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32 Cards in this Set

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the exchange of one good or service for another good or service
change in quantity demanded
a change in the amount of a product that consumers are willing and able to purchase because of a change in the product's price
change in quantity supplied
a change in the amount of a product that producers are willing and able to produce because of a change in the product's price
complementary goods
products and services that are used together; when the price of one falls, the demand for the other good increases (and conversely)
a schedule showing the amounts of a good or service that buyers (or a buyer) wish to purchase at various prices during some time period
demand curve
a curve illustrating demand
demand schedule
a table or list of prices and the corresponding quantities demanded for a particular good or service
determinants of demand
factors other than price that determine the quantities demanded of a good or service
determinants of supply
factors other than price that determine the quantities supplied of a good or service
diminishing marginal utility
the principle that as a consumer increases the consumption of a good or service, the marginal utility obtained from each additional unit of the good or service decreases
prices at which quantity demanded and quantity supplied are not equal at a specific price
double coincidence of wants
the situation that exists when A has what B wants and B has what A wants
the price and quantity at which quantity demanded and quantity supplied are equal
exchange rate
the rate at which monies of different countries are exchanged
income effect
a change in the quantity demanded of a product that results from a change in real income caused by a change in the product's price
inferior goods
a good or service whose consumption declines as income rises, price held constant
law of demand
the principle that, other things equal, an increase in a product's price will reduce the quantity of it demanded, and conversely for a decrease in price
law of supply
the principle that, other things equal, an increase in the price of a product will increase the quantity of it supplied, and conversely for a price decrease
any institution or mechanism that beings together buyers and sellers of a particular good or service
normal goods
a good or service whose consumption increases when income increases and decreases when income decreases
price ceiling
a legally established price maximum for a good or service that is below the equilibrium price and quantity
price floor
a legally established price minimum for a good or service that is above the equilibrium price and quantity
a measure of average output or real output per unit of input
quantity demanded
the amount of a good or service that buyers desire to purchase at a particular price during some period
quantity supplied
the amount of a good or service that sellers desire to sell at some particular price during some period
the amount by which the quantity demanded of a product exceeds the quantity supplied at a particular (below equilibrium) price
products or services that can be used in place of each other; when the price of one falls, the demand for the other falls; when the price of one rises, the demand for the other rises
substitution effect
a change in the quantity demanded of a consumer good that results from a change in its relative expensiveness caused by a change in the product's price
a schedule showing the amounts of a good or service that sellers will offer at various prices during some period of time
supply curve
a curve illustrating supply
supply schedule
a table or list of prices and the corresponding quantities supplied of a particular good or service
the amount by which the quantity supplied of a product exceeds the quantity demanded at a specific (above equilibrium) price