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18 Cards in this Set

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Team Cohesion
a dynamic process which is reflected in the tendency for a group to stick together and remain united in the pursuit of goals and objectives
Task Cohesion
the degree to which members of a team work together to achieve a specific and indentifiable goal
Social Cohesion
degree to which members of a team like each other
Indirect measurement approach
measures team cohesion by asking each member how they feel about one another
Direct measurement approach
players are asked how much they like playing for the team and how well they feel the team functions as a unit
Conceptual model of team cohesion
based on the interaction between group orientation and perception of team (social vs. task cohesion)
Group environment questionnaire
18 items that measure the 4 types of team cohesion
group integration-social, group integration-task, indiv. attraction to the group-social, indiv. attraction to the group-task
Youth sport environment questionnaire
Same as the GEQ( group environment questionnaire) used when testing those between ages 13 to 17
Determinants of team cohesion
1.Personal factors-(satisfaction, similarity of experience)
2.Team factors-(prior success, communication, having team goals, importance of achieving goals)
3.Leadership factors-(effort to develop cohesion)
4.Environmental factors(size of group)
Personal satisfaction
The strongest predictor of team cohesion. May be measure using the Athlete satisfaction questionnaire.
Dyadic sport
Success is dependent on two athletes' coordinated efforts and communication
Dyadic self determination
Moderates the relationship between individual self determination and team cohesion. And is also the aggregate of the summed individual self determination of a dyadic team
Team efficacy
The shared feeling of confidence enjoyed by a team as a whole
Consequences of team cohesion
enhanced mood , emotion and satisfaction. improves team efficacy. moderator of disruptive effect of handicapping. perceived psychological momentum
Interactive and Coactive sports
Interactive requires you to work along with teammates.(football, basketball, soccer, etc) Coactive allows you to work by yourself(bowling, archery, riflery)
Direction of causality
Argument trying to determine if team cohesion lead to great team performance or does great team performance lead to great team cohesion.
Team building
Process to promote an increased sense of unity and cohesiveness and enable the team to function more efficiently
Indirect intervention approach
A sport psychologist teaches coaches and managers how to conduct team building exercises with their athletes or employees