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42 Cards in this Set

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1929 book that was a study of “modern American culture”
Election of 1920-
Republican Harding defeated Democrat Cox with his return to “normalcy” campaign which promoted business and conservative cultural values
Andrew W. Mellon-
Conservative, tax-cutting sec of treasury under Harding
Herbert Hoover-
Sec of Commerce under Harding who promoted voluntary gov’t-business cooperation
Teapot Dome scandal-
Harding’s sec of Interior Albert Fall convicted in 1924 of taking bribes to lease land in WY for oil drilling
Calvin Coolidge-
Harding’s VP who took over after Harding’s death in 1923. Nicknamed “Silent Cal”.
Election of 1924-
Republican Coolidge soundly defeated Democrat Davis and Progressive LaFollette
Sheppard-Towner Federal-
Maternity and Infancy Act
1921 law that created well-baby clinics & educational programs for women
Henry Ford-
Founder of Ford Motor Company whose “rags to riches” story inspired many
Situation where a few control much (e.g. a few businesses controlled much of an industry)
Alfred P. Sloan-
General Motors manager who refined the modern, multiunit, industrial organization
The American Plan-
US business approach that provided health insurance & old-age pensions (which in other industrial nations were often provided by the gov’t) in order to discourage unionization
Fordney-McCumber Tariff-
1922 protective tariff
Hawley-Smoot Tariff-
1930 protective tariff
Dawes Plan-
1924 plan to help Germany pay WWI reparations with US loans
Popular 1920s philosophy to stay out of world (particularly European) political affairs
Washington Naval Arms-
1921 US-led agreement to limit navies
Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact-
1928 multi-nation agreement to renounce war as an “instrument of national policy”
Mass Culture-
Idea of cultural attitudes, entertainments, products embraced by the most of the population
Consumer Culture-
Idea that culture is measured by the products it consumes, not the ideas or values it embraces
Installment Plan-
The “buy now, pay later” method of consumption popular in the 1920s
1920s term to describe how the auto ended rural isolationism
1920s female icon embodied by silent film stars like Clara Bow who wore short skirts and makeup, loved jazz and asserted her independence
Jazz Age-
Term used for 1920s when jazz music by people like Louis Armstrong, Bessie Smith & Duke Ellington became popular
Popular 1920s home entertainment
“Black Sox” scandal-
1919 baseball scandal in which a few Chicago White Sox players were paid to throw the World Series
Charles Lindbergh-
Pilot whose solo flight from NY city to Paris in his Spirit of St Louis made him an hero in 1927
Model T-
Ford’s popular car of the 1920s
1920s anti-immigration movement
National Origins Act-
1924 immigration-reducing law
Ku Klux Klan-
Racist, anti-immigrant organization that experienced resurgence in the 1920s after Griffith’s film Birth of a Nation (1915) glorified it. It declined rapidly after 1925 when its leader the Grand Dragon David Stephenson was accused of assaulting his secretary
People who hold strong, unchanging ideas (generally about religion)
Scopes Trial-
1925 TN “monkey trial” over the teaching of evolution won by creationist and perennial presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan against American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)’s Clarence Darrow
Eighteenth Amendment-
Prohibition amendment which took effect in 1920 and was repealed in 1933
Prohibition-era saloons which sold “bathtub gin” provided by “bootleggers” and organized gangsters like Al Capone who helped to create powerful crime organizations like the Mafia
Lost Generation-
Writers like Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, TS Eliot, Gertrude Stein & John Dos Passos whose work reflected a deep cynicism about the world brought on by the devastation of WWI
Modernist Movement-
Parisian art school that emphasized skepticism, experimentation and rejection of traditions
Twenties literature-
Tended to challenge traditions, consumerism & isolationism and embodied by the works of writers like Mencken, Marianne Moore, Sinclair Lewis, Theodore Dreiser, Robert Frost, Edith Wharton, Eugene O’Neill, William Faulkner & Sherwood Anderson
Harlem Renaissance-
African American cultural movement centered in Harlem, NY City and led by people like Reverend Adam Clayton Powell, Alain Locke, Langston Hughes, Jean Toomer & Zora Neale Hurston
New Negro-
Idea embraced by Harlem Renaissance that blacks were equal and would assert their cultural equality
Marcus Garvey-
Leader of the United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) which championed black separatism who went to jail for fraud in 1925
Election of 1928-
Democrat Al Smith is defeated by Republican Herbert Hoover