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57 Cards in this Set

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What was the nation's capital when George Washington was elected?
What did Washington believe would preserve liberty and the destiny of the republican government?
American experiment in self-government
Washington's cabinet:
T. Jefferson - Secretary of State
Hamilton - Secretary of Treasury
Knox - Secretary of War
Edmund Randolph - Att. General
Who did Washington appoint head of Supreme Court?
John Jay
What were three goals of Hamilton's Program?
economic stability/development; make the country a major commercial power; make country major military power
What were the five parts of Hamilton's Program (and the sixth additional thing he wanted to do)?
1. assume national and state debts
2. create new national debt
3. create Bank of United States
4. whiskey tax
5. Tariffs and subsidies to promote American-made goods
6. create national army
Who supported Hamilton's program? What was the argument for opposing the program?
financiers, manufacturers, and merchants; it relied too much on ties with Europe instead of westward expansion and they wanted a republic of independent farmers
When opposing Hamilton's program, the South became strict ___________
constructionists; Congress only had rights explicitly stated in Constitution
What was the Jefferson/Hamilton compromise?
Southerners agreed to assume national debts in exchange for the national capital being moved to the South (in order to enhance their power in government)
What event led to war breaking out between France and Britain?
execution of King Louis XVI and numerous aristocrats
How did Jefferson and Hamilton/Washington feel about the French Revolution?
Jefferson- "Francophile"; thought it was a victory for self-government
Ham/Wash- "Anglophile"; saw it as anarchy and thought we had to draw close to British
Citizen Genet Affair:
French guy Genet came to America looking for support and commissioned American ships to attack british; Washington asked for his recall
What did the British do to Americans during the French Revolution?
attack their ships and impress their sailors
points of Jay's Treaty:
- did not mention British impressment
- British abandoned western outposts
- US guaranteed favored treatment to British imports
- essentially cancelled French alliance
What effects did Jay's Treaty have?
sharpened political divisions and led to development of organized parties
Federalist party (5) -
- supported Washington
- favored Hamilton's economic program
- Anglophiles
- fixed social hierarchy
- no anarchy
Whiskey Rebellion:
Pennsylvania farmers sought to block whiskey tax; Washington put it down with militiamen
Republican Party (3):
- led by Madison and Jefferson
- Francophiles
- yay anarchy
What helped the public sphere expand?
the spread of newspapers and pamphlets
What were the Democratic-Republican societies?
societies formed by supporters of French Revolution and Washington critics
What pamphlet was written stating that women should have greater access to education and paid employment?
A Vindication of the Rights of Women by Mary Wollstonecraft
Who was the first American woman to support herself as an author?
Hannah Adams
Who was one of the most accomplished American women of the era?
Judith Sargent Murray
Were women involved in politics in this time?
The Constitution did not state that they couldn't vote, but it did use "he" when discussing officeholders
What did Washington's farewell address warn against?
permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world
XYZ Affair:
American diplomats went to France to negotiate a treaty replacing the one Jay's Treaty did away with; the French demanded major concessions
What did the XYZ Affair lead to? In relation to that, what was Adams's best feat as president?
a quasi-war with France; keeping us out of major war
Fries's Rebellion:
PA militia leader John Fries and a group released men from prison; Adams sent an army in that arrested and terrorized the area
What was Adams's most controversial feat as president, and describe it.
Alien and Sedition Acts; Alien- allowed deportation of people deemed "dangerous" by feds. Sedition- allowed prosecution of any one that criticized the government
Virginia Resolution:
drafted by Madison; called on federal courts to protect free speech (in response to Alien and Sedition Acts)
Kentucky Resolution:
drafted by Jefferson; stated that states could nullify federal laws that violated the Constitution
Describe the election of 1800 and its effects:
Due to a party agreement that each elector would discard one of their two votes, Jefferson and his running mate Burr reached a tie. It went to the House of Reps and Hamilton supported Jefferson. Effects: 12th Amendment
"Revolution of 1800"
parties changed power peacefully
How did Congress deal with slavery in the 1790s?
Even though Ben Franklin lobbied for Emancipation, S. Carolina and Georgia fought hard for it to be maintained. Madison said it should just be kept out of national politics, which it kind of was.
Haitian Revolution:
led by Toussaint L'Oueverture; rebel slaves formed an army and defeated British and French forces--> led to formation of independent Haiti
Gabriel's Rebellion:
led by Gabriel, Solomon, and Martin (3 slaves); planned to march on Richmond and kidnap/kill whites until slavery was abolished. Quakers, Methodists, and French were to be spared. A storm stopped rebellion from taking place, plot was discovered, they were killed
What were the effects of Gabriel's Rebellion?
legislature tightened reins on blacks; forbid them to meet on Sundays without white supervision and forbid masters from voluntarily freeing their slaves
What did Jefferson do during his presidency? (5)
- pardoned those under Alien and Sedition Acts
- reduced # of government employees
- slashed army and navy
- abolished all taxes but tariff
- aimed to minimize centralized power
Judiciary Act of 1789:
- determined number of justice
- defined Supreme Court
Marbury v. Madison:
on Adams's last night in office, he appointed a bunch of justices. Madison, Jefferson's Sec. of State, refused to allow them to take post. Madison won.
- Case enacted judicial review: Supreme Court has right to determine if Congress is violating Constitution
Fletcher v. Peck
extended judicial review to state laws
irony of Louisiana Purchase:
it occurred do to the rebellious Haitian slaves that Jefferson did not approve of; he also had to abandon constructionism because purchasing land was not mentioned in Constitution
Why did the Louisiana Purchase take place?
Jefferson feared that the nearby French would interfere with American trade, so he offered to purchase New Orleans from Napolean. Napolean offered to sell the entire Louisiana Territory.
Lewis and Clark Expeditions:
Jefferson sent Lewis and Clarke to explore land for geographical and commercial purposes. Sacajawea was their Indian translator.
How was it assimilating the people of New Orleans into the United States?
the blacks of New Orleans had more freedoms under French rule, so their liberties decreased
Did Jefferson get caught up in foreign entanglements?
- European wars effected American commerce
- Tripoli declared war on US, but navy won
Jefferson's attempt to piss off Britain and France; a ban on American vessels sailing for foreign ports. It devastated port cities' economies.
Non-Intercourse Act:
when Jefferson realized his screw up, he enacted this; it banned trade only with Britain and France until they rescinded their edicts against American shipping
Macon's Bill No. 2:
allowed trade to resume but stated that if France or Britain ceased interfering with American rights, the embargo could be reinstated (which did happen thanks to Madison)
War Hawks: (leaders and what they wanted)
led by Henry Clay of Kentucky and John C. Calhoun of S. Carolina; wanted to declare war against Britain in defense of their insults
How did Indians respond to the Louisiana Purchase?
some (like Creek and Cherokee) realized that they could no longer oppose assimilation; others, "nativists," still resisted
Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa:
two Shawnee brothers who believed in the resistance of European forces; abandoned all American goods
What led to the War of 1812?
Reports that the British were encouraging Tecumseh's efforts
How did the odds appear for the War of 1812?
America was not militarily or financially prepared. Britain, however, was occupied with its affairs with France for a while.
What treaty ended the war of 1812?
Treaty of Ghent--> no exchange of territory and no provisions about impressment or shipping rights
Hartford Convention:
Federalists gathered and called for elimination of 3/5 clause, the requirement of 2/3 Congress vote to admit new states/declarations of war/laws restricting trade
How'd the Hartford Convention turn out?
People accused federalists of lacking patriotism, and their party disappeared in a few years.