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32 Cards in this Set

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Bicameral Legilation

two-house legislature

Block Grant

Money granted by the federal government to the states for a broad purpose (transportation) rather than for a narrow purpose (school lunch program)

Categorical Grant

Money granted by the federal government to the states for a narrow purpose rather than broad


those who favor greater national authority rather than state authority

Checks and Balances

system in which each branch of the government can limit the other two branches (presidential veto of a congressional law

Commerce clause

Gives congress the power to regulate commerce among the states with foreign nations and among Indian Tribes. Granted through article 1 section 8 of the Constitution

Concurrent Powers

Those held by both congress and the states e.g. establishing law enforcement agencies


system in which sovereign states are only loosely tied to a central government e.g. the US under the Articles of confederation


Those who favor greater state authorities rather than national authorities

Direct Democracy

system in which the people rule themselves

Elastic clause

states that the Const can exercise those powers that are "necessary and proper" for carrying out the enumerated powers e.g. establishment of the first Bank of the US. BUS

Enumerated Powers

those that are specifically granted to the congress in Article 1 section 8 of the constitution e.g. the power to tax. Also known as expressed powers


Constitutional sharing of power between a central government and state governments

Dual Federalism

system in which the national government and state governments are coequal with each being dominant within its respective sphere

Cooperative Federalism

system in which both federal government and state governments cooperate in solving a problem

Federalist Papers

group of 85 essays written by Madison, Hamilton, and Jay for the purpose of persuading the people of New York to adopt the Const

Formal Amendment

a change in the actual wording of the Const. Proposed by national or national convention and ratified by the states. 2/3; 2/3; 3/4

Implied powers

those that are necessary and proper to carry out Congressional enumerated powers, and are granted to Congress through the Elastic Clause

Indirect Democracy

system in which the people are ruled by their representatives. Also known as representative democracy or republic

Inherent Powers

foreign policy powers (acquiring territory) held by the national government by virtue of its being a national government

Informal Amendment

A change in the meaning but not the wording of the Const. (Brown vs. The Board of Education)

Judicial Review

Power of the courts to rule on the constitutionality of laws and governmental actions. (Marbury vs. Madison 1803)


requirements imposed upon the states by the national government. Some are unfunded mandates which lack all funding but are still imposed

Marbury vs. Madison 1803

Court case that established the acts of judicial review

MuCulloch vs. Maryland 1819

established principle of national supremacy and validity of implied powers

Police Powers

powers of the states to protect the public safety, health, morals and welfare

Popular Sovereignty

principle in which ultimate political authority rests with the people

Reserved Powers

Powers held by the states by the 10th Amendment. Any power not granted to the US govt is reserved for the states

Separation of Powers

principle in which the powers of government are separated into three branches: legislative, judicial, & executive

Shay's Rebellion

1786 revolt by Massachusetts farmers seeking relief from debt and foreclosure that was a factor in the calling of the Constitutional Convention


a majority greater than a simple majority of one-half e.g. 3/5; 2/3; 3/4

Unicameral Legislature

one-house legislature