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126 Cards in this Set

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a fracture in the shaft of a bone is a break in the
endosteum can be found
lining the medullary cavity
muscle tendon fibers attach to bone by interlacing with
the organic matrix of bone consists of
all of the above (collagenous fibers, protein, polysaccharides)
in bone formation the cells that produce the organic matrix are
the cells responsible for active erosion of bone minerals are called
which of the following is not one of the primary functions performed by bones
hormonal production
the cell organelles that synthesize organic matrix substances in bone formation are
endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus
the osteon or haversian system
delivers nutrition to and removes products from bone cells
in intramembranous ossification the process of appositional growth refers to the
addition of an outside layer of osseous tissue on flat bones

hematopoiesis is carried out in the
red bone marrow
the primary ossification center of a long bone is located
in the diaphysis
the major purpose of the epiphyseal plate is
lengthening long bones
the first step in healing a fracture is
the formation of a fracture hematoma
normally bone loss will begin to exceed bone gaining between the ages of
35 and 40
in bone growth the medullary cavity is enlarged because of the activity of
the most abundant type of cartilage is
the form of the external ear is composed of
elastic cartilage
which is not a part of the axial skeleton

which is not part of the appendicular skeleton
parietal bones

the axial skeleton consists of ___ bones
the appendicular skeleton consists of ____ bones
the term sinus as it relates to bone markings can be defined as a
cavity within a bone
which bone is a part of the axial skeleton
which bone is a part of the appendicular skeleton
which suture is between the occipital and parietal bones
mastoiditis is the inflammation of a sinus within which bones
which skull bone articulates with the first vertebra
the upper parts of the nasal septum and the side walls of the nasal cavity are formed by which bones

which of the following is a true statement
the ethmoid is an irregular bone that lies anterior to the sphenoid but posterior to the nasal bones

which of the following bones does not articulate with the maxillae

if the cribriform plate is damaged there is a chance of q
infectious materials passing from the nose to the brain

a fontanel can best be described as an
unossified area in the infant skull

the upper part of the sternum is called the
the skeletal framework of the neck consists of ___ vertebrae
the number of thoracic vertebrae is
the number of true pairs of ribs in the body is
the trochlea and capitulum can be described as
distal portions of the humerus

the human hand has greater dexterity than the forepaw of any animal because of the
freely movable joint of the thumb
the ulna articulates proximally with the
metacarpal bones form the framework of teh
the pisiform bone can be found in the
the structure above the pelvic inlet which is bordered by muscle in the front and bone along the sides and back is called the
false pelvis
the anterior of the pelvic girdle is formed by the

during childbirth a baby passes through an imaginary plane called the
pelvic outlet
the longest and heaviest bone in the body is the
a person with a fractured patella would expect discomfort in the
which of the following is not a tarsal bone
which of the following is not true
all of the above are true (the pubic arch in the male is less than a 90 degree angle, the pelvic cavity is narrower in the male than in the female, the coccyx is less flexible in the male)
going form proximal to distal the bones of the upper extremity are
humerus, radius, carpals, metacarpals
which of the following is a true statement
the structural classification of joints centers around the type of connective tissue that joins the bones together
which of the following is not an example of a fibrous joint
what are the unique joints that occur between the root of a tooth and the alveolar process of the mandible or maxillae
what are the most movable joints in the body
in terms of structure which type of articulation has a joint capsule

in terms of function which is considered an immovable joint

a condyloid joint is an example of a _____ joint
which joint allows for the widest range of movement
ball and socket
the pads of fibrocartilage located between the articulating ends of bones in some diarthroses are called
menisci are
fibrocartilage pads
an example of a hinge joint are the
interphalangeal joints
the knee joint is an example of a _______ joint
an example of a pivot joint is
the head of the radius articulating with the ulna
the distal end of the radius articulating with the carpal bones in an example of a ______ joint
condyloid (ellipsoidal)
which of the following is an example of a biaxial joint
a gliding joint is an example of a
which joint allows for the most movement
ball and socket
skeletal muscles constitute approximately _____ of our body weight
the connective tissue sheath that envelopes bundles of muscle fibers is the
the covering of individual muscle fibers is the
groups of skeletal muscle fibers are bound together by a connective tissue envelope called the
an aponeurosis could be described as
flat sheet of connective tissue connecting muscle to other structures
muscles that contract at the same time as the prime mover are called
both a and b (synergists, fixators)
which of the following is not a component of a lever system

the type of lever arrangement in which the pull is exerted between the fulcrum and resistance or weight to be moved is a _____-class lever
muscles may be named according to
all of the above (function, direction of fibers, points of attachment)
the sternocleidomastoid muscle is an example of a muscle named for its
points of attachment
a muscle that assists with mastication is the

the muscle that draws the eyebrows together producing vertical wrinkles above the nose is called

corrugator supercilli

which of the following muscles has fibers on a transverse plane
transverse abdominis
which of the following muscles functions to protect the abdominal viscera
all of the above (external oblique, internal oblique, transversus abdominis)
which muscles form most of the pelvic floor
levator ani
purposeful movement is determined by
all of the above (relationship of muscles to joints, how muscles are attached to the skeleton, the manner in which muscles are grouped)
which fibrous connective tissue structures have a lining of synovial membrane
tendon sheaths
which of the following muscles does not move the upper arm
all of the following muscles are part of the rotator cuff muscles except the
the teres major and teres minor muscles move the
the muscle that allows the thumb to be drawn across the palm to touch the tip of any finger is the
opponens pollicis
the muscle that raises or lowers the shoulders or shrugs them is the
the muscle that extends and adducts the arm is
latissimus dorsi
the posterior arm muscle that extends the forearm is the
triceps brachii
the muscle that flexes the semipronated or semisupinated forearm is the
muscles that move the upper arm originate on teh
clavicle and scapula
in pushing (pressing) a weight from shoulder height to above the head, which of the following muscles is least utilized
biceps brachii
the muscles assisting in rotating the arm outward is the
teres minor
the action of the brachialis muscle is to _____ the forearm
th3e flexor muscles that move the fingers are mostly located on the
anterior medial surface of the forearm

which of the following is not a muscle that moves the thigh
which of the following is not a muscle of the quadriceps femoris group
biceps femoris
when an athlete injures a muscle of the hamstring group the injury is on the
posterior thigh
Which of the following is not a function of muscles
The muscles ability to stretch or extend and to return to its resting length is called
The contractile unit of a muscle cell is the
Which structure allows the electrical signals to travel along the sarcolemma and move deeper into the cell
Transverse tubules
The four kinds of protein that make up myofilaments are
myosin, actin, tropomyosin, troponin
According to the sliding filament theory
Actin moves past myosin
The energy required for muscular contraction is obtained by hydrolysis of
Anaerobic respiration results in the formation of an incompletely catabolized molecule called
lactic acid
The minimal level of stimulation required to cause a fiber to contract is called the
Threshold stimulus
Three phases of twitch contraction are the
latent period, contraction phase, and relaxation phase
Repeated stimulation of muscle in time lessens its excitability and contractibility and may result in
Central nervous system consists of
brain and spinal cord
Sympathetic division produces the
fight or flight response
Efferent nervous system consists of all
outgoing motor pathways
What has the ability of phagocytosis
What helps to form the blood–brain barrier
What produces the fatty myelin sheath in the PNS
Schwann cell
What is the largest and most numerous of the neuroglial cells
What produces the myelin sheath in the CNS
What type of neuroglia that forms the neurilemmal
Schwann cell
What is called the "star cell"
The disorder of this cell is associated with multiple sclerosis
What are classified as nerve fibers
Axon and dendrites
What conducts impulses toward the cell body
A neuron with one axon and several dendrites is a
Multipolar neuron
Which type of neuron lies entirely within the CNS