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60 Cards in this Set

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The deliberate tending of crop and livestock to produce food and feed.
Ex. Growing Corn.
Animal domestication
When people started to keep animals for pets and food.
Ex. Domesticated Cows
Plant domestication
When people began to farm a part of a plant
Ex. Strawberry
First Agricultural Revolution
Dating back about 10-12,000 years ago when the development of seed agriculture
Ex. Agriculture on Nile River
Second Agricultural Revolution
The 17th and 18th century; new inventions from the Industrial Revolution helped this.
Ex. Cotton Gin, Steel Plow
Third Agricultural Revolution
Characterized by plant & animal cultivation, food processing and marketing
Ex. Commerical Agriculture
Cadastral system
Related influence on patterns of settlement and land use that declines property lines
Ex. Homeowner Taxes
Long-lot survey
System that divides land into narrow parcels
Ex. Subdivison of Lots
Maladaptive diffusion
Houses that are diffused in areas where they are not appropriate
Ex. Homes in Industirial Zones
Survey Patterns
Long lots
Metes and Bounds
Township and Range
Patterns of land division and survey.
Ex. Metes and bounds survey
Metes and bounds survey
System of land surveying that uses natural features.
Ex. Homes built into Hills
All land is passed on to the eldest son
Ex. Inheirtance
Rectangular land survey
System that was adopted by the U.S. Government & divides land into rectangular parcels
Ex. Long Lots
Houses built from poles and sticks and are plastered with mud
Ex. Mud Huts
Transformed farms into corporate-like units
Ex. Tyson Meat Corporation
The use of genetically engineered crops in agriculture and DNA manipulation in livestock to increase production
Ex. GNO's Gentically enhanced seeds
Commercial agriculture
A type of farming in which farmers produce food for sale
Ex. Commerical produced Dairy
Green Revolution
Revolution that tried to increase production of crops and end global hunger
Ex. World Food Organization
Luxury crops
Crops that need to be grown in suitable environment and needs available labor
Ex. Tabacco
Organic agriculture
Crops produced without pesticides and fertilizers
Ex. Organic Tomatoes
Plantation agriculture
Production system where cash crops are grown on large estates
Ex. Southern plantations in U.S during 19th century
Cereal Grain
A grass yielding grain for food.
Ex. Wheat
Crop Rotation
The rotation of crops as to not exhaust the soil.
Ex. Corn and Soy Bean Rotation in Midwest
Agricultural Landscape
The characteristics of agriculture and it's impact on the land.
Ex. Farms
Agricultural Industrialization
Part of the third agricultural revolution, where food production is produced in bulk.
Ex. Commercial Agriculture
Agricultural origins
Transfer from a hunter-gather society into an Agrarian Society around 10,000 years ago in Fertile Crescent.
Ex. Wheat
Production of fish and water based food sources.
Ex. Commercial Fish Farms
Biotechnology and the use of genetically modified food.
Ex. Genetically modified seeds
Cultivation Regions
Regions of crop cultivation.
Ex. Midwest Corn Cultivation
The transition of fertile land into desert lands.
Ex. Saharan Desert Region
Economic Activity
Divisions economic activity, creation of wealth through production of goods and services.
Ex. Mining: Primary Activity
Environmental Modifications
Soil Erosion
Modifications to the environment as a result of human activity.
Ex. Use of Pesticides (DDT)
Subsistence Agriculture
Producing only enough for yourself and family.
Ex. Early Family Farms
Slash and Burn Agriculture
The burning of forest lands to clear for agricultural uses.
Ex. Brazil Deforestation
Extractive Industry
An industry that extracts resources for use.
Ex. Mining
Farm Crisis
State of emergency in agricultral production on a farm.
Ex. Frozen Oranges in Florida
Genetically Modified Foods
(GFM) Foods that are as result of new biotechnology and of artificial origin.
Ex. Genetically modified Tomatoes
A primary economic activity to harvest aqua-cultural resources
Ex. Lobster Fishing
Globalized Agriculture
Interconnected web of produce, and agricultural production.
Ex. U.S Corn Exports
A primary food source.
Ex. Wheat
Growing Season
The time appropriated to the growth of a crop.
Ex. Early Spring to Early Fall
Process of preparing soil for the planting of seeds.
Ex. Fertilizer
The practice of planting taller, stronger crops to shelter lower, fragile ones from tropical
Ex. Cultivation of Crops between rows.
Livestock Ranching
The production of livestock on a ranch setting.
Ex. Livestock ranch in Montana
Mineral Fuel
Minerals that are used for fuel.
Ex. Uranium in Nuclear plants
Primary activity of harvest earth's mineral resources.
Ex. Coal Mining
Resources that are limited in nature and cannot be reused.
Ex. Oil
Land used for grazing of Livestock.
Ex. Ranch Pasture
Production of Livestock.
Ex. Cattle Ranching
A tool used for harvesting wheat.
Ex. Wheat reaper before invention of tractors and combines.
Planned Economy
An Economy that results of overhead planning, opposite of free-market economy.
Ex. Swedish Economy
Simulation Algorithm for Water Flow in Aqueous in Habitats
Ex. Rice Patty
Staple grains
Grains that are staple, main crops of nourishment.
Ex. Rice, Wheat
Wet Rice
Rice produced in wet climates.
Ex. Sawah
The migration of cattle from pasture to highlands.
Ex. Cattle transhumance in Argentina
Agricultural Location Model
A model that deals with why agriculture is located in particular regions.
Ex. Midwest Bread Basket
Sustainable yield
ecological yield that can be extracted without reducing the base of capital itself.
Ex. Forestry
To free of unwanted or inferior elements.
Ex. Removal of Weeds
Von Thunen, Johann
Prominent nineteenth century economist, developed the basics of the theory of marginal productivity.
Ex. Thunen Model
Sauer, Carl O
American geographer, which considered how cultural landscapes are made up of "the forms superimposed on the physical landscape."
Ex. Sauer Model