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68 Cards in this Set

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T/F. A physiological buffer is a system, namely the digestive system, that stabilizes pH by controlling the body's output of acids, bases, or CO2.

Select the ways in which the kidneys buffer hydrogen ions before they are eliminated via the urine. (Check all that apply).

- bicarbonate ions (HCO3-) in the tubular fluid neutralize H+.

-Na2PO4 (dibasis sodium phosphate) reacts with some of the H+, replacing one of the sodium ions in the buffering process.

-Tubule cells catabolize certain amino acids and release ammonia (NH3) where it acts as a base to neutralize acid.

-there is a great deal of chloride in the tubular fluid, so H+ is excreted as hydrochloric acid (HCl).

- Bicarbonate ions (HCO3-) in the tubular fluid neutralize H+

- Na2Po4 (dibasic sodium phosphate) reacts with some of the H+, replacing one of the sodium ions in the buffering process.

-Tubule cells catabolize certain amino acids and release ammonia (NH3) where it acts as a base to neutralize acid.

Place the occurances in order to describe the regulation of rehydration beginning with someone who is dehydration.

-sense of thirst

-renin release


-ingestion of water

-moistens mouth and distends stomach

-reduced plasma volume and blood pressure

-angiotensin II stimulation of hypothalamus

-plasma volume elevates

-Angiotensin I conversion to angiotensinII

-angiotensinogen conversion to angiotensin I


-reduced plasma volume and blood pressure

-renin release

-angiotensinogen conversion to angiotensin I

-angiotensin I conversion to angiotensin II

-Angiotensin II simulation of hypothalamus

-sense of thirst

-ingestion of water

-moistens mouth and distends stomach

-plasma volume elevates

Indicate whether the given act would create water retention or water loss in the body.

causes water retention.

-ADH secretion

-renin release


-dry mouth

-ingestion of water

Indicate whether the given act would create water retention or water loss in the body.

causes water loss

-exercise in a warm climate

-increased blood pressure

-decreased renal tubular reabsorption of water

-aldosterone hyposecretion


Place the following into the amount per day it represents and whether it is an intake or output of water.

Intake: 200mL

metabolic water

Place the following into the amount per day it represents and whether it is an intake or output of water.

Intake: 700mL


Place the following into the amount per day it represents and whether it is an intake or output of water.

Intake: 1600mL


Place the following into the amount per day it represents and whether it is an intake or output of water.

output: 300ml

expired air

Place the following into the amount per day it represents and whether it is an intake or output of water.

output: 400mL

cutaneous transpiration

Place the following into the amount per day it represents and whether it is an intake or output of water.

output: 200mL


Place the following into the amount per day it represents and whether it is an intake or output of water.

output: 100mL


Place the following into the amount per day it represents and whether it is an intake or output of water.

output: 1500mL

What items would be found in the ECF?

gamma globulins



renal filtrate

What items would be found in intracellular fluid?


-endoplasmic reticulum



Identify the most accurate cause or outcome of the situation described on each label.

Results from ADH release

-reduction in urine volume

-increased water reabsorption

-increased aquaporin production

-drinking water

Identify the most accurate cause or outcome of the situation described on each label.

Stimulates ADH released

-Increased blood osmolarity

-reduction in total body water

During periods of declining water levels, blood volume decreases causing a decline in blood pressure. This is referred to as __________________.
Low blood pressure causes the kidney to increase the secretion of ________ from the JG cells.
The activation of __________________ stimulates widespread vasoconstriction, release of ADH from the posterior pituitary as well as the adrenal cortex to release aldosterone.
angiotensin II
Aldosterone acts on the ______ of the kidney tubules to reabsorb greater amounts of sodium from the tubular fluid.
The release of ______ directly stimulates the collecting ducts of the kidney to increase water reabsorption from the tubular filtrate.
The net result of angiotensin II, aldosterone, and ADH, cooperatively are an ____________ in blood pressure resulting largely from increased blood volume

1. Dehydration can lead to _______ blood osmolality.

2. This state will stimulate _________ osmoreceptors.

3. This stimulation will lead to reduce _________ and the sense of thirst.

4. Through _________ of water a negative feedback system is completed.

1. increased

2. hypothalamic

3. salivation

4. ingestion

1. Antidiuretic hormone provides a means of controlling water ________.

2. The increased osmolarity of the blood stimulates the hypothalamus to stimulate the ______ pituitary to release ADH.

3. ADH will work on the kidneys to ___________ water into the blood stream.

4. A negative feedback system is used until the blood _________ and osmolarity return to normal levels.

1. output

2. posterior

3. reabsorb

4. volume

Drag each label to the appropriate position to identify whether the label indicates a cause or effect of aldosterone secretion.

stimulates release of aldosterone




-higher concentration of K+ in the ECF

Drag each label to the appropriate position to identify whether the label indicates a cause or effect of aldosterone secretion.

Result of aldosterone release.

-increased production of DCT sodium- potassium ATPase pumps

-increased sodium reabsorption

-increased potassium secretion

-higher urine concentration.

Correctly match the statements below, regarding homeostasis and function, with the appropriate electrolyte.

-It is essential in the depolarization that underlies nerve and muscle function.

-It is the most significant solute in determining TBW

-aldosterone, ADH and ANP help regulate its concentrations

-it is the principle cation of the ECF

-controlling its concentration is tied to its effects on blood pressure.


Correctly match the statements below, regarding homeostasis and function, with the appropriate electrolyte.

-It is the most abundant cation of the ICF

-it is an essential cofactor for protein synthesis and some other metabolic processes.

-it is the greatest determinant of Intracellular osmolarity and cell volume.


Correctly match the statements below, regarding homeostasis and function, with the appropriate electrolyte.


-it is generated by the hydrolysis of ATP

-it activates many metabolic pathways

-it is important buffer

Correctly match the statements below, regarding homeostasis and function, with the appropriate electrolyte.


-it is the most abundant anion of the ECF

-It is required for the formation of stomach acid

Correctly match the statements below, regarding homeostasis and function, with the appropriate electrolyte.


-it activates the sliding filament mechanism of muscle contraction.

-it serves as a second messenger for some hormones and neurotransmitters.

-it activates exocytosis of neurotransmitters and other cellular secretions.

-it is an essential factor in blood clotting.

-it is regulated chiefly by parathyroid hormone, calcitrol, and in children, calcitonin.

Plasma sodium concentrations above145 mEq/L represent ________________, a condition that rarely occurs due to equal increases in water.
The consumption of massive amounts of water in a short time frame can produce ________________ resulting from a dilution of sodium in the ECF.
When large qualities of potassium are released from the ICF following massive tissue trauma, ________________ results causing membrane potential to be abnormally less negative due to a reduced concentration gradient.
Due often to excess sweating, diarrhea, or vomiting, __________________ caused the cell membrane to be hyperpolarized due to increased concentration gradients.
Hyperthyroidism can result in ________, a condition that reduces the membrane permeability to sodium and thus inhibits membrane depolarization.
Muscular tetanus can occur as a result of _________ brought on by illness or vitamin D deficiency whereby the muscle and nerve are hyperactive.

1. Aldosterone plays a primary in adjustment of ____ excretion.

2. Condition such as hyponatremia, hypotension, and hyperkalamia stimulate the ____________ to secrete aldosterone.

3. This in turn stimulates the renal tubules to increase reabsorption of sodium and secretion of _________________.

4. Both will result in the _______________ of water.

1. sodium

2. adrenal cortex

3. potassium

4. reabsorption

The order of events that they would occur in after a person breathes in and out deeply and quickly for 30 secs.

-CO2 concentrations fall

-carbonic acid levels decrease

-the pH rises

-Peripheral and central chemoreceptors are stimulated.

-the pulmonary ventilation rate is decreased

-CO2 begins to accumulate

-the pH begins to fall

-the pH returned to normal.

Drag each label to the appropriate position to identify whether the label is referring to properties of the respiratory or renal compensation mechanism for acid-base balance.

Respiratory compenstation

-marked by hypercapnia

-increased respiratory rate increases the amount of carbon dioxide expired.

-the faster acting compensation mechanism

-useful for acute imbalances due to surprise or emotional strain.

-requires hyperpnea to release acid to the environment.

Drag each label to the appropriate position to identify whether the label is referring to properties of the respiratory or renal compensation mechanism for acid-base balance.

Renal compensation.

-relies on the secretion of H+

-slower to respond to pH imbalances but better at restoring a fully normal pH..

-effective at compensating for pH imbalances that last for a few days or longer.

Classify the following statements as compensations made by either the respiratory or renal systems.

renal compensation

-it is slower to respond to pH imbalances but better at restoring a fully normal pH.

-it is effective at compensating for pH imbalances that last for a few days or longer

Classify the following statements as compensations made by either the respiratory or renal systems.

Respiratory compensation

-it is very effective in correcting pH imbalances due to abnormal partial pressure of CO2 but not effective in correcting other causes of acidosis or alkalosis.

-it can adjust a blood pH of 7.0 back to 7.2 or 7.3, but not to 7.4

-it compensates for short-term pH imbalance, such as the acidosis that might result from an asthmatic attack.

-compensation is accomplished by expelling or retaining CO2.

1. The condition of acidosis can also cause __________ because the higher H+ concentration diffuses to the ICF, pushing K+ towards the ECF.

2. Two imbalances that related are _________ and hypochloremia because additonal Cl- must be excreted to the kidney tubules to buffer the high concentrations of H+ into tubular fluid.

3. Following hemorrhage, _________ can also cause alkalosis because through the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system Na+ reabsorption is increased causing a larger excretion of H+ into tubular fluid.

4. Systemic acidosis can cause _________________ due to the high levels of H+ forcing greater binding of ECF calcium to anions.

1. hyperkalemia

2. acidosis

3. hypovolemia

4. hypeocalcemia

1. The kidneys can permanently remove substances which affect pH balance by secreting them into the _________.

2. Tubule cells can catabolize certain amino acids and releases ___________ as a product.

neutralize3. This product will diffuse into the tubular fluid where it can act as a _____ to neutralize the fluid.

4.It will react with H+ and _______which is passed in the urine.

5. This action works as a ______ to reduce the strong acidity of the fluid.

1. urine

2. ammonia

3. base

4. Cl-

5. buffer

The greatest percentage of the body's water is in?
Hypertension is likely to increase the secretion of_______________.
natriuretic peptide
__________ increases water reabsorption without increasing sodium reabsorption.
hypotonic hydration can result from?
ADH hypersecretion
Tetanus is most likely to result from
The principle determinant of intracellular osmolarity and cellular volume is ________________
Increased excretion of ammonium chloride in the urine most likely indicates_________________
The most effective buffer in the ICF is __________________.
Tubular secretion of hydrogen is directly linked to ___________________.
the tubular reabsorption of sodium
Hyperchloremia is most likely to result in ______________.
The most abundant cation in the ECF is ______________.
The Two most abundant cations in the ICF are _______________ and _____________.
K+ and Mg2
Water produced by the body's chemical reactions is called ____________________________________.
metabolic water
The skin loses water by two processes, sweating and _________________.
cutaneous transpiration
Any abnormal accumulation of fluid in a particular place in the body is called ____________________
fluid sequesteration
An excessive concentration of potassium ions in the blood is called ___________________.
A deficiency of sodium ions in the blood is called _____________________.
A blood pH of 7.2 caused by inadequate pulmonary ventilation would be classified as _______________________.
respiratory acidosis
Tubular secretion of H+ ions ceases if the acidity of the tubular fluid falls below a value called the _________________.
limiting pH
Long-term satiation of thirst depends on a reduction of the ________ of the blood.