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91 Cards in this Set

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Law that is higher than human law is dubbed ____ law.
In the Marxist view, government is a reflection of underlying ______ forces.
Max Weber felt that the dominant social and political reality of modern times was that
All instituitions have fallen under the control of large bureaucracies
Weber's theory suggests it would be wise for scholars who want to study power to focus on
appointed officials and career government workers
A pluralist agrees that
political resources are not equally divided, political resources are divided among different kind of elites, elites are not a united front, policies are the outcome of complex patterns of haggling, compromises and shifting.
A pluralist would not agree with the statement
mass opinion and the interests of citizens are irrelevant to policy making
The fact that people have been willing to die over competing views of the public interest suggests that
such views are more than mere window dressing
Aristotle's notion of democracy is also referred to as
Direct Democracy, Participatory Democracy
In Aristotle's view, democracy would consist of
Participation by all or most citizens in either holding office or making policy
Which of the following is a basic tenet of representative democracy?
individuals should acquire power thru competition for the people's vote
If you feasr the people often decide big issues on the basis of fleeting passions and in response to demagogues, you are likely to agree with
many framers of the constituition
Which of the following statements concering power is correct.
its excercise can sometimes be obvious, it can be exercized in subtle ways, it invovles a person getting another person to act in accordance with the first person's wishes, it is found in all human relationships
authory is
the right to use power
americans seem to agree that the excercise of political power at any level is legitimate only if, in some sense, it is
the framers of the constitution did not think that the "will of the people" was synonymous with the "public good"
Law that is higher than human law is dubbed ____ law.
In the Marxist view, government is a reflection of underlying ______ forces.
Max Weber felt that the dominant social and political reality of modern times was that
All instituitions have fallen under the control of large bureaucracies
Weber's theory suggests it would be wise for scholars who want to study power to focus on
appointed officials and career government workers
A pluralist agrees that
political resources are not equally divided, political resources are divided among different kind of elites, elites are not a united front, policies are the outcome of complex patterns of haggling, compromises and shifting.
A pluralist would not agree with the statement
mass opinion and the interests of citizens are irrelevant to policy making
The fact that people have been willing to die over competing views of the public interest suggests that
such views are more than mere window dressing
Aristotle's notion of democracy is also referred to as
Direct Democracy, Participatory Democracy
In Aristotle's view, democracy would consist of
Participation by all or most citizens in either holding office or making policy
Which of the following is a basic tenet of representative democracy?
individuals should acquire power thru competition for the people's vote
If you feasr the people often decide big issues on the basis of fleeting passions and in response to demagogues, you are likely to agree with
many framers of the constituition
Which of the following statements concering power is correct.
its excercise can sometimes be obvious, it can be exercized in subtle ways, it invovles a person getting another person to act in accordance with the first person's wishes, it is found in all human relationships
authory is
the right to use power
americans seem to agree that the excercise of political power at any level is legitimate only if, in some sense, it is
the framers of the constitution did not think that the "will of the people" was synonymous with the "public good"
Law that is higher than human law is dubbed ____ law.
In the Marxist view, government is a reflection of underlying ______ forces.
Max Weber felt that the dominant social and political reality of modern times was that
All instituitions have fallen under the control of large bureaucracies
Weber's theory suggests it would be wise for scholars who want to study power to focus on
appointed officials and career government workers
A pluralist agrees that
political resources are not equally divided, political resources are divided among different kind of elites, elites are not a united front, policies are the outcome of complex patterns of haggling, compromises and shifting.
A pluralist would not agree with the statement
mass opinion and the interests of citizens are irrelevant to policy making
The fact that people have been willing to die over competing views of the public interest suggests that
such views are more than mere window dressing
Aristotle's notion of democracy is also referred to as
Direct Democracy, Participatory Democracy
In Aristotle's view, democracy would consist of
Participation by all or most citizens in either holding office or making policy
Which of the following is a basic tenet of representative democracy?
individuals should acquire power thru competition for the people's vote
If you feasr the people often decide big issues on the basis of fleeting passions and in response to demagogues, you are likely to agree with
many framers of the constituition
Which of the following statements concering power is correct.
its excercise can sometimes be obvious, it can be exercized in subtle ways, it invovles a person getting another person to act in accordance with the first person's wishes, it is found in all human relationships
authory is
the right to use power
americans seem to agree that the excercise of political power at any level is legitimate only if, in some sense, it is
the framers of the constitution did not think that the "will of the people" was synonymous with the "public good"
The framers hoped to create a representative democracy that would act swiftly and accomodate sweeping changes in policy.
marxist theory sees society as divided into two classes: capitalist and workers
weber assigned a significant amount of power to appointed officials in the bureaucracies of modern governments
politics exist in part because people differ about who should govern and the ends towards which they work.
most people holding political power in the united states today are middle class, middle aged, white protestant males
much of american political history has been a struggle over what constitutes legitimate authority
everyone in the ancient greek city/state was eligible to participate in government
some writers of teh constituition opposed democracy on the grounds that the people would be unable to make wise decisions.
The essential complaints itemized in the Declaration of Independence are remarkable because
none spoke of social or economic conditions in the colonies
The colonists new vision of government insisted that
the legislative branch be superior to the executive branch
The Articles of Confederation attempted to create
A firm league of friendship among the states
How many ammendments are there in the US Constitution
twenty seven
The Constituition of the United States is the worlds oldest written national constituition still in operation.
The Virgina Plan appeared to favor the larger states, whereas the New Jersey Plan was more acceptable to the smaller ones.
The Great Compromise, which essentially saved the Convention from collapsing, was directly opposed by, or not supported by, the votes of eight of the thirteen states.
James Madison enthusiastically supported the Great Compromise.
The American and French Revolutions of the late 1700s were both fought for the ideals of liberty, fraternity, and equality.
revolutionary colonists rejected the notion taht the king of England had a natural prerogative to be their legitimate ruler.
commonly listed among the natural rights to which colonists felt entitled were life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
The Declaration of Independence contained more paragraphs naming specific complaints against the king than paragraphs announcing the goals of the Revolution.
Revolutionary colonists largely held that the legislative branch of government should have a greater share of governmental power than the executive.
The eleven years that elapsed between the declaration of independence and the signing of the constituition were years of turmoil, uncertainty and fear.
under the articles of confederation the national government levied relatively modest taxes on the people.
the articles required nine votes for the passage of any measure.
there was no judicial system under the articles of confederation
shay's rebellion seemed to indicate the inability of state governments alone to cope with serious popular uprisings
Define natural law.
inherent, natural laws
Define Human Law
Laws made by government
What is a Marxist view of government?
two economic classes contend for power, capitalists (businessowners) & proletariat (workers). whichever class dominates economy dominates the government (machinery to express & give legal effect to class interests)
What is Weberian (Max Weber) view of government?
bureaucratic view--power is in the hands of officials, career govt workers (not appointed officials)...they exercise power by deciding how to translate public laws into administrrative actions; govt bureaucrats dont merely implement policies, they make them as suits their needs.
what is a pluralist view of government?
competition among all affected interests shapes public policy
Explain Aristotles notion of democracy.
direct democracy; the "rule of many"; a lot of people participate not just representatives
Explain representative democracy.
Any system of government in which leaders are authorized to make a decision. leaders make decisions by winning a competitive struggle for popular vote.
What does the textbook say about power relationships in government
ability tro get another person to act in accordance with the first person's intentions
what does the textbook say about authority in government?
its the right to use power
What is the underlying theme of the Declaration of Independence?
How did most colonists foresee their new government?
either wanted confederation or centralized. (Hamilton vs. Jefferson). Property holding white males had power
what information is contained in Article I of the Constituition
What information is contained in Article II of the Consituition
What information is contained in Article III of the Constituition
Why were the bill of rights written?
to be more specific, to ammend constituition, to make certain parts indisputable
What information is contained in the Bill of Rights?
the first 10 ammendments
What were the Articles of Confederation?
a weak constituition that governned AMerica during the revolutionary war
Weaknesses of Articles of Confederation?
merely a league of friendship; couldnt levy taxes/regulate commerce, each state retained its sovereignty and indpendence, each state had 1 vote in congress, 9/13 votes were required to pass any measure, delegates were picked and paid for by state
Strengths of Articles of Confederation?
Power to make peace (ratify treaty with england), coin $, appoint key army officers, post office
How many ammendments are there to the US Constituition
Twenty seven