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129 Cards in this Set

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Navigation acts were an example of
Dutch settled in New Netherland to
expand commercial and mercantile network
slavery was legal ____ in the colonies
Puritans tolerate _____ religiously
no one
Slavery grew in the late 1700s and blacks replaced....
white indentured servants
The two royal colonies in the 1700s were
MA and VA
Halfway covenant
let children be baptized even if their parents weren't
What type of people were indentured servants??
white poor people seeking opportunity
Majority of English people to the Chesapeake were who??
white indentured servants
Why was Anne Hutchinson banned from MA Bay in 1637???
she challenged religious beliefs of colonial leaders
Bacon's Rebellion 1676
exposed tensions between backcountry farmers and tidewater gentry
catholic refuge
What was NOT a problem in Jamestown
Not having enough specialized craftsmen
Why were Quakers persecuted?
They thought God dwelt in each individual as an Inner Light
When were the first slaves brought to the colonies and who brought them?
in 1619 by the Dutch
Glorious Revolution
Colonists overthrew governors in New England Dominion, MD
Who had the best chance of inheriting land in the Chesapeake?
Toleration act was in what colony?
What was the last of the 13 colonies?
First Great Awakening
religious revival that occurred in the American colonies
Which colony had no established church?
What did Quakers NOT do?
Refuse to pay their taxes
Who WASN'T excited about the Great Awakening
Merchants in cities like Boston and Philadelphia
Reasons for Puritans to migrate to New England
ALL of these:
- Political Repression of dissident Protestants
-Economic recession
- Restrictions on Puritan religious practices
Why was Saratoga a turning point in the war?
The American victory convinced France to make an alliance with the U.S.
The Treaty of Paris of 1783
Ended the American revolution AND made the Mississippi River the western boundary of U.S.
What was a major problem of the Confederation Congress?
The couldn't regulate trade
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
guided territorial expansion of nation through 1800s
Major obstacle of the 1787 Constitutional Congress
rivalry among states about representation
Opponents of the new Constitution
feared a strong national government that would become tyrannical
Loyalists during Revolutionary War
fled and had their properties evoked
Marbury v. Madison
began judicial review
Common Sense
attacked the King of England and the monarchy
Constitutional Convention of 1787 DIDN'T
determine provisions for the Bill of Rights
Shay's Rebellion reflected tensions in the 1780s, specifically
the economic frustration of New England farmers
Reaction to Proclamation of 1763
Colonists were enraged along with speculators, who ignored it
The French and Indian War influenced colonies and Great Britain's relationship by
imposing revenue taxes on colonists
Argument of "virtual representation" was Parliment's ability to
reflect colonial interest
The Stamp Act was a precursor to the Revolutionary War ASIDE from the fact that
the Patriots realized British inflexibility made revolution INEVITABLE (key = inevitable)
The colonial response to Intolerable (Coercive) Acts of 1774 was
to call the First Continental Congress
Colonists opposed the Stamp Act because
it was a direct tax passed by Parliament on the colonists
Jefferson's Louisiana Purchase did NOT
end Indian raids on Western Settlements
The Sugar Act of 1764 angered
New England Merchants
The Stamp Act Congress 1765 proclaimed that
Common sense, natural, and the British Constitution were all being violated by the Stamp Act
Anger in Continental Army did NOT stem from
Most soldiers being draftees
Olive Branch Petition to the King 1775
affirmed loyalty of colonists to him
XYZ Affair led to
undeclared sea warfare with France
Hamilton thought his financial plan would
generate investment, capitalize industry, restore national credit and strengthen the national government
The significance of the dispute over the National Bank was that
it raised the issue of strict v. looses interpretation of the Constitution
Jefferson and Madison believed
federal government should support the interests of producing classes, particularly farmers
Whiskey Rebellion was significant because
it was the first use of federal troops to stop a rebellion os American citizens
Hamilton's financial plan benefitted
eastern markets
Strongest critics of the War of 1812 were
New England merchants
George Washington's farewell address
discouraged permanent alliances with foreign nations
Jefferson did NOT believe in
a strong national army
Hamilton's domestic/foreign policies
strengthened federal government by favoring the interests of the propertied and monied class
Adam's intentions for enforcing sedition acts was
to intimidate the critics of his foreign policy toward France and England
Fighting Alien and Sedition Acts in KY and VA
asserted the rights of states to judge the constitutionality of federal laws
A result of the Hartford Convention in 1814 was that
Federalists were discredited in the eyed of many Americans
In 1850, the South was different from the North, because the South
had fewer European Immigrants
Erie canal in 1825 was important because it
strengthened ties between the Eastern and Western markets
The South's number of slaves increased from 1810-1860 because of
natural population growth
the Lowell system in New England was
a plan to promote and expand the textile industry and manufacturing
The American Colonization Society's purpose was
to return freed slaves to slaves to Africa
the growth of African American population in the early 1800s was NOT because of
federal constitutional provisions for emancipation
the national drink of the early republic was
The Waltham/Lowell system primarily employed
young women
After the Revolution land inheritance by farm fathers
decreased in frequency and size
Cotton belt planters
moved away from the task system
The founder of Mormonism, born in the 1800s was
Joseph Smith
Cherokee Indians tried to keep land in Georgia and got support from
the Supreme Court (John Marshall)
Henry Clay's American System did NOT call for
the sale of federal lands to finance higher education
The Monroe Doctrine said that
European powers should not pursue future colonization of America
The Missouri Compromise was a victory for antislavery advocates because
it closed most of the Louisiana Purchase to slavery
Tariffs passed in 1816-1826 were
the first tariffs whose primary purpose was protection
Nullification in 1832-1833 was significant because it
enhanced Andrew Jackson's reputation as a strong president
Whigs of the 1830's-1840's differed from Jacksonian Democrats in that
they supported the American System of Henry Clay
The spoils system refers to
Andrew Jackson's use of presidential appointive power to reward his supporters with government jobs
The treaty that acquired Florida was the
Adams-Onis treaty
The gag rule refers to Congressional consent to avoid discussing
The Force Bill refers to Andrew Jackson's attempt to
prevent South Carolina from nullifying the tariff
The corrupt bargain of 1824 was a deal between
John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay
Andrew Jackson resisted the annexation of Texas in 1836 because he
feared a debate over it with Mexico, which could cause a war
The Wilmot Proviso
provided for the prohibition of slavery in lands acquired from Mexico
The Compromise of 1850
enacted a stringent fugitive slave law
Daniel Webster's address to the Senate in 1830 was a reply to Senator Hayne that
the United States was a congregation of people, not states.
The women's movement did NOT demand
equal compensation for equal work
In response to the Whig's nomination of Zachary Taylor in 1848 conscience Whigs fled to the
Free Soliers
The man who was most responsible for passing the Compromise of 1850 was
Stephen Douglas
The Republican Party in the 1850s formed because people were
opposed to the further extension of slavery into the territories
The principal established in the Dred Scot case was that
national legislation couldn't stop the spread of slavery into territories
Hostility of the Know Nothings was directed toward
Irish, German, and Catholic Immigrants
Support for slavery in the South did NOT
come from the fact that most white families owned slaves
The Souther economy before the Civil War increasingly
produced more cotton and other crops but did not develop much industry
Something that contributed to Northern fear of a slave power conspiracy in the 1840s and the 1850s was NOT
the passage of the Wilmot Proviso
The Dred Scot decision in 1857 effectively repealed
the Missouri Compromise
A result of the Lincoln-Douglas debates was that
Douglas was reelected into the United States Senate
The result of John Brown's raid at Harper's Ferry was that
outrage and fear spread throughout the South
The subject of Sumner's speech that led to his caning was
Bleeding Kansas
The political party that endorse "free labor" was the
Republican Party
A person who asserted that Southern slaves had a higher standard of living than Northern laborers was
George Fitzhugh
Clara Barton and Lousia May Alcott were
The group of enslaved blacks directly affected by the Emancipation Proclamation those in the
Confederate States in rebellion
Because of "free soil, free labor, free men," Republicans in Congress passed
the Homestead Act
The main problems in the Confederacy during the war were
food shortages and hyperinflation
The Civil War was "total war" in that
The North mobilized all its resources in order to destroy all Southern resources
Soon after Jackson took office, it became clear that he would
Follow a policy that would sustain black subordination in the South
The single bloodiest day was on a Maryland battlefield at
Both the Mexican war and the gag rule
made the idea of Slave Power real
The Wilmot Proviso would have had
slavery prohibited in all territory gained from Mexico
Lincoln's main opinion was that
slave power threatened to destroy the economic opportunities available to free whited not only in territories but in free states as well
In the aftermath of the Dred Scott decision, Stephen Douglas
stood by popular soveringty by arguing that the Lecompton Constitution would be contrary to the will of the people
The Civil War changed the South by forcing
an abandonment of the philosophy of a weak central government
To achieve independence, Jefferson Davis
proposed emancipation to blacks that would fight for the Confederacy
In the midst of the Civil War, people
stood in increasing opposition to the Confederate government
The Union's primary goal was to
prevent European involvement with the confederacy and their recognition of it as an independent country
The 1st Reconstruction Act
made Southern states ratify the 14th amendment
South Carolina attacked Ft. Sumter when
Lincoln announced his plan to peacefully resupply the people there
A slave-owning state that didn't secede was
The first significant battle in the Civil War was
The Battle of Bull Run
The Democratic candidate in the presidential election of 1864 was
George McClellan
An achievement of the "carpetbagger" government that survived the "redeemer" administration was the
public school system
The North criticized President Johnson because he
granted pardons to confederate leaders who became elected officials
President Johnson's impeachment was precipitated by his
dismissal of war secretary Stanton
After the Civil War, emancipated Southern blacks could NOT
farm small plots given to them by the national government
The 10% plan was
Lincoln's plan for readmitting Confederate states
Lincoln waited to emancipate slaves to
retain loyalty of the Border States
The North's advantage over the South at the beginning of the war was NOT
that they had greater agreement over war aims
A successful element of Radical Reconstruction was NOT
40 acres and a mule