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126 Cards in this Set

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what is the bees abdomen

the rear body region of a honey bee composed of nine segments and contains many organs including those for digestion reproduction and respiration

what is the bees antenna

the movable sensitive feelers on an insect's head which detect odour and movement


the silk chamber a larva spins around itself just before the pupal stage of developement

compound eye

an eye made up of thousands of tiny lenses that allow a honey bee ultraviolet light and visible light


the hard outer covering which forms the bees body

what is the bees head

the forward region of the honey bees three sections

honey sac

the stomach like organ that is connected by a funnel shaped valve to the digestive track

what are the bees legs

a honey bees legs are used not only for walking but also for dusting of antenna, brush pollen out of the thousands of branched hairs that cover the body ,and store pollen

what is the bees mandible

jaw like structure used to chew honey and pollen

what is the mid gut

the stomach section in the abdomen that digests food


simple eye with a thick lens that can sense change in the brightness of the day

tougue or probiscus

a straw like structure used for sucking nectar or honey

pollen basket

a smooth somewhat concave, surface on the outer hind leg that is fringed with long curved hairs that hold the pollen in place


found in a chamber in the abdomen and is used to defend against intruders


the middle section of the honey bees three sections that contains the flight muscles the wings and the six legs

wax glands

four pairs of glands that are specilised parts of the body wall


the honey bee has two sets of wings the fore wings are larger than the hind wings

how do you know a honey bee is at it adult life stage

fully formed, mature honey bee

what is bee bread

a mixture of nectar and pollen

what is bee matamorphisis

the four stages of transformation in the life stages of a honey bee

what is brood

the off spring produced by the colony(eggs and larvae)

what is a cell in a bee hive

a hexagonal chamber built of bees wax for brood rearing and honey and pollen

what is a drone bee

a male honey bee

what is a drone cell

a brood cell that is larger than a normal worker cell

what is a honey bee egg

laid by the queen bee, the first stage of a honey bees life

what is a larva

hatched from an egg the queen bee lays


a sweet liquid secreted by flowers of various plants


the fine powder like material


the third stage in a bees life in which the larva body turn into that of an adult


a female bee that lays eggs


female bees who build and guard the hive, look after the queen and gather food

list the hone bee life stages

1. queen laying egg

2. larva in cell

3. pupa in cell

4. adult chews way out of cell

what determines weather the bee will be a worker or a queen

how long they are fed royal jelly

what type of eggs will become drones

unfertilized eggs

what is fed to developing larvae

royal jelly

how does a fully developed honey bee make its way out of the brood cell

eats it way

what is a group of bees called


what are the tree types of bees




describe the features of a queen bee

largest of the honey bees

longer abdomen

shiny thorax

does not have pollen baskets

has a stinger

sting multiple times without dying

describe the features of a worker


long probiscises

do have pollen baskets

stinger and a poison gland

only sting once

describe the features of a drone


larger than workers

rounded abdomens

large compound eyes

powerful wings

no probiscisus

no stingers

no wax secreting glands

only purpose is to mate with the queen

why cant drones gather their own food

they dont have long probiscuses( toungs)

they must be fed

what are bee dances

a way of communication to find good nectar scorces

what is bee bread

a mixture of nectar and pollen


the off spring produce by the colony


a group of honey bees living together


the removal of water from a substance

gaurd bees

the bees that guard the hive entrance


a bees home

hive scente

all worker bees of a colony produce a scent that is caricterised by their colony and is reconised by all their members

honey comb

the six sided wax cells of a bee hive

house bee

a young worker be up to 20 days old that works only in the hive


to join together a male and female to produce young


a sweet liquid that is secreated by the glands in flowers of plants

nurse bees

the young house bees whose task it is to fee the larvae


a chemical substance that is produced by bees that influences the colony's behavior


the yellow or green powdery substance produced by flowers

pollen basket

an area on the hing legs used to transport pollen


a resin like substance collected from trees by bees and used to construct and seal parts in the beehive and protect the hive from elements

royal jelly

a milky yellow syrup that is very high in protien that young worker bees secreat from inside their heads and feed to the larvae

scent gland

found at the tip of the abdomen of worker bees and produce a scent caricteristic of that particular colony


the female bee that performs all the jobs both inside and outside the colony, necessary for the survival of the colony

what do honey bees rely on what for survival in the hive

each other

what does the worker bee do for the first three weeks of their adult life

stay in the hive and performs chores such as:


feed larvae

build wax cells and make honey

how long are worker larvae fed royal jelly

3 days

how long are are drones fed royal jelly

fed for 3 days, then fed beebread

how long are queen bees fed royal jelly

the entire larval stage

how long does it take for a honey bee egg to hatch into a larvae


what does foraging mean


list four duties of a house bee

clean out cell after young

care for the queen

feed larvae

build wax cells

how does a worker know when to perform duties

they are guided by a inner clock

when does a worker first leave the hive

after three weeks of adult life

list three things worker bees gather




how many single trips will a worker bee make in a single day


when bees seach for food it is called


when nectar is mixed with enzymes from a honey bee it becomes


how do bees help the process of evaporating water from the hive

flap and fan their wings

how do bees gather pollen while visiting baskets

it is brushed against the bee

how do honey bees store their honey for future use

they store it in honey comb

how far can honey bees fly in search for food

6 miles

how many bees are their in a colony

30000-60000 bees

where do wild honey bees build their homes

in a hollow tree or sheltered places

where is wax secreated

the under side of the honey bees abdomen

in small flake

what do the bees do to bake the wax more pliable

they chew on it

what do the honeybees do with the wax they make

build it into sheets called wax combs

how are the combs built

vertically side by side

what does each comb contain

six sided wax cells

what are the two different size cells




what are the 0.25 inches wax cells used for

rearing drones

what is a brood cell

cells that house developing bees


hexagonal wax chamber built at a slight upward angle by honey bees for brood rearing

and storing pollen and honey


the length of the perimeter of any closed figure


a group of animals living together


a structure made up of hexagonal wax cells


the length of a straight line segment through the center of the sphere


a polygon having 6 sides and 6 angles


a home to a colony of bees


a closed figure bound by three or more segments


a substance excreted from the glands located on the under side on the honey bee


the bright sac that produces and contains pollen grains


the stalk that supports the anther


a sweet liquid reward for polenators that is produced by flower glans called nectaries

what is the flowers ovary

the base of the female portion of the flower containing ovules which become seeds


colorful thin structure that surround the sexual parts of a flower and attract pollenatiors


female elements of a flower containing the style stigma and ovary

pollen grains

the powdery particles that contain the male sex cell (gametes) also a nutritious protien rich food


commonly green leafy like structures that protect the bud prior to opening


the male part of the flower consisting of the anther and the filament


sticky surface where the pollen lands and germinates


the narrow region of the pistil between the stigma and the ovary

how does pollination occur

the transfer of pollen from anther to stigma

what is the bottom board

the wooden stand on which the hive rests


light colored suit with elastic at the ankles and wrists


a drum that contains a rotating basket that helps remove honey from the comb


a wood or plastic rectangle used to hold beeswax comb


protect hands from stings


used to drape veil and protect the head

hive body or brood chamber

found just above the bottom board that contains eight to ten frames of comb used to raise young bees

hove tool

used to pry apart frames and hive parts that are stuck together with wax and prospolis

honey super

frames of combs that surplus honey that is then harvested

inner cover

may be used to prevent bees from attaching comb to the outer cover

outer cover

provides weather protection

queen excluder

sometimes placed between the brood chamber and the honey super it is used to prevent the queen from going into the honey chamber to lay eggs


a tool used to calm the bees


a mesh course screen used to filter out large parts from extracted honey

uncapping knife

a tool used to uncap the wax caps from the honey comb cells