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21 Cards in this Set

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Epithelial tissue

Covers body surfaces and lines hollow organs, body cavities, ducts, and forms glands

Connective tissue

Protects, supports, and binds organs. Stores energy as fat, provides immunity.

Muscular tissue

Generates the physical force needed to make body structures move and generate body heat

Nervous tissues

Detect changes in body and responds by generating nerve impulses

Tight junctions

Fuses and seals.

Prevents leakage.

Found in stomach, intestines, and bladder.

Adherens junctions

Made up of a dense layer of proteins called plaque.

Connects microfilaments of 2 cells.


It connects intermediate filaments of 2 cells.

Prevents separation.

Located in epidermis and heart.


Anchors cells to the basement membrane.

Locations in muscle, nerve, blood vessel

Gap junctions

Connect side by side cells via tiny fluid filled tunnels called connexons.

It is 2 way traveling.

3 major functions of epithelial tissue

Protection, secretions, movement

Apical (free) surface

Faces the body surface, body cavity, lumen, or duct

Basal surface

Opposite of apical layer and adhere to basement membrane

Is epithelial tissue vascular or avascular? Innervated or noninnervated?

Avascular and Innervated

Squamous cell functions

Rapid passage of substances

Cuboidal cell functions

Secretion and absorption

Columnar cell functions

Secretion and absorption

Transitional cell functions

Change shape from flat to cuboidal

Simple squamous epithelium

Single layer of cells.

Founds at sites for filtration or diffusion.

Ex: Lung tissue

Simple cubodial epithelium

Found in thyroid gland and kidneys.

Functions in secretion and absorption.

Simple columnar epithelium

Nonciliated and ciliated

Psuedostratified columnar epithelium

Appears to have several layers.