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37 Cards in this Set

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Am Neutrality in WWI

- Wilson declared neutrality

- Germany-->submarine warfare

- zimmerman telegram: Mexico and Germany against US

The Black Migration

- Jim Crow

- labor opportunities in North

Treaty of Versailles

- 14 pts: freedom of the seas

open diplomacy

League of Nations

The Red Scare


- Bolshevik Rev in Russia overthrew czar

- postwar labor strikes

Palmer raids


- against suspected communists and anarchists

- violated basic rights

Signs of Prosperity

- 1920s

- women involvement

- consumer goods

- assembly line

- farmers didn't prosper

Republican of 1920s

- favored tax cuts for wealthy

- Harding and Coolidge aided big business

Lost Generation

- Sinclair Lewis, Scott Fitzgerald

- criticized middle class materialism and conformity

- fleed to France


- mass entertainment

- baseball

- jazz age


Religious Fundamentalism

- Scopes Trial


- KKK-->"Birth of a Nation"

- National Origins Act (Mex and PR #s rose)

- Sacco and VAnzetti CAse

The Great Migration

- rural-->urban

- demand for industrial workers

Marcus Garvey

- black pride, black nationalism

- economic development

- pan africanism


- 1920s

- symbolized new freedom

Women in 1920s

- women in workforce declined

- didn't receive equal pay

- Margaret Sanger

- 19th amendment

- inability for women to agree on goals

Causes of Great Depression

- 1929 stock market crash

- dec in investment

- Hawley Smoot tariff: dec in trade40%

Bonus Expeditionary Force

- WWI veterans wanted their bonuses

- Hoover used force

Hoovers economics

- private charities took care of unemployed

- Reconstruction Finance Corp.

-aimed towards stabilizing and assisting failing key businesses such as insurance companies, railroads, banks, etc

- big emergency loans paid to these companies would “trickle down” to smaller businesses and individual consumers

New Deal

- FDR Relief Recovery REform

- used deficit spending on public irks to revive american economy

- helped blacks get out of depression, but didn't help w civil rights

- Civilian conservation Corps: jobs for unemployed youth

- NRA(Nat Recovery Adm): allowed businesses to regulate themselves through fair practices

- Agricultural Adj act: raise prices, limit agrarian production

Social Security Act

- fed pension funded by taxes

Wagner Act

- gave workers right to join union

- organize and bargain collectively

Court packing scheme

- court said some arts of the new deal were unconstitutional...Roosevelt "packed" court with new justices

New Deal Impact

- gov enhanced social welfare

- reduced unemployment

- revived economy

NOT in the New Deal

- integrated armed forces

- sponsored ERA

- protect AA

- established Bureau of Ind Affairs

- nationalize basic industries

- legal recognition of unions for migrant workers

Congress Industrial Organization

- unskilled and skilled

- steel and automobile

- John Lewish: not the main part of society is made up of skilled artisans

Democractic Coalition

- elected FDR in 1936

- White South

- AA

- Ethnic minorities

- union members

- DIDNT incude welathy industrialists

AA Shift

During FDR election, black votes, who were previously part of the Repub gov (Reconstruction and Em Proc) switched to support Democrats


- Am were evicted form homes bc couldn't pay mortgage

- created Hoovervilles

Stimson Doctrine

- 1932 Japan invaded China providenc ein Manchuria

- US refused to acknowledge territory acquire by force

- US failed to act and this showed a collective security failure

Lend Lease Act

- Roosevelt authorized sale of surplus military equipment to

- helped GB and Soviet Union resist Nazi Germany

Pearl Harbor

- Roosevelt cut off US exports to Japan

- JAapan could either (1) withdraw from Manchuria or (2)attack US fleet and get materials from SE asia

good Neighbor Policy

- Roosevelt declared the right to intervene in Latin America

- front against facism

- anti-imperialist sentiments: Phillipines get indp.

The big three

- Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin

- demanded unconditional surrender of Germany and Japan

- Yalta Confrence

Impact spending on WWII

revived US economy

unemployment plummetted

Office of Price Ad (nationwide rationing system)

AA during WWII

- moved from south to north

- Roosevelt prohibited discrimination in defense

Japanese during WWII

- President Roosevelt ordered that Japanese Am be relocated

- Korematsu v. US: wartime necessity

Manhattan Project

- Roosevelt

- Truman authorized atomic bombs

- save American lives

- persuade Jap to surrender

- end war

- soviets out of war