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133 Cards in this Set

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1. Conservatives endorse all of the following except:
Redistribution of income.
2. Communism and facism both:
Have formed the basis for totalitarian governments.
3. Totalitarianism as a concept means:
The government controls all aspects of the political and social life of a nation.
4. A limited government is based on the principle of:
A limitation on the power of the government.
5. A democratic republic is:
A republic in which the people elect representatives to make laws.
6. Versions of elite theory suggest that:
A small elite class makes most important decisions.
7. Aristocracy means rule by:
Ancient, wealthy families.
8. A referendum takes place when:
A state legislature refers an act of legislation to the voters for approval or disapproval.
9. Capitalism is:
Marked by relatively free markets for goods, services, and finance.
10. The initiative is:
A procedure whereby voters can propose a law or amendment within a state.
11. In the United States, the principle for our structure of limited government is found:
In the Constitution.
12. A fundamental source of political socialization is:
The family.
13. The first direct democracy was established in which country?
14. Many of the founding fathers feared a government based on direct democracy because:
They feared "mob rule".
15. A procedure allowing the people to vote to dismiss an elected official from office before his or her term has expired is called:
A recall.
16. The oldest/original purposes of government is:
Security, or order.
17. The largest number of Hispanics in the US are from:
18. Unlike liberals or conservatives, socialists advocate:
Ownership of businesses by the government or by cooperatives.
19. The group that actually elects the president of the United States is called:
The Electoral College.
20. The _____ Identified the reasons the colonists saw for independence from Britain.
Declaration of Independence.
21. In the 1760s taxes were imposed on the colonists:
To pay the costs of Britain's defense of the colonies in the French and Indian War.
22. Functioning of the national government under the Articles of Confederation:
Depended on the goodwill/friendship of the states.
23. The Virginia Plan favored:
Large, more populous states.
24. The Great Compromise:
Created a Congress composed of two chambers; one with representation based on population and the second with equal state representation.
25. The Three-Fifths Compromise:
Counted three-fifths of a state's slave population for purposes of determining proportional representation in the House of Representation.
26. The Constitution created a:
Federal system of government that divides powers between the states of national government.
27. The Anti-Federalists:
Believed the Constitution created an overly powerful central government that would be hostile to personal liberty.
28. All of the states sent delegates to the Constitutional Convention except:
Rhode Island.
29. Federal legislation that requires states and municipalities to comply with certain rule is known as:
Federal Mandate.
30. Which of the following is an example of a concurrent power?
The power to tax.
31. National authority has traditionally been preferred by:
32. The system consisting of a league of independent states, each having essentially sovereign powers and a central government with limited powers is known as:
Confederal System.
33. Federal programs that provides state and local governments for general functional areas as known as:
Block Grants.
34. ___ have traditionally opposed the increasing size and scope of the federal government.
35. Powers of the state government are found in the Tenth Amendment and are known as:
Reserve Powers.
36. The Unites States employs a:
Federal System.
37. The final provision in Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution, sometimes known as the "elastic clause":
States that Congress can make laws that are necessary and proper to carry out enumerated powers.
38. Article ___ specifies how the Constitution can be amended:
39. The Declaration of Independence was necessary to:
Establish the legitimacy of the new nation before the governments in Europe and the colonists.
40. Constitutional amendments can be proposed by:
Two-thirds of both houses of Congress.
41. Constitutional amendments can be ratified by:
Three-fourths of state legislatures.
42. Congress chose to use state conventions instead of state legislatures as the method of ratification of the amendment:
Repealing Prohibition.
43. James Madison drafted the Bill of Rights:
Based on over two hundred recommendations for amendments.
44. The ____ represented a willingness of the first colonists to submit the authority of the government and establish a prototype for other agreements that depended on the consent of the governed.
Mayflower Compact.
45. The inalienable rights stipulated in the Declaration of Independence included the right:
To life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
46. An agreement by the people to form a government and abide by is rules is called:
Social Contract.
47. After the United States gained its independence, the first system of government was created by the:
Articles of Confederation.
48. The incident if credited with clearly demonstrating the need to strengthen the national government that existed under the Articles of Confederation:
Shay's Rebellion.
49. The publicly stated purpose of the convention will be held in 1787 was to:
Revise the Articles of Confederation.
50. The Bill of Rights was important for Constitutional ratification because:
Some states would not have voted to ratify it is the Federalists had not been willing to promise that it would be added.
51. The Framers established that the Constitution would be ratified by:
Nine of thirteen ratifying conventions to be held in the states.
52. Which party would be classified as a splinter party?
53. New Deal programs, which were designed to address problems created by___, helped elect a number of twentieth century Democratic presidents from Franklin Roosevelt to Jimmy Carter.
The Great Depression.
54. A voter or candidate who does not identify with a political party is called an:
55. Which of the following is an obstacle for third parties?
All of the above are obstacles.
56. A political party is a group of individuals who:
Agree on all policy issues.
57. Which of the following is true?
The Great Depression resulted in the financial transformation of the Democrats from a party of limited government to a party of active government.
58. Which of the following is not true concerning the Presidential Election of 1912?
Woodrow Wilson left the Democratic Party to campaign as a third-party candidate.
59. Which of the following is least likely to affiliate themselves with the Democratic Party?
60. During the late 1960s:
Urban riots, the Civil Rights Movements and anti-Vietnam War protests pushed many voters towards conservatism (especially in the south.)
61. During the last half-century, the Democrats have been known as the party of:
Conservative political ideas.
62. The _____ emerged in the 1850s as an antislavery party and consisted of former northern Whigs and antislavery Democrats.
Republican Party.
63. A political system in which only two parties have a reasonable chance of winning is called:
A two-party system.
64. Which of the following is most likely to affiliate themselves with the Republican Party?
Christian churchgoers.
65. The special category of national powers that derive from the fact that the United States is a sovereign power among nations and thus its national government must be the only government that deals with other nations is known as:
Inherent Powers.
66. The era of dual federalism:
Came to an end as the American people looked to the federal government to address the problems created by the Great Depression.
67. The authority to legislate for the protection of health, morals, safety, and welfare of the people is known as:
Police Power.
68. Powers not given to the federal government by the Constitution, nor prohibited to the states are:
Reserved to the states.
69. The supremacy clause:
Provides that when constitutions, laws, and policies of states are in conflict with the Constitution or laws of the United States, federal rules always win.
70. In McCulloch v. Maryland the Supreme Court:
Ruled in a manner that greatly increased the power of the national government.
71. States and the national government each remain supreme within their own sphere in the system known as:
Dual Federalism.
72. In what way was the Constitution amended in the years immediately following the Civil War so that the power of the states was limited?
States would not be able to deprive a person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.
73. The Defense of Marriage Act:
Allowed states to refuse to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states.
74. The theory that the states and the national government should work together in solving the nation's problems is known as:
Cooperative Federalism.
75. Voting exclusively for the candidates of one party is known as:
Straight-ticket voting.
76. A political party differs from an interest group in that:
Political parties want to operate the government and interest groups do not.
77. George Washington viewed political parties as a:
Threat to national unity and popular government.
78. A situation in which one major political party controls the presidency and the other controls the chambers of Congress is known as:
A divided government.
79. Republicans have emphasized:
The importance of the marketplace and less emphasis on social programs.
80. When a person votes for a Republican presidential candidate and for Democratic congressional candidate she is:
Ticket Splitting.
81. The number of members each state will have in the Electoral College:
Is determined by the number of representatives and senators a state has in Congress.
82. Reported voter turnout____as age___.
Increases; increases.
83. In cases where no presidential candidate receives a majority of the Electoral College vote:
The election is decided in the US House of Representatives.
84. All of the following statements about low voter turnout are true except:
It is much more common in most other countries than in the United States.
85. The manner in which members of the Electoral College are selected within each state is currently governed by:
State laws and party rules.
86. The rational-ignorance effect refers to:
The lack of incentive for voters to obtain costly information about issues and candidates.
87. It is very clear that the Americans who have the highest voter turnout are those:
Reaching Retirement.
88. Voter turnout for local elections is:
Much less than for presidential elections.
89. The people who cast their ballots in the Electoral College are called:
90. The entry of a person's name into the list of eligible voters is called:
91. The Americans who turn out to vote at the lowest rate are:
The youngest voters.
92. Reported voter turnout____ as education____.
93. Irregularities in voting:
All of the above.
94. To win the Electoral College vote a candidate must receive:
270 electoral votes.
95. Which of the following is true?
The only way that our nation could cease to use the Electoral College is through the process of constitutional amendment.
96. All of the following are reasons why Americans do not vote except:
The registration process is too easy.
97. When voters can vote in either party primary without disclosing their party affiliation, it is called an:
Open Primary.
98. A candidate for the US Senate:
Must be a resident of the state from which elected.
99. The____is responsible for dealing directly with the press during a campaign.
Press Secretary.
100. Buckley v. Valeo involved a constitutional question regarding the:
First Amendment.
101. In the last twenty years the number of women running for office at the federal and state level has:
Increased significantly.
102. Part of the reason for the increased intensity of campaigns in the last decade is that they are now centered on the:
Candidate and not on the party.
103. The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002:
Bans soft money contributions to national parties.
104. The organizations that came to be known as "527s":
Offered an alternative for interest groups to use money to influence the course of elections.
105. A statewide election of delegates to a political party's national convention to help a party determine its presidential nominee is called:
A Presidential Primary.
106. Naturalized citizens are constitutionally barred from running for the office of:
President of the United States.
107. The Federal Election Campaign Act of 1974 did not:
Provide public funding for Congressional elections.
108. Most PAC contributions go to:
109. Advertising paid for by interest groups that support or oppose a candidate or a candidate's position on an issue without mentioning voting or elections is called:
Issue Advocacy Advertising.
110. When only declared party members can vote in a primary election, it is called a:
Closed Primary.
111. The practice of moving presidential primary elections to the early part of the campaign season is called:
112. ______ is a group that raises money to recruit and support liberal women candidates.
EMILY's List.
113. The ____plans appearances, the themes to be communicated by the candidate at specific points in the campaign, and the response to the attacks.
Communications Director.
114. For a federal Political Action Committee (PAC) to be legitimate, it must:
Raise money from at least fifty volunteer donors.
115. Major functions of the mass media in the United States include all of the following except:
Conducting Elections.
116. When we say the media help set the public agenda, we mean that the media:
Identify issues that merit public attention and government action.
117. Most of the media in the United States are:
Private for profit corporate enterprises.
118. The concept of managed news refers to:
Information distributed by the government to give priority to government interests.
119. The concept of Yellow Journalism refers to:
Sensationalistic, irresponsible journalism.
120. The presidential campaign of 1952 was the first to:
Involve a real role for television.
121. Broadcasting that is targeted to one small sector of the population is called:
122. Radio talk shows have been dominated by:
Conservative Commentators.
123. A brief memorable comment hat easily can be fit into news broadcasts is called:
A Sound Bite.
124. One of the most effective political ads of all time was a thirty-second spot for _____ depicting a little girl picking daisies in a field and then an image of a mushroom cloud emanating from a nuclear explosion.
Lyndon B. Johnson in his campaign against Richard Nixon.
125. An interpretation of campaign events or election results that is favorable to a candidate's campaign strategy is known as:
Managed News.
126. A political campaign adviser who tries to convince journalists of the truth of a particular interpretation of events is known as:
Spin Doctor.
127. The 1960 presidential debates between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon:
Illustrated the importance of the candidates' televised images.
128. Which of the following is true?
The number of voters who obtain election information online is increasing.
129. The journalists assigned to cover the presidency on a full-time basis are members of the:
White House press corps.
130. The government official who represents the White House to the media is known as:
Press Secretary.
131. Commentators have complained of all of the following forms of racial profiling in the media except:
Not enough police shows feature black cops.
132. The protectors of the _____ Amendment are intended to keep the flow of news as free as possible, because it is an essential part of the democratic process.
133. The federal agency that oversees communication regularities in the US is:
The Communications Commission.