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21 Cards in this Set

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Chesepeake Affair

1807 British man-o-war tried to stop U.S. naval ship to impress men. U.S. ship refused to let British board. Mon-o-war fired and injured 18 men and impressed 4.

Orders Council

1807 British government ordered that any ship out of the French West Indies could be seized by British navy. U.S. saw blatant interference with its shipping and its neutrality.

Embargo Act

Jefferson got this passed because England and France would not recognize American neutrality. Prohibited vessels in May from leaving American ports for foreign ports - no foreign trading. The U.S. suffered from the lack of exports and mercantilism.

Non-Intercourse Act

1809 passed to replace Embargo Act. Americans could trade with any country except beligerents.

Macon's Bill #2

1810 passed to replace 2 prior acts. U.S. could trade with any country that recognized its neutrality. France quickly said they would and British repealed the Orders in Council bu too late.

War Hawks

Group in House of Representatives lead by Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun. They advocated war with England.

Tecumseh and Prophet

Shawnee brothers who sought to unite tribes in Ohio and Indiana territory against white settlers. Defeated by William Henry Harrison and then they refused to sign the Treaty of Fort Wayne.

Battle of Tippecanoe

In September W.H. Harrison marched an army against the Prophet's town at the junction of the Wabash and Tippecanoe Rivers. Further led to the War of 1812 with the support from the British of the Native Americans.

John Jacob Astor

Owned a fur trapping company in the Oregon territory which he began in 1811. When he died he was the richest man in America and only a millionaire.

Oliver Hazard Perry

U.S. navy officer who beat the British on Lake Erie in 1813. U.S. used smaller and faster gun boats.

Francis Scott Key

Inspired to write The Star Spangled Banner while watching the British attack Fort McHenry at Baltimore, MD after they had ransacked Washington, D.C.

Hartford Convention

1814. Meeting of New England states; radicals wanted New England to secede but moderates prevailed and proposed 7 amendments to the Constitution. The news of the Battle of New Orleans had destroyed the Federalist Party.

Second Bank of the U.S.

1816. During war the 1st bank's charter had expired. Madison called for a new national bank.

Tariff of 1816

First major tariff. Protective tariff aimed at protecting American manufacturing by making foreign goods, especially British ones, more expensive.

Henry Clay

The Great Compromiser, head of the War Hawks, ran for president many times but never succeeded.

Daniel Webster

MA protectionist congressman. Sectional representative for New England. Webster-Hayne debates, argued that the national government was supreme and must be protected.

John C. Calhoun

Firebrand from South Carolina. Jackson's first VP. Anonymously wrote the South Carolina Exposition and Protest saying the Tariff of 1828 was unconstitutional and states had the right to nullify federal laws.

Rush- Bagot Treaty

1817. Agreement between U.S. and Britain which demilitarized the Great Lakes.

British American Convention

1818. Set boundary between U.S. and Canada from Lake of the Woods to the Rocky Mountains, except for a small area in Maine.

Adams-Onis Treaty

Spain ceded East Florida to the U.S., renounced its claims on West Florida and agreed to a southern border.

Panic of 1819

Caused in part by the war of 1812, 1st depression in U.S. history that lasted for 6 years.