 6
"faction" 6
entails and primogeniture 6
statue for religious freedom 6
articles of confederation and perpetual union 6
-provided for land ordinances
-key philosophy=states rights
- problems: gave a lot of power to the STATES
- didnt unite the states
newburgh conspiracy 6
ordinance of 1785 6
-established a system for dividing the selling public land
-goal:raise revenue- didnt really achieve
jay-gardoqui treaty 6
annapolis conference 6
"the federalist" 6
VA and NJ plans 7
- plans were too weak and didnt work
- conneticut compromise- hybrid between 2 plans....favored large and small states....2 branches...house of reps and senate
federalists vs. democratic-republicans 7
-fed=adams, hamilton
-loose interp.
-strong central gov
-dr=jefferson and madison
-strict interp.
-state gov.