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54 Cards in this Set

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1. Which statement about culture is true?

A) Culture is the traditions and beliefs of a group of people.

B) Culture is learned behavior that is passed from one generation to the next.

C) Cultures are dynamic and always changing.

D) Cultural traits are a reflection of a group’s values.

E) All of the above.

All of the above.

2. Which statement concerning the globalization of Western culture is true?

A) Many foreign cultures have adopted Western traits like clothing and religion.

B) Some areas of the world have actively resisted Western culture traits.

C) Backlash against Western culture has resulted in violence in some areas.

D) Western culture is often spread through movies and other media.

E) All of these are true.

All of these are true.

3. A single attribute of culture is called a

A) culture complex.

B) culture realm.

C) culture landscape.

D) culture hearth.

E) culture trait.

culture trait.

4. A group of related cultural traits is a

A) culture complex.

B) culture realm.

C) culture landscape.

D) culture hearth.

E) culture region.

culture complex.

5. The area of origin of a culture is called

A) cultural environment.

B) cultural homeland.

C) culture hearth.

D) cultural landscape.

E) culture realm.

culture hearth.

6. A geographic assemblage of related culture regions is

A) a cultural environment.

B) a cultural homeland.

C) a culture hearth.

D) a cultural landscape.

E) a culture realm.

a culture realm.

7. Which of the following areas is not considered a cultural realm?

A) Latin America.

B) Anglo America.

C) Western Europe.

D) New England.

E) sub-Saharan Africa.

New England.

8. Which of the following is an example of a formal cultural region?

A) The Rocky Mountain Region.

B) The South.

C) The Bible Belt.

D) The Gulf Coast.

E) All of the above.

The Bible Belt.

9. All of the following are examples of a functional or nodal region except

A) the area served by a Walmart.

B) the circulation of a daily newspaper.

C) the broadcast area of a radio station.

D) the area known as the “South”.

E) any market area for a retail business.

the area known as the “South”.

10. Vernacular language

A) is spoken mostly by the lower class.

B) has become synonymous with less education.

C) has relaxed grammar rules.

D) is dynamic and always changing.

E) all of the above.

all of the above.

11. Cultural diffusion is

A) the idea that your own culture is superior to others.

B) the spread of culture traits from one group to another.

C) the isolation of a culture from the rest of the world.

D) the innovation of a cultural trait.

E) none of the above

the spread of culture traits from one group to another.

12. Culture is spread by

A) trans-national corporations.

B) migrants.

C) war and occupation.

D) television and other media.

E) all of the above.

all of the above.

13. Relocation diffusion is

A) the rapid and widespread diffusion of a characteristic throughout the population.

B) the spread of an underlying principle or idea.

C) the spread of an idea from persons of power to other persons.

D) the spread of an idea or trait through the physical movement of people from one place to another.

the spread of an idea or trait through the physical movement of people from one place to another.

14. This is the process by which a less dominant culture adopts the traits of a more dominant culture so completely that the two cultures become indistinguishable.

A) Cultural assimilation.

B) Acculturation.

C) Syncretism.

D) Migrant diffusion.

E) Transculturation.

Cultural assimilation.

15. Which of these modern languages spread globally as a result of religion?

A) English.

B) Arabic.

C) French.

D) Spanish.

E) Chinese.


16. Nearly half of the people in the world speak a language from this language family.

A) Indo-European.

B) Japanese.

C) Germanic.

D) Niger-Congo.

E) Austronesian.


17. All of the following are Latin-based Romance languages except

A) English.

B) Spanish.

C) French.

D) Italian.

E) Portuguese.


18. A collection of languages within a language branch that share a recent common origin and have relatively few differences in grammar and vocabulary is a

A) language tree.

B) language group.

C) language family.

D) dialect.

E) none of the above.

language group.

19. Which statement about the English language is correct?

A) Worldwide, there are three times as many native speakers of English as second language speakers.

B) It is a member of the Latin language branch.

C) It has been largely influenced by the French language.

D) It has only two separate dialects: British and American.

E) It is the official language of the United States.

It has been largely influenced by the French language.

20. An isogloss is

A) a form of a language spoken in a local area.

B) a collection of unique words.

C) a boundary between language regions.

D) the transition zone between cultures.

E) all of the above.

a boundary between language regions.

21. A common language that is used among speakers of different languages for the purposes of trade and commerce is called a

A) relict language.

B) revived language.

C) lingua franca.

D) pidgen language.

E) creole language..

lingua franca.

22. Which statement about official languages is true?

A) Official languages are always spoken by the majority of citizens of a country.

B) Official languages are the language of the largest cultural group of a country.

C) Each country can only have one official language.

D) Official languages are used by the government for use in its daily business.

E) All of the above.

Official languages are used by the government for use in its daily business.

23. Problems with multi-lingual states include

A) increased costs for printing government signs and literature in multiple languages.

B) antagonism between speakers of the different languages.

C) confusion, as some place names are identified differently in the different languages.

D) all of the above.

E) A and B only.

all of the above

24. Which of the following is an example of a revived language?

A) Swahili.

B) Hebrew.

C) Latin.

D) Greek.

E) Celtic.


25. A pidgin language

A) has a limited vocabulary.

B) has few, if any, grammar rules.

C) is a simplified language based on two separate languages.

D) is not the first language of any person.

E) all of the above.

all of the above.

26. Which statement about universalizing religions is correct?

A) A universalizing religion is one into which people are born.

B) A universalizing religion is usually easy to join.

C) A universalizing religion seeks converts from other religions.

D) A and B only.

E) B and C only.

B and C only:

"A universalizing religion is usually easy to join." &

" A universalizing religion seeks converts from other religions."

27. Which of the following religions is currently the most important religion in its area of origin?

A) Buddhism.

B) Christianity.

C) Hinduism.

D) Islam.

E) all of the above.


28. Which pair of religions are both considered hierarchical religions?

A) Roman Catholicism and Mormonism.

B) Mormonism and Southern Baptist.

C) Mormonism and Islam.

D) Roman Catholicism and Islam.

E) Southern Baptist and Islam.

Roman Catholicism and Mormonism

29. Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, was born in

A) China.

B) Nepal.

C) Thailand.

D) Sri Lanka.

E) India.


30. Which of the following can be considered the “parent” religion to Buddhism?

A) Hinduism.

B) Sikhism.

C) Islam.

D) Christianity.

E) Shintoism.


31. How are Buddhism and Hinduism different?

A) Buddhists practice meditation; Hindus reject the practice of meditation.

B) Hindus have a rigid class system (castes or varnas); Buddhists reject the caste system.

C) Hindus believe in reincarnation; Buddhists believe in a heaven.

D) Buddhists believe in ahimsa (non-violence), while Hindus do not believe in non-violence.

E) Buddhists are polytheists; Hindus are monotheists.

Hindus have a rigid class system (castes or varnas); Buddhists reject the caste system.

32. Numerically speaking, which of the following Christian groups is the largest?

A) Southern Baptist.

B) Eastern Orthodox.

C) Roman Catholic.

D) Anglican/Episcopalian.

E) Lutheran.

Roman Catholic.

33. Ethnic religions

A) are made up of homogeneous populations.

B) do not seek converts.

C) are monotheistic.

D) all of the above.

E) A and B only.

A and B only.

34. Which of the following religions is not an important religion in India?

A) Christianity.

B) Hinduism.

C) Sikhism.

D) Buddhism.

E) Islam.


35. Religions influence on the cultural landscape can be seen in all following ways except

A) places of worship.

B) burial grounds.

C) shrines.

D) commercial districts.

E) sacred sites.

commercial districts.

36. The largest concentration of Protestants in the world is in

A) Eastern Europe.

B) North America.

C) Latin America.

D) Australia and New Zealand.

E) Northern Europe

North America.

37. Popular Culture is characterized by all of the following except

A) quickly changing attributes.

B) homogeneous population.

C) urban population.

D) globalization.

E) uniform landscapes.

homogeneous population.

38. Examples of non-material aspects of culture include all of the following except

A) clothing.

B) belief systems.

C) practices.

D) values.

E) traditions.


39. Which three cities in the world often serve as hearths for popular culture?

A) Tokyo, New York, and London.

B) New York, London, and Paris.

C) London, Paris, and Los Angeles.

D) Los Angeles, Berlin, and Tokyo.

E) Tokyo, Paris, and Los Angeles.

Tokyo, New York, and London.

40. Popular culture is rapidly diffused around the world by

A) American news organizations, such as CNN.

B) Hollywood movies.

C) American TV shows.

D) the internet.

E) all of the above.

all of the above.

41. People often practice their folk customs instead of pop culture because

A) popular culture items are often expensive to buy.

B) they do not want to harm their environment.

C) they want to preserve their traditional cultures.

D) a lack of exposure to popular culture.

E) all of the above.

they want to preserve their traditional cultures.

42. Folk culture is often seen in which of the following traits?

A) Traditional music.

B) Traditional housing.

C) Traditional medicines.

D) Traditional dress.

E) All of the above.

All of the above.

43. All of the following are characteristics of folk cultures except

A) folk culture populations are usually small.

B) folk cultures are spread hierarchically.

C) folk cultures have a homogeneous population.

D) folk cultures must use local materials when building.

E) folk cultures eat mostly foods that locally available.

folk cultures are spread hierarchically.

44. Folk culture is transmitted from one location to another primarily through

A) relocation diffusion.

B) trans-national corporations.

C) war and occupation.

D) television and other media.

E) religion.

relocation diffusion.

45. In folk societies, materials used for building homes

A) are selected for the recyclable properties.

B) are often imported from distant countries.

C) are available locally.

D) are symbolic in nature.

E) none of the above.

are available locally.

46. What is the term for a group of people who identify with their cultural and biological history?

A) Race.

B) Ethnicity.

C) Nationality.

D) Nation.

E) All of the above.


47. Ethnocentrism is

A) the fear of outsiders.

B) the belief that Westerners are superior to African and Asian cultures.

C) the belief that ones own religion is superior to others.

D) the belief that one’s own ethnic group is superior to others.

E) the belief that ones own culture is superior to all others.

the belief that one’s own ethnic group is superior to others.

48. What process contributes to the existence and growth of ethnic enclaves in urban areas?

A) Cultural diffusion.

B) Step migration.

C) Cultural integration.

D) Chain migration.

E) Cultural assimilation.

Chain migration.

49. One element of the conflict in Sri Lanka is differences of religion. What two religions are primarily represented in this conflict?

A) Islam and Christian.

B) Islam and Jewish.

C) Buddhism and Hindu.

D) Christian and tribal.

E) Shiite and Sunni.

Buddhism and Hindu.

50. Which statement about race and ethnicity is true?

A) A race often has a single homeland, an ethnicity is usually scattered across the world.

B) Some ethnicities are comprised of people from several different races.

C) Race and ethnicity are interchangeable concepts.

D) Ethnicities are based on physical characteristics, race is based on culture.

E) All of the above.

Some ethnicities are comprised of people from several different races.

51. Apartheid, a policy of racial segregation from 1948-1990, was the official policy of which countrys government?

A) Zimbabwe.

B) South Africa.

C) Ghana.

D) Kenya.

E) Tanzania.

South Africa

52. In large cities, people with the same culture often live in segregated areas called

A) the suburbs.

B) ethnic enclaves.

C) cultural agglomerations.

D) cultural exclaves.

E) ethnic agglomeration.

ethnic enclaves

53. The boundaries between which set of countries were established primarily to separate different religions?

A) India and Pakistan.

B) Mexico and United States.

C) France and Germany.

D) Russia and Ukraine.

E) Libya and Chad.

India and Pakistan

54. Which of the following countries has endured the effects of balkanization?

A) United States.

B) Yugoslavia.

C) Australia.

D) Brazil.

E) Nigeria.
