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102 Cards in this Set

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Put these steps in order

A. Master die prep
B. Burnout
C. Casting
D. Wax pattern formation
E. Cavity/tooth prep
F. Impression of prep
G. Investment of pattern
H. Finish and delivery
E, F, A, D, G, B, C, H
In what year did the NBS classify gold alloys?
In what year was the lost-wax technique developed?
True or False, cost-effectiveness is not a consideration when selecting alloys for casting
False, money doesn't grow on trees
There are 6 ways to classify casting alloys, what are they?
Use, major elements, nobility, principal elements, dominant phase system, properties and use
Casting alloys, ADA type I-IV are base on what?
properties and use
Which of the 6 classification of casting alloys is the main one used by the ADA?
What are the three different nobilities of casting alloys?
Noble, high noble, predominantly base metal
How many "noble" metals are there and which one DOES corrode in the mouth? (hint: bc of this, it's not considered noble in dentistry)
there are 8, silver is the only one that corrodes in the mouth
Au, Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Rh, Ru, and Ag are what category of metal?
PB alloys contain less than __% noble metal
Noble alloys contain > or = to __% noble metal
High noble metals contain > or = to __% gold and > or = to __% noble metals
40, 60
What is the website that Dr. Khajotia presented in class for looking up alloy metals?
What "type" of metal alloys can be heat treated?
type 3 and 4
Type (1/2/3/4) is the softest alloy
The harder a metal is, the (harder/easier) it is to burnish
Which type of alloy should be used in LOW stress situations only?
type 1
Type __ alloy would be suitable for a 3/4 crown
Yield strength (increases/decreases) from type 1 to type 4
Type (1/2/3/4) contain the most gold
Type (1/2/3/4) are most easily elongated
18 karat gold would have what wt% of gold?
75% (18/24 = .75)
____ refers to the number of parts of gold in thousand parts of an alloy
An alloy with 64% gold would have a fineness of ___
Metal content in an alloy is now described as a (fraction/percentage) composition in the alloy
What is ductility?
The ability to draw something into a wire
Gold exibits (good/poor) corrosion resistance, (high/low) specific gravity
good, high
Which metal is an oxygen scavenger?
What metal (under porcelain) will form the most esthetic restoration?
platinum (softens/hardens) alloy, (lowers/raises) melting, (decreases/increases) corrosion resistance
hardens, raises, increases
What two metals together constitute "white gold"?
gold and palladium
Palladium (increases/decreases) corrosion of silver alloys, imparts a ___ color, is (more/less) expensive than platinum, and (improves/worsens) strength
decreases, white, less, improves
Silver (hardens/softens) the alloy, adds (gray/white) color, (increases/decreases) cost, and (does/does not) corrode easily
hardens, white, decreases, DOES
Zinc (improves/worsens) castability of alloy
What metal is the principal hardener in alloy? (hint: also hardener in amalgam)
copper adds a ___ color
What metal is responsible for "age-hardening"?
Copper will (increase/decrease) corrosion resistance
What is the purpose of Ir and Ru metals?
grain size refinement
Mo and W are added to (increase/decrease) thermal expansion
how does copper increase hardness and strength?
distorts gold structure causing increased dislocation pile ups and hence... increased strength
Why do we WANT oxides on HN alloys?
so it will bond to porcelain in an MCR restoration
What three metals will increase potential of metal surface to form oxides in HN alloys?
Fe, In and Sn
The hardness, tensile stress and strength (increase/decrease) from type 1 to 4, and ductility and corrosion resistance (increase/decrease) from type 1 to 4
increase, decrease
Changes in properties between alloys and between soft and hard alloys is due to increase in ___ and decrease in ___ (metals)
copper, gold
Contraction of the metal during change from liquid to solid is called ___
solidification shrinkage
What is the typical % of thermal contraction in a type III alloy?
True or False, thermal contraction of solid metal to room temperature does not need to be compensated for because it's not that influential
False, you DO need to compensate if the casting is to fit onto the tooth
Type (1/2/3/4) has the greatest casting shrinkage
When you burnish a metal, it becomes (softer/harder)
After burnishing a margin, it becomes hardened. Why is it necessary to soften it again?
Because you don't want it to become too brittle
What is the purpose of the softening heat treatment?
Re-softens hardened margins to make them less brittle
ADA spec. # __ and __ dictate softening and hardening heat treatment
5, 7
softening heat treatment is also called ___, whereas hardening heat treatment is also called ___
solution heat treatment, age hardening
For softening heat treatment, the alloy is placed in a furnace at ___C for ___ minutes, then quenched in water (immediately/after 1 hr)
700, 10, immediately
A (softer/harder) alloy is easier to finish and adjust the fit of the casting
Which if the following is the only thing that INCREASES after softening heat treatment?

a. tensile strength
b. proportional limit
c. hardness
d. ductility
d. ductility
For hardening heat treatment, the alloy is placed in a furnace at ___C for __ min, the allowed to cool to ___C and immediately quenched in water
450, 30, 250
True or false, both softening and hardening heat treatment increase ductility
False, softening increases ductility, hardening lessens it
Which of the following is hardening typically NOT indicated for?

a. metallic partial dentures
b. inlays
c. bridges
d. saddles
b. inlays
If you are going to reuse an alloy, you must melt the clean pickled scrap on a ____ block
What is the purpose of adding new alloy to an alloy you want to reuse?
restore burn-out elements
You should add what ratio of old to new metal alloy that you want to reuse?

a. 1:1
b. 2:1
c. 1:2
d: 1:10
e. 10:1
a. 1:1 (should be a 50/50 mix of old and new alloy)
True or false, it's ok to mix different types and brands of alloy you want to reuse
Ag-Pd alloys contain ___% Ag, and ___% Pd
60-72; > or = to 25
Ag-Pd alloys with high Ag content have similar properties to type (1/2/3/4) gold alloys, but low Ag have similar properties to type (1/2/3/4)
3, 4
High copper content makes the restoration (more/less) susceptible to tarnish
High palladium noble metal alloys are used almost exclusively for what application?
crown and bridges
High palladium noble metal alloys have density (higher/lower/midway) when compared to HN gold and base metal alloys
per ounce, high palladium noble metal alloys cost how much less than gold alloys?
half to 1/3 as much as gold alloys
True or false, high palladium noble metal alloys are similar in workability to gold alloys
Pd-Ag alloys contain ___% Pd and ___% Ag
53-61, 28-40
Pd-Ag alloys may contain traces of what two metals to add hardness?
tin, indium
True or false, tin and indium are added to Pd-Ag, only to increase hardness
False, they do this, BUT they also promote formation of oxides, allowing stronger bonds to porcelain
In order to replace expensive Pd in Pd-Ag alloys, manufacturers added more Ag in place of Pd which leads to the following issues:

(higher/lower) melting range
(increased/decreased) coefficient thermal expansion
(increased/decreased) porcelain discoloration
lower, increased, increased
What term refers to the greenish-yellow tint resulting from the escape of silver vapor from the alloy surface during porcelain firing?
Greening results from the escape of ___ vapor, followed by diffusion of ___ ion onto the porcelain (hint: same answer)
silver, silver
What is formed within the superficial layers of porcelain when greening occurs?
colloidal metallic silver
Which of these accentuates greening?

a. Ag content
b. Na content of porcelain
c. # of firing cycles
d. use of vacuum during firing
e. darker porcelain
All except e (should be LIGHTER shade of porcelain)
Which of these helps lessen greening?

a. silver metal conditioners
b. ceramic coating agents
c. non-greening porcelains
b and c (a should be GOLD, not silver)
Which is more expensive, Pd-Ag or Gold alloys?
True or False, Pd-Ag are usually very difficult to grind and polish
Pd-Ag have good thermal compatibility with porcelains, except (low/high)-expansion porcelains
Which of these describes Pd-Ag alloys?

(low/high) specific gravity
(low/high) hardness
(low/high) elongation values
low, low, high
Pd-Cu alloys contain ___% Pd and ___% Cu... sometimes they contain 2% of what metal as well?
74-80, 9-15, Au
What might copper form that causes discoloration of Pd-Cu alloys?
dark oxides
How can the color staining of copper be masked with a porcelain restoration?
adding a layer of opaque porcelain FIRST
Pd-Cu alloys have:

(low/high) yield strength
(low/high) hardness
(low/high) elongation values
(easy/hard) to burnish
high, high, low, hard
True or false, Pd-Cu have good thermal compatibility with porcelain
Creep deformation is also known as ___
Pd-Cu tend to undergo creep deformation at (high/low) firing temperatures
What is the melting range of Pd-Cu alloy?
True or False, Pd-Cu are the least technique sensitive alloys
false, they are VERY technique sensitive
Pd-Co alloys contain __% Pd and __% Co
78-88, 4-10
Pd-Co is the (least/most) sag resistant of all noble metal alloys
Pd-Co has moderate hardness and (low/high) ductility
True or False, Pd-Co does not contain Be or Ni
Other than Pd-Cu alloys, what other alloy forms dark oxides that can be hidden by opaque porcelain?
Pd-Ga-Au-Ag alloys contain what % of each of these?
Pd 75%
Au 6%
Ga 6%
Ag 5-8%

Also contain 6% In
Pd-Ga-Au-Ag contain (dark/light) oxides
Pd-Ga-Au-Ag alloys:

(high/low) thermal expansion
(are/are not) compatible w/ low expansion porcelain
low, are