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24 Cards in this Set

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1. Describethe three regions of the pharynx






Nasopharynx - Structures
•From Internal Naristo Uvula 

Nasopharynx - Structures

•From Internal Naristo Uvula





 •FromSoftpalateto Epiglottis–Fauces •Passagewayout of mouth –Palatine tonsils•Onlateral walls–Lingual tonsil •Atbase of tongue>


•FromSoftpalateto Epiglottis–Fauces •Passagewayout of mouth –Palatine tonsils•Onlateral walls–Lingual tonsil •Atbase of tongue>



•From Epiglottisto Cricoid cartilage


•From Epiglottisto Cricoid cartilage

2. Name and explain the 3 processes of respiration:

a. Ventilation.

b. External respiration.

c. Internal respiration.


b. External respiration.



•Ribcage falls back 
 •Airforced out





•Ribcage falls back


•Airforced out


Internal respiration (card 2)


 •Diaphragm contracts 
 •External intercostals contract 
 •Ribcage moves up and out 
•Thorax expands 
 •Airrushes inragment


•Diaphragm contracts


•External intercostals contract

•Ribcage moves up and out

•Thorax expands

•Airrushes inragment

Active Expiration

 •Internal intercostals 


•Internal intercostals


Air Pressure during Inspiration


–Pressuredrops(more space)

•Pleuragets pulled out

–Intrapleuralpressure drops

•Lungs sucked out

–Intrapulmonarypressure drops belowair pressure




- 754 mmHg

•Intrapulmonary 757 mmHg

•Air moves in

Air Pressure during Expiration



•Intrapleuralpressure rises


–Notsucked out

–Elastic tissues recoil

–Intrapulmonarypressure rises aboveatmospheric


-760 mmHg


-756 mmHg


763 mmHg

•Airmoves out


a. Ventilation.

•The flow of air into and out of the lungs

•Air moves from a region of high pressure toa region of low pressure


•Tidal Volume-ml/breath


•Ventilation–Tidalvolume x Frequency

•Amountof air that moves in and out of the respiratory system

•Ventilation-Dead Air Space=Alveolar Ventilation

–Amountof air that moves into and out of the alveoli

Inspiration Muscle (card 1)

Mainmuscles of inspiration:


1. Domeshaped

- normally curves up

2.Skeletal muscle



•Increasessize of thorax

3. Function of Alveoli

Site of gas exchange

Structure of Alveoli

•Simple squamous epitheliums 
      –Siteof  gas exchange 

•Simple squamous epitheliums

–Siteof gas exchange





4. Laws governing respiration

- Dalton’s Law

- Henry’s Law

etc (What other laws are there?)


•The pressure of agas varies inversely withthe volume ofthe gas 

 •Gasin a large vessel 
 •Gasin a small vessel 

•The pressure of agas varies inversely withthe volume ofthe gas

•Gasin a large vessel


•Gasin a small vessel


Henry's Law

At a constant temperature, the amount of a gas that dissolves in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas in equilibrium with that liquid. 

  In other words, the amount of dissolved gas is proportional to its partial...

At a constant temperature, the amount of a gas that dissolves in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas in equilibrium with that liquid.

In other words, the amount of dissolved gas is proportional to its partial pressure in the gas phase.

5. Know the parts and functions of the Bronchial Tree.

•TheBronchioleslead to lobules

•Microscopicregions of lungs


–Terminal bronchiole leads to

–Respiratory bronchioles lead to

–Alveolar ducts lead to

–Alveolar sacs lead to


•Wheregas exchange takes place

•Visceral pleura

–Surrondsoutside of lung

6. Regulatory centers of respiration located in the Medulla, pons


Breathingdepends on repetitive stimuli from the brain.

It iscontrolled at 2 levels of the brain.

1.Cerebraland conscious, enabling us to inhale and exhale

2.Automaticand unconscious cycle of breathing in the brain stem

–Medulla and Pons

Function of the Medulla

–Generates and Regulates basic rhythm

Function of the Pons

Modifies rhythm

Detailed Medulla Functions

•Respiratorynuclei in medulla 

 –ventral respiratory group (VRG) 

- fire for about 2 seconds at a time and sends nerve signals to spinalintegrating centers. See what follows in the diagram. 

•Respiratorynuclei in medulla

–ventral respiratory group (VRG)



- fire for about 2 seconds at a time and sends nerve signals to spinalintegrating centers. See what follows in the diagram.


– fire for about 3 seconds at a time, they inhibit inspiratory neuronsand allow inspiratory muscles to relax.

12breaths per minute7

Detailed Pons Functions

–Pontine respiratory group (PRG) 

 •Receivesinputs from higher brain centers like hypothalamus, and cerebral cortex. 
 •Modifiesthe rhythm of the VRG. 
 •Adaptsbreathing to special circumstances like sleep, exercise, vocalizatio...


–Pontine respiratory group (PRG)

•Receivesinputs from higher brain centers like hypothalamus, and cerebral cortex.

•Modifiesthe rhythm of the VRG.

•Adaptsbreathing to special circumstances like sleep, exercise, vocalization, andemotional responses.

Dorsal respiratory group (DRG)

•Receivesinput from external sources like the Pons, chemoreceptors in the medulla andmajor arteries 
 •Sendsoutput to VRG to modify rate and depth of breathing (↑ or ↓).

•Receivesinput from external sources like the Pons, chemoreceptors in the medulla andmajor arteries

•Sendsoutput to VRG to modify rate and depth of breathing (↑ or ↓).