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34 Cards in this Set

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What are the types of primary headaches (benign HA disorders)?
Migraine (with or without aura)
Tension type
Cluster HA
Post-traumatic HA
Drug rebound HA
What are secondary HA's?
Headaches that are a sign of organic disease
What should be asked in the headache history?
How many types of HA's?
Frequency - previous, current, mode of increase (gradual or sudden)
What should be asked of the headache pain?
Impact of exertion
What should be asked about the HA prodrome?
Changes in energy levels, mood, appetite
Muscle aches
What are some associated symptoms of HA?
Stuffy/runny nose
Watery eyes
Behavior - retreats to dark room, paces, rocks
What are some triggers of HA?
Hormones - menses, HRT, OC's
Diet - alcohol (beer/red wine), chocolate, aged cheese, MSG, aspartame, caffeine, nuts, nitrates, citrus
Environmental changes
Sensory stimuli - bright/flickering lights, odors
What do you need to know about current and previous medications tried for HA?
For both prophylactic and abortive therapy
Side effects
What should be included in a good general exam for a HA patient?
Vital signs - particularly BP/pulse (HTN can cause HA)
Cardiac status
Extracranial structures
ROM and presence of pain in C-spine
What should be included in the neurological exam of a HA patient?
Neck flexion
Presence of bruits over the head and neck
Optic fundi, pupils, visual fields
Thorough cranial nerve exam
Motor power in limbs
Muscle reflexes
Plantar responses
Sensory exam
What are signs that may indicate HA of pathological origin (secondary HA)?
"Worst HA"
Onset of HA after age 50
Atypical HA for patient
HA with fever
Abrupt onset (max intensity in sec to min)
Subacute HA with progressive worsening over time
Drowsiness, confusion, memory impairment
Weakness, ataxia, loss of coordination
Paresthesias/sensory loss/paralysis
Abnormal medical or neurological exam
What is included in the diagnostic evaluation for HA?
Lab testing (appropriate for variant or atypical forms) - WSR, TSH, CBC, glucose
Neurodiagnostic tests - CT, MRI/MRA, EEG, LP, arteriogram
Other - dental, ENT, allergy evaluation
T or F: Any patient with a worrisome history or abnormal examination needs an urgent imaging study and perhaps even an LP and possibly arteriogram.
What is the intensity, disability, age of onset, and gender ratio for a common migraine?
Intensity: moderate to severe
Disability: inhibits or prohibits daily activities, pain aggravated by activity
Age of onset: late teens - early 20s, prevalence peaks between *35-40 years
*Gender ration: F:M = 3:1
What is the frequency, duration, location, and description of common migraine?
Frequency: 1-4 attack per month
Duration: 4-72 hrs, usually 12-24 hrs
Location: *unilateral or bilateral
*Description: throbbing/sharp/pressure
What is the prodrome, postdrome, behavior, and aura for common migraine?
Pro: Mood changes, myalgias, food cravings, sluggishness, excessive yawning
Post: fatigue, irritability, "fog"
*Behavior: retreat to dark, quiet room
What are associated symptoms of common migraine?
Most common: nausea, vomiting, photophobia, phonophobia
Least common: diarrhea, conjunctival injection, stuffy nose, lacrimation, miosis, ptosis
What is classic migraine?
Migraine with aura
Usually lasts 15-30 min, but sometimes longer
Commonly visual symptoms (eg scintillations, scotoma - often hemianopic) but can be anything neurological
What is the intensity, disability, age of onset, and gender ratio for tension type HA?
Intensity: mild to moderate
Disability: may inhibit but does not prohibit daily activities
Age of onset: variable, peak incidence 20-40 yrs
Gender ration: F:M = 3:2
What is the frequency, duration, location, and description of tension-type HA?
Frequency: episodic type (<15 days/mo) or chronic (>15 days/mo)
Duration: episodic (several hrs) or chronic (all day, waxing and waning)
Location: *bifrontal, *bioccipital, neck, shoulders, band-like
*Description: dull, aching, squeezing, pressure, no prodrome or aura
What are analgesic rebound HAs?
Taking analgesics every day can train the body that it is going to receive medicine so it makes more pain receptors
What is the intensity, disability, age of onset, and gender ratio for cluster HA?
*Intensity: severe, excruciating
Disability: prohibits daily activities
Age of onset: 20s to 50s
*Gender ratio: F:M = 1:6 (recent association with obstructive sleep apnea)
What is the frequency, duration, location, and description of cluster HA?
Monthly frequency: episodic (1 or more attacks/day for 6-8 wk) or chronic (several attacks/wk w/o remission)
Duration: 30 min - 2 hrs
*Location: 100% unilateral, generally orbitotemporal
Description: nonthrobbing, excruciating, sharp, boring, penetrating
What is the prodrome, aura, behavior, and associated symptoms of cluster HA?
Prodrome: may include brief mild burning in ipsilateral inner canthus or internal nares
Aura: none
*Behavior: frenetic, pacing, rocking
*Associated symptoms: ipsilateral ptosis, miosis, conjunctival injection, lacrimation, stuffed/runny nose
What is used for acute treatment of migraine?
OTC analgesics
DHE nasal spray
Triptans (5HT1 agonists) - specific for migraine, not just pain
What are contraindications to triptan use?
*Documented or strong risk factors for ischemic heart disease, other CV, cerebrovascular, or peripheral vascular disease, Raynaud's syndrome, uncontrolled HTN, hemiplegic or basilar migraine, use within 24 hr of tx with ergotamines, MAOI's, or other 5HT1 agonists
What is DHE protocol?
Metoclopromide or prochloperazine 10 mg IV over 60 sec
Wait 5 min to allow distribution
Give DHE .5 mg IV over 60 sec, wait 3-5 min
May repear .5 mg IV if no relief, may repeat every 8 hr for short-term use
*Same contraindications as triptans
Side effects: chest pressure, anxiety, speeding or dissociation of thoughts, nausea
What are adjunctive agents for migraines?
Antiemetic if nausea vomiting major feature (before analgesic meds)
Sedative/hypnotic or major tranquilizer if insomnia major feature
Prednisone taper sometimes used to break cycle of prolonged migraine or several wks of frequent migraines
What is used for preventative treatment of migraine?
Antidepressants: TCA's, SSRI's, MAOI's
Anticonvulsants: *valproic acid and *topiramate
Ergot alkaloids
Muscle relaxants
BOTOX injections
What are nonprescription treatments of migraine?
Stop smoking
HA education
Biofeedback/relaxation/stress management
What is used for acute treatment of tension HA?
OTC analgesics
What is preventive treatment for tension HA?
Antidepressants: TCA's, SSRI's, MAOI's
Muscle relaxants
BOTOX injections
Ergot alkaloids
What is acute treatment for cluster HA?
DHE 1 mg IM or Ergotamine 2 mg SL
Lidocaine 4% - 1ml intranasal
Oxygen 100% 8L/min by mask
Sumatriptan 6 mg SQ
What is preventive treatment for cluster HA?
Prednisone x 10-14 days
Capsaicin .025% intranasal tid x 1 wk
Ergotamine Tartrate