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42 Cards in this Set

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Systems of the body involved with excretion

1. Urinary system, skin, respiratory system, digestive system

Location of kidney

Retroperitoneal position, with the right one a little lower than the left because it's crowded by the liver. The adrenal glands sit on top.

Coverings of kidney

Fibrous capsule that protects kidney, surrounded by fat, then renal fascia that anchor kidney to surrounding structures.

Functions of urinary system

Kidneys: regulate water balance, get rid of urea, regulate solute load, electrolyte balance, acid/base balance. Does NOT remove solid waste.

Internal anatomy of kidney

Cortex is around the outside, this is where most nephrons are located (a million in each kidney). Inside is medulla, where the pyramids are. Pyramids are made up of collection ducts. Funnel of pyramids are papillae. Papillae drain to minor calyx, then into major calyx. The renal pelvis is the entrance to the ureter.


Structural, functional unit of the kidney

Movement of urine through the kidney (Essay)

Collecting ducts (in pyramids) --> Papillae --> Minor Calyx --> Major Calyx --> Renal pelvis --> Ureters --> Bladder --> Urethra

Circulation through the kidney

Renal artery --> segmental arteries --> interlobar (between pyramids) --> arcuate --> interlobular (between nephrons) --> afferent arterial --> glomerulus (capillary bed) --> efferent arterial. Unusual that there are arteries on both sides of capillary bed.

Regulation of blood pressure through glomerulus

Afferent arterial is controlled by ANS. The sympathetic affect on the afferent arterial is to constrict it and reduce filtration. That will reduce hydrostatic pressure in glomerulus. Hydrostatic pressure in glomerulus (around 55 mmHg) is double that of systemic capillaries. Because 180 L must be filtered everyday - needs high pressure and very porous capillaries. Parasympathetic response is full dilation to maximize pressure and increase filtration rate. Net filtration pressure is usually around 10 mmHg.

Structure of filtration membrane

Glomerular capillaries (fenestrated) with little pores, and the visceral layer of Bowman's capsule, which has podocytes. Podocytes are interlinking little feet with filtration slits in between.

Parts of kidney tubule

1. Renal corpuscle - glomerular capillaries and Bowman's capsule surrounding it

2. Proximal convoluted tubule (most re-absorption occurs there)

3. Loop of Henle - descending loop only permeable to water, ascending loop permeable to salt.

4. Distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct - reabsorption here is dependent on presence of hormones (aldosterone and ADH)

Processes involved in urine formation

1. Glomerular filtration

2. Tubular re-absorption (substances go from tubule back into blood)

3. Tubular secretion (things that were passively absorbed that need to be eliminated go from blood back into the filtering to go out as urine)

Hormones affecting urine formation

ADH, aldosterone, rennin (involved in production of angiotensin II, low blood pressure stimulates release of rennin), AMP (lowers BP by getting rid of excess sodium)

How much fluid is processed by the kidneys each day?


Factors affecting filtration

Hydrostatic pressure in glomerulus is most important. (55 mmHg)

What is reabsorbed and where?

Most reabsorbed in proximal convoluted tubule. Water goes through by osmosis. Water and salt filtered in loop of Henle. Creatinine is not usually reabsorbed.

Characteristics of urine

Major solute is urea, color comes from urochrome.


Storage tank lined with transitional epithelium

Ureters and urethra

Transport tubes


Triangular part at base of bladder, frequent site for infections/cancer.


Increased amount of nitrogenous waste in the blood. Describes the symptoms. Separate from pathology called uremia.

What doesn't filter out?

Blood cells, protein

Body water content

Babies: 75%, males: 60%, females: 50%, old people: 45%. Average is 40 L of fluid in the body, 2/3 intracellular and 1/3 extracellular.

Location of extracellular fluid

Plasma: 8%, Interstitial fluid (in between cells): 25%, other ECF (lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, eye humors, synovial fluid, serous fluid, and gastrointestinal secretions): 2%

Factors affecting movement of fluid from one compartment to another?

Solute load. Sodium is of particular importance.

Major cause of tissue edema

Hypoproteinemia (low levels of plasma proteins)

Thirst center is located in the...


Hypotonic hydration

Drinking too much water or caused by renal insufficiency.

Electrolyte concentration of ECF

1. Sodium is the chief cation (95%)

2. Chloride is the major anion

Electrolyte concentration of the ICF

1. Potassium is the chief cation

2. Phosphate is the chief anion

What are the most important organs involved in pH regulation?

Kidneys and lungs

During times of acidosis, how do the kidneys get rid of excess H ions?

Bind them to hydrogen phosphate

Major features of important ions

Sodium and potassium are on an exchange system.

Chloride ions and bicarb balance to help regulate acid/base balance.

•Chloride ions have no pH characteristic, so if you need to hold back base, it's a good way to do it.

•Sodium is a major controller of fluid volume inside cells

•Potassium is a major intracellular electrolyte, imbalances either way can cause heart problems.


Too much K outside cells causes hypopolarization inside cells, so it's less negative inside. Can be fatal.


Too little K outside of cells causes K to move from the ICF to the ECF. This causes the cells to become hyperpolarized and more negative. Can be fatal.

Metabolic alkalosis (causes and compensation)

Causes: vomiting, constipation, taking antacids

Compensation: decreased respiratory rate to raise CO2 levels

Metabolic acidosis (causes and compensation)

Causes: excess alcohol consumption, excessive loss of bicarbonate ions, lactic acidosis caused by exercise, shock, diabetic ketosis, starvation, kidney failure, diarrhea.

Compensation: increased respiratory rate to decrease CO2 levels

Respiratory acidosis (causes and compensation)

Causes: lung diseases, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.

Compensation: kidneys eliminate more H+ and retain bicarb

Respiratory alkalosis (causes and compensation)

Causes: anxiety, traveling to high altitudes, hyperventilation

Compensation: kidneys eliminate bicarb and retain H+

Normal pH levels

7.35 to 7.45

Normal CO2 levels

35 to 45 mmHg

Problems with these levels mean respiratory acidosis/alkalosis.

Normal HCO3 levels (bicarb)

22 to 26 mEg/L

Problems with these levels mean metabolic acidosis/alkalosis.