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61 Cards in this Set

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Quid pro quo?
a favor for a favor... or
you must do something for me if you want me to do something for you
the way an event or person or concept is described or "framed" to support a certain point of view: Politicians present an issue in a way that makes them most likely to win the argument, the presentation is the "spin"
Selective exposure or perception
the tendency to avoid information inconsistent with one's beliefs
What is the "revolving door" in politics?
the term that describes how people change jobs between the legislative and regulatory sides of the government and the PRIVATE SECTOR...
What is an example of "revolving door"
When the head of the energy department leaves the government and becomes a lobbyist for Exxon
public opinion?
the aggregate of individual attitudes and beliefs held by a population
political socialization
how someone acquires their political views, attitudes and beliefs. Political socialization factors include family, friends, media
Media consultants
marketing agents whose job it is to help their clients obtain positive press coverage
What are PACs?
The political arm of an interest group. PACs RAISE MONEY
What is the effect of the media on elections?
The media can produce a bias in elections, good or bad impressions of candidates or events. The media can set the agenda by giving coverage to certain events, issues or candidates.
List different forms of mass media
What is a media conglomerate?
a combination of two completely different companies into one large one, has lots of coverage power. Conglomerates control the flow of news, creating less local reporting and independence in the media.
What is a "photo op"?
a memorable or effective photograph of a politician
What is a "media event"?
an event that attracts coverage by mass media organizations.
What does "coverage focus" mean in the media?
The issue, event or person that the media is interested in and writing or communicating about.
What is lobbying?
The intent to influence government legislation or regulations
What is the "iron triangle"?
A concept that refers to the long standing and close relationship among three groups:
federal government
Congressional committees
interest groups
Why was the Kennedy-Nixon debate important?
Because it was the first presidential debate on television. It helped introduce a very young Kennedy to the the nation
What are issue networks?
alliances of interest groups based on a shared issue.
What are attack ads? Negative campaigns?
Media attacks against another candidate or position that are negative
BCRA: soft money
banned most forms of soft money
Interest Groups: Public Interest
Claim that they promote the public interest, such as consumer protection THINK RALPH NADER
BCRA: limits on individual contributions?
$10,000 per individual to state or local party for party activities, like voter registration [CHECK THIS]
Interest Groups: Foreign Policy
Groups that organize to promote or oppose certain foreign policies. Example: ISRAEL POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE, super powerful foreign policy group.
BCRA: issue ad restrictions?
limited issue ads advocating a condidate to 30 days prior to an election.
What did McConnell v FEC hold?
most of BCRA constitutional
Interest Groups Methods
Donate MONEY TO PACS AND CANDIDATES, inform and influence regulations and pending legislation, litigate, protest and participate in election activities with volunteers, get out the vote.
What are professional associations?
white collar unions, like American Medical Association, National Education Associate (teachers).
What did Citizens v. United hold?
first amendment does not permit limits on corporate funding of independent political broadcasts.
What is "bundling"?
A fundraising tactic within PAC where you collect the maximum individual contribution $2,000 and get many individuals together in a "bundle" to make a larger, legal contribution.
Campaign Finance Reform?
BCRA 2002 banned most soft money contributions
Candidate's "image"?
how the candidate want to be seen by the public
What is "mudslinging"?
using negative ads and media coverage to attack another candidate
What is "leaking"?
Using the media to release information about another candidate that could be embarrassing or damaging.
What is "image building"?
using various forms of media to present a positive image of a candidate
How does a candidate use the media to seek campaign contributions?
Through ads and news, by getting themselves and their positions out into the general public and asking for money.
How can a candidate get free media coverage?
Through participating or creating news worthy actions, press conferences, etc.
What did Buckley v. Valeo hold?
Supreme Court ruled that donating to candidates is a part of your 1st amendment rights.
What are factions?
like minded groups, people or groups that share the same interests or positions
What did Federalist #10 talk about?
Factions and how factions in government and society can be controlled by limitations or destruction
What are "527 groups"?
A group created to influence elections and are not regulated by the FEC. These groups are tax exempt and can spend unlimited amounts of money as long as the ads are not 60 days before a general election or 30 days before a primary. Example: MoveOn.org, EMILY's list
What was "swift boating"
In the 2004 presidential election, a tax exempt group formed in opposition to candidate John Kerry, former swift boat men.
What does the Federal Election Commission do?
The FEC regulates elections, including campaign finance.
What is a front runner?
a candidate in the lead of the polls early in an election.
What did FECA 1971/1974 do?
Increased disclosure of donations and created the Federal Election Comission.
Describe three different economic interest groups. THINK AT&T
Business: Big companies, give money to candidates.

Trade Associations: Businesses with similar interests join together to form trade associations, Ex: CHAMBER OF COMMERCE

Labor: Represent workers like AFL CIO
What are ideological interest groups?
Groups that share a common view and desire for government policies to reflect that view. THINK NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION
What do PACs do?
Raise money for politicians and try to influence office holders to vote a certain way. PAC represent the intersection of money and votes.
How much hard money can a PAC give a candidate?
$5000 per election or
$10,000 per election cycle, meaning the primary and general election
How do PAC get around the contribution limit?
soft money contributions
What is "issue advertising:?
using the media to advocate a position on public policy, can not call for the election or defeat of a specific candidate
Are contributions for issue advocacy limited?
What is pluralism?
a theory of government that holds that open, multiple, and competing groups can check the asserted power by any one group.
What is collective action?
how groups form and organize to pursue their goals or objectives.
What is public choice?
like collective action, is means how government officials, politicians, and voters respond to positive and negative incentives.
What is the Federal Register?
It is the document published every weekday, that list the new and proposed regulations of executive departments and regulatory agencies.
What is an amicus curiae brief?
A "friend of the court" brief filed by an individual or interest groups to present arguments in addition to those in the immediate case.
What are issue networks?
relationships among interest groups, congressional committees and government agencies that share a common policy concern.
What is a leadership PAC
A PAC formed by elected officials to get money that is then donated to certain other candidates or political parties. Nancy Pelosi has a leadership PAC
What is a Super PAC
A PAC that bundles donations from other PACS in order to get around the $10,000 hard money limit.
What is the Chamber of Commerce
Interest group, big lobby for business, Republican