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374 Cards in this Set

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inductive method
process of making many observations until confident enough to draw generalizations and predictions from the many observations
hypothetico–deductive method
where you start with a question and a guess at an answer (hypothesis)
aspects of experimental design that help ensure objective/reliable results
sample size/ control group/ placebo/ double blind
information that can be verified by any trained person– iron deficiency leads to anemia
generalization about the predictable ways matter and energy behave
explanatory statement derived from facts theories and confirmed hypothesis
list the levels of human structure from the most complex to the simplest
organism/organsystem/organ / tissue/cell/organelles/molecules/atoms
reductionistic viewpoint
the theory that a large complex system like the human body can be understood by studying its simpler parts
holistic viewpoints
theory that there are emergent properties of the whole organism that cannot be predicted from the properties of its separate parts
T/F human beings are more than the sum or their parts
the bodys ability to detect change, activate mechanisms that oppose it, and thereby maintain relatively stable internal conditions
why is homeostasis central to physiology
if the body cannot maintain homeostasis it can be harmful or fatal to cells
negative feedback
positive feedback
self amplifying cycle, change leads to even greater change in the same direction rapid change
examples of positive feedbacks beneficial and harmful effects
positive feedback can help things like giving birth but can circle out of control and need emergency care like for a high fever
describe the biologically important properties of water
polar covalent bond, v shaped with 105 deg this makes it polar. Like magnets water molecules are attracted to each other giving it a set of properties that account for its ability to support life–solvency, cohesion, adhesion, chemical reactivity, thermal stability
hydrophilic substances
substances that dissolve in water
hydrophobic substances
substances that o not dissolve in water like fats
ravioli shaped cell
cube shaped cell
tall cells
intracellular fluid (ICF)
fluid inside of a cell
extracellular fluid (ECF)
fluid outside of the cell
interstitial fluid (ISF)
interstitial fluid is found in the extracellular spaces between tissue cells
body cells are bathed in
interstitial fluid
structure of a plasma membrane
surrounds the cell, made of proteins and lipids
plasma membrane– function of lipid component
hydrophilic heads face the outside, hydrophobic tails face the inside
Phospholipids drift
this movement allows the membrane to move
plasma membrane– function of carbohydrate component
Protection immunity cancer defense cell adhesion fertilization embryonic development
plasma membrane– function of glycocalyx component
carbohydrate coating on the cells surface protection, immunity to infection, defense cancer, fertilization
explain what is meant by a selectively permeable membrane
allows some things through but prevents other things from coming or going
passive transport mechanism
random molecular motion provides the energy– filtration, diffusion, osmosis
osmolarity and its importance
the number of osmoles of solute per liter of solution clinical solutions based on this
tonicity and its importance
ability of a solution cause osmotic and to affect the fluid volume and pressure in a cell

spreading out or mixing of particles like in the dye/water experiment

dye spreads out but neither chemically change

movement through a semipermeable membrane down a concentration gradient like experiment with the blood on the slide
A hypertonic solution will cause cells to
what ways can a tissue change from one type to another
Differentiation–drastic, unspecialized cells become specialized
subtle, change from one type of mature cell to another, cuboidal before puberty becomes stratified squamous after
name and describe the modes of tissue growth




name and describe the modes and causes of tissue shrinkage and death

programmed cell death

name and describe the ways the body repairs damaged tissues


the study of structure
the study of function
The Scientific method
way to ask/answer scientific questions by making observations and doing experiments
Deductive V. Inductive Reasoning
deductive you start with a question inductive you start with facts
Deductive Reasoning
ask a question formulate a hypothesis then confirm the guess
Inductive reasoning
making numerous observations until you are confident drawing a general conclusion
Mechanism V. Teleology
Teleology is the result or reason of a change
seeks to explain life processes by identifying the sequence of physical and chemical events leading to a change in body function
teleology seeks to explain life processes by identifying the end result or purpose of a change in body function
Dynamic steady state
Balance between forces like between osmosis and filtration
Negative feedback loops
Redirect the body to correct some value that is out of normal range
Regulatory Control systems
Conservation of Mass and Energy
mass and energy can neither be created nor destroyed
Control of Cell Destiny
cells have three destinies–grow and divide, remain alive and function without dividing, die
gross anatomy
study of structures that can be see with the naked eye
the study of structure and function of cells
the study of cells with a microscope
sagittal plane
left and right
lining of the lungs
visceral pleura (inside)

parietal pleura(outside)

lining of the heart
visceral pericardium
parietal paricardium


serous membranes of the abdominal cavity
visceral peritoneum

missing something

separates the oustide of the body from the inside
what separates the intracellular from the extracellular
cell membrane
what separates the outside of the body from the inside of the body
something is considered inside the body once...
it passes the epithelial layer
once water is absorbed through the epithelial layer inside the GI tract
it is inside the body
enlargement of preexisting cells

muscle growth through exercise

tissue growth through cell multiplication

childhood growth

growth of a tumor

abnormal tissue

shrinkage through loss in cell size or number

normal aging, lack of use

premature death due to toxins trauma or infections
death due to no blood supply
replacement of dead or damaged cells with original cells
replacement of damaged cells with scar tissue
the study of bone
Name the tissues and organs that compose the skeletal system
bones cartilage ligaments
six functions of the skeletal system
support protection movement electrolyte balance acid/base balance blood formation
Describe four types of bones classified by shape
long, short, flat, irregular
Describe the general features of a long bone and a flat bone
outer shell of dense bone enclosing medullary (marrow) cavity. At the ends of the bone the space is occupied by spongy bone
Long bone
longer than wide ridged levers acted upon by muscles
Short bones
equal in length and width glide across one another in multiple directions
Flat bones
protect soft organs curved but wide and thin
Medullary cavity
marrow cavity
outer coating of bone collagen and osteogenic
inner coating of marrow cavity bone forming and degrading
shaft of a long bone/ long part of a bone
head of a long bone
Articular cartilage
the cartilage on a bone that contacts another bone
Nutrient foramina
minute holes in a bone where blood vessels penetrate
Osteogenic Cells
stem cells that give rise to most other bone cell types, reside in endosteum, periosteum, or central canals, ONLY source for new osteoblasts
bone forming cells, not in the cell cycle, build bone, deposit initial layer of bone tissue that will be calcified later
former osteoblasts that are trapped in the matrix they deposited found within lacunae of compact bone, monitor the bone stress and strains
bone dissolving cells big with a ruffled comb like edge
tiny cavities where osteocyte cells reside
little canals that connect osteocyte protrusions
Compact bone
onion like concentric lamellae around a central canal connected to each other by canaliculi
concentric ring that contain osteocytes
Interstitial lamellae
contains osteocytes that is in between the concentric lamellae
Perforating canals
Volkmann diagonal canals
concentric lamellae with a central canal where veins and nerves run
Spongy Bone
consists of a lattice of delicate slivers of bone called spicules and trabeculae
Red bone marrow
myeloid tissue, rich in stem cells, produces blood cells, most marrow in children, in skull, vertebra, ribs, sternum, hip, proximal heads of humerus and femur
Yellow bone marrow
no longer produces blood, can transform back into red marrow in the event of severe or chronic anemia
Spongy bone
type of bone tissue found in the interior of flat bones and epiphyses
organic matter, what the osteoblasts deposit, flexibility (rebar)
inorganic matter, resistance to compression, stiffness (cement)
two mechanisms of bone formation
ossification and osteogenesis
two methods of ossification
intramembranous and endochondral
intramembranous ossification
flat bones of the skull and most of scapula replaces connective tissue mediated by mesenchymal stem cells start with a membrane layer then you ossify or harden
endochondral ossification
everything except flat bones, replaces hyaline cartilage mediated by chondrocytes in cartilage. 6th wk of fetal development–20yrs. Most bones develop this way vertebrae, limbs, ribs
Interstitial growth
lengthening, elongation at the epiphyseal plate, stops just after puberty
Appositional growth
increase in diameter on outside of bone, only form of growth in mature bones
cells getting larger
Growing bone has a epiphyseal
Bone no longer growing has a epiphyseal
gline or scar
Bone remodeling
repairs micro fractures, releases minerals into the blood, reshapes bones in response to use and disuse, occurs through ought life about 10% per year
Wolfs law
architecture of bone determined by mechanical stresses placed on it
Mineral deposition
crystallization process in which calcium and phosphate and other ions are taken from the blood plasma and deposited in bone tissue
How does mineral deposition occur?
Osteoblasts produce collagen fibers calcium gets to a high enough level first few crystals attract more most tissues have inhibitors that prevent ossification, osteoblasts neutralize these inhibitors
Ectopic ossification
abnormal calcification like in lungs brain eyes…
Blood takes precedent
body needs calcium in its blood more than in its bone
Solubility product
critical value in which you have enough calcium and phosphate ions to allow crystal formation
Mineral reabsorption
process of dissolving bone and releasing mineral into the blood
role of the bones in regulating blood calcium and phosphate levels
bones serve as a bank for minerals, minerals can be withdrawn at any time
blood calcium deficiency, muscle spasms, can be caused by vitamin D deficiency, diarrhea, pregnancy
blood calcium excess, sluggish reflexes, depression due to slowed nerve and muscle responsiveness
calcium homeostasis depends on a balance of
dietary intake, urinary and fecal loss, and exchange between osseous tissue
what hormones affect calcium homeostasis
calcitriol parathyroid hormone PTH calcitonin
raises blood calcium levels by inducing osteoclast function to pull calcium out of the bones and reducing loss of calcium through excretion of kidneys and increasing absorbtion of calcium in digestive tract
Parathyroid hormone PTH
raises blood calcium levels by helping synthesize calcitriol increases osteoclast activity and reduce osteoblast number, more urinary phosphate excretion and less urinary calcium excretion
lowers blood calcium levels activate osteoblasts activity and number to pull calcium out of the blood and into the bone, and reduce osteoclast activity
most common malignant bone disorder, found most often in teens, typically found in the metaphyseal area adjacent to the growth plate, most often found in distal femur or proximal tibia, treated by chemo then surgery then more chemo to prevent anything that could have spread from growing
buildup of uric acid in your blood which then crystalizes in the synovial fluid around a joint, alcoholics, obese people, family history, hypertensive people more likely to get this, treatment is diet change removal of red meat, NSAIDs
State the approximate number of bones in the adult body


functions of muscles
movement, stability, opening/passageway control, heat production, glycemic control
the study of the muscular system
kinds of muscle tissue
skeletal, cardiac, smooth
muscle is specialized for one purpose
converting chemical energy in ATP into the mechanical energy of motion
universal characteristics of muscle
responsiveness, conductivity, contractility, extensibility, elasticity
muscles can only contract they cannot push things so…
muscles must work as pairs
connective tissues associated with a skeletal muscle
deep fascia
found between adjacent muscles
superficial fascia
found between skin and muscles, contains fat tissue
three parts of a muscle
origin, belly, insertion
attachment to stationary end of muscle
thicker middle region of muscle
attachment to mobile end of muscle
belly in the middle tendon on either end, function
triangle shaped, function
half of a feather, function
full feather, function
multiple tendons, function
circle shaped, opens and closes openings of the body
intrinsic muscles
contained and effect movement within a region
extrinsic muscles
muscles contained in a region that effect motion in a different region
Indirect attachment
anything with a tendon– tendons bridge the gap between muscle ends and bony attachment
tendon that is a flat broad sheet like in your palm
tendon that lays over other tendons
Direct/ fleshy attachment
direct conection muscle to bone
Muscle fiber
muscle cell
connective tissue hold one fascicle and has blood vessels and nerves in it
hold one muscle fiber
Muscle fascicle
muscle fiber grouping
just inside fascia hold entire muscle
group of muscle cells
Prime mover
produces most of the force
stabilizes and modifies direction of movement
oposes prime mover, prevents excessive movement
prevents movement of bone that prime mover is attached to
cell membrane, has tunnel like transverse t tubles
Transverse tubule
part of the sarcolemma that is inside the cell
Sarcoplastmic reticulem
the form endoplasmic reticulum takes on in muscle is a series of interconnected dilated calcium storage sacs called terminal cisternae
The sarcoplasmic reticulum does what?
carry electrical signals from the cell surface to the interior
t tubule, sarcolemma and sarcoplasmic reticulum
Mitochondria produce the atp that muscles need and are found
throuought the muscle
In one muscle fiber the tube things are
Each muscle fiber contains many
Each myofibril is composed of many
cytoplasm contains glycogen for stored energy and myoglobin for binding oxygen
When you gain muscle you are
adding more myofibrils to each muscle fiber
list level of organization starting with skeletal muscle
skeletal muscle– fascicle– muscle fiber– myofibrils– sarcomere– thick filaments (myosin) and thin filaments (actin, tropomyosin, troponin)
from one z disc to the next z disk
touches the z disk
sits in the middle of the z discs held in place by titin
muscles contract by
the z discs getting closer together
holds the myosin myofilament in place between the z discs
H zone
space between the ends of actin, in contraction the H zone disaperes
When your muscle contracts
the pieces of actin get closer together and the myosin gets closer to the z disc causin the sarcomere to be shorter in length
Each muscle fiber is innervated by
only ONE motor neuron
Skeletal muscles are innervated by
somatic motor neurons
ACh neurotransmitter that is released from nerve fibers and causes stimulation of muscle cell
Schwann cell
envelopes and isolates NMJ
Synaptic cleft
tiny gap between the nerve and muscle cells
Motor end plate
specialized region of muscle cell suface
region where a muscle fiber makes a functional connection with its target cell (NMJ)
When you muscle is relaxed there is K+ _____ the cell and Na+ ______ the cell
K+ inside and Na+ outside
action potentials in the nerve lead to formation of action potentials in muscle fiber Nerve signal stimulates voltage–gated calcium channels that result in exocytosis of synaptic vesicles containing ACh – ACh release
excitation–contraction coupling
action potentials on the sarcolemma activate myofilaments
shortening of muscle fiber or at least formation of tension
return of fiber to its resting length
Motor unit
the amount of muscle fibers touched by ONE neouron
how many nerves can touch a muscle fiber?
only one
one nerve touches how many muscles?
depends on which muscle
what decides how many muscle fibers a nerve touches
its about how controlled the movement has to be

controlled movement like eye muscles, touches few muscle fibers

larger muscles nerves touch more muscle fibers

sodium potassium pump...
puts sodium and potassium back in their places
relaxation phase
Ach chewed up by ache

sodium and potassium put back

calcium removed

higher frequency
gradual increase in strenght
temporal/wave summation
no full recovery

sustained fluttering contractions

maximum frequency
muscle has no time to relax
twitches fuse into smooth prolonged contraction
complete tetanus rare in human body
length tension – overly contracted
actin ends overlapped things are crunched too much to flex any more
length tension – optimum resting length
all myosin heads can reach actin but space between pieces of actin
length tension – overly stretched
not all myosin heads can reach actin
isometric muscle contration
develops tension without changing length
isotonic muscle contraction
tension and muscle length changeg

tension developed while shortening or lengthening

isotonic concentric
isotonic eccentric
to lift an object you go through what phases in what order
isometric phase builds muscle tension then isotonic muscle length changes
Cross bridge cycle step 1– ATP hydrolysis...
cocks myosin head
brossbridge cycle step 2–
myosin head binds actin forming crossbridge
cross bridge cycle step 3–
release of ADP and P flexes myosin head
cross bridge cycle step 4 –
a new ATP binds myosin head dissolving the crossbridge
in your muscles

stores oxygen

aerobic respiration
uses oxygen from myoglobin

lasts the first few seconds of a workout

phosphagen system
taking two ADP and making one AMP and one ATP
creatine kinase
made from a ADP and creatine Phosphate

is turned into a ATP and a creatine

anaerobic respiration
without oxygen

creates lactic acid

long term energy needs– eventually your body will return to
aerobic respiration once your body catches up
recovery period after exercize is when
your body replenishes all of its stores of oxygen

replenishes the phosphate system

removes lactic acid to glucose in kidneys and liver

slow twitch muscles AKA:
slow oxidative (SO)
Slow twitch muscles
more mitochondria myoglobin and capillaries

adapted to aerobic respiration and resistance to fatigue

fast twitch
rich in enzymes for phosphagen and lactic systems

sarcoplasmic reticulum releases calcium quickly so contractions are quicker

proportions of muscle types vary depending on
genetics– sprinter V marathoner
Causes of muscle fatigue
ATP synthesis declines as glycogen is consumed causes other processes to not work

NMJ uses up Ach

lactic acid inhibits enzyme function

Purpose of nervous system
receive info from receptors, process info and determine response, issue commands to effectors
cells and organs specialized to detect changes in the body and its environment
Neural integration
processing info and determining response
cells and organs that carry out the body’s responses
Flow of information
peripheral receptors to central for neural integration to peripheral effectors
peripheral nervous system– everything that is not central nervous system
central nervous system– brain and spinal cord
Sensory neurons
afferent neurons– PNS detect changes in the body info is transmitted to the brain
association neurons– CNS between sensory and motor neurons, process store and receive info, make decisions
Motor neurons
efferent neurons– PNS send signals out to muscles and glands
irritability able to respond to changes in the body and external environment
produce traveling electrical signals that quickly reach other cells at distant locations
when electrical signal reaches end of nerve fiber a chemical neurotransmitter is secreted
Cell body
perikaryon– single central nucleus
branches that allow it to from synapses with many other neurons
product of breakdown of worn out organelles
A neuron has
cell body, many short dendrites, single nucleus, single axon
transduces signal towards synaptic knob
Electrical signal travels
one direction out of cell
Schwan cells are located
around axon helping speed up the signal in the peripheral nervous system
Multipolar neuron
most common– many dendrites one axon
Bipolar neuron
olfactory, retina, ear– one dendrite one axon
Unipolar neuron
sensory from skin and organs– directly to spinal cord, cell body is off to the side
Anaxonic neuron
many dendrites no axon– VISION helps in visual processes
Any signal will travel in what way through a neuron
dendrite– cell body– axon
neuroglial CNS– form the myelin sheath
neuroglial CNS– form the framework, blood brain barrier, regulate brain tissue fluid
Ependymal cells
neuroglial CNS– line cavities and produce cerebral spinal fluid CSP
macrophages neuroglia CNS– formed from monocytes, help deal with infection, cause of brain swelling
Schwan cells
neuroglial PNS– part of myelin sheath
Oliogodendrocytes and schwann cells are wrapped around the
myelin sheath many times thoroughly insulating it
Myelination first begins
in the womb during fetal development
Nerve growth factor
Nerve growth factor
protein secreted by gland and muscle cells, picked up by axon terminals of growing motor neurons– prevents apoptosis
Growth of a single axon is a response to
a baby neuron reaching for nerve growth factor
Peripheral nerve regeneration can occur if
soma and neurilemmal tube us intact
Process of peripheral nerve regeneration
stranded end of axon goes away but myelin sheath stays, cell soma swells, healthy axon stump puts out “feelers”, feelers find stranded end then grow inside the old myelin sheath to the original destination, cell returns to normal
Electrical potential
difference in concentration of charged particles between different parts of the cell
Electrical current
flow of charged particles from one point to another within the cell
Resting potential
–70 mV
Threshold for action potential mV
–50 mV
Phases of an action potential
local potential/ threshold/ depolarization/ peak/ repolarization/ hyperpolarization/ resting
Local potential
small influx of sodium ions that fizzles out before reaching threshold and causing an action potential
Action potential peaks at mV
+35 mV
Action Potential
Absolute refractory period
during depolarization and repolarization, no stimulus will trigger action potential
When can no stimulus trigger another AP
absolute refractory period
Relative refractory period
during hyperpolarization, especially strong stimulus can trigger a new AP
Refractory periods occur to how much of the membrane at a time
one small patch and recovers quickly
Speed of signal transmission along nerve fibers depends on
diameter of fiber and presence of myelin
Fastest nerve fiber is what kind (lg/sm and myelinated or not)
large myelinated
Spaces in between Schwann cells are called
Schwan cells allow a signal to
jump from Schwann cell to Schwann cell instead of flow down like a river
Salutatory conduction is
the idea of the a signal jumping from node to node
A signal travels in only one direction because
the node “behind” the signal is still in a refractory period so the signal can only go forward
when a presynaptic neuron meets a dendrite
when a presynaptic neuron meets a soma or cell body
when a presynaptic neuron meets an axon
Anything that can stimulate a neuron is a
Categories of neurotransmitters
acetylcholine, amino acids, monoamines, neuropeptides
Synaptic delay
slows transmission of nerve signals – time from arrival of nerve signal at synapse to start of action potential in postsynaptic cell
3 kinds of synapses
excitatory cholinergeic , inhibitory GABA–ergic, excitatory adrenergic
Excitatory adrenogenic synapse depends of
Nor epinephrine
Steps of excitatory cholinergic synapse
nerve signal opens voltage gated calcium channels, triggers ACh release, ACH receptors trigger opening of NA channels causing local potential
Steps of inhibitory GABAergic synapse
nerve signal triggers GABA release, GABA receptors trigger –Cl release producing hyperpolarization, post synaptic neuron less likely to reach threshold
Steps in excitatory adrenergic synapse
2nd messenger system, cAMP has many effects including producing a postsynaptic potential
Mechanisms to turn off stimulation
diffusion of neurotransmitter away from synapse into ECF where astrocytes return it to the neurons, synaptic knob reabsorbs amino acids and monoamines be endocytosis and breaks them down with monoamine oxidase, AChE degrades ACh in synaptic cleft
modify the synaptic transmission, raise or lower number of receptors, alter neurotransmitter release, synthesis or breakdown
Neural integration
the ability of your neurons to process information, store and recall it, and make decisions
Excitatory post synaptic potentials
any voltage change in the direction of threshold that makes a neuron more likely to fire (cholinergic and adrenergic) HUMP on graph
Inhibitory Post synaptic potentials
any voltage change away from threshold that makes a neuron less likely to fire (GABA) HOLE on graph
Temporal summation
when single synapse receives many EPSP in a short period of time – intense stimulation by one presynaptic neuron
Spatial summation
when single synapse receives many ESPS from many presynaptic cells – simultaneous stimulation by several presynaptic neurons
+ plus + the adding of the postsynaptic potentials (inhibitory and excitatory signals) and responding to their net effect
one neuron enhances the effect of another– combined effort
+ plus – process in which one presynaptic neuron suppresses the other– reduces or halts unwanted transmission
Qualitative information
depends on which neuron fires (sweet/salty)
Quantitative information
strong stimuli excite several different neurons and more rapid rate (intensity)
Facilitated zone
a single cell can only make it easier for the post synaptic cell to fire
Discharge zones
a single cell can produce firing– many connections
Spinal cord
information highway between brain and body, extends through vertebral canal from foramen magnum to first lumbar vertebra, 31 pairs of spinal nerves
part of the spinal cord supplied by each pair of spinal nerves
Cervical enlargement
thicker part of the spinal cord that hold nerves to upper limbs
Lumbar enlargement
thicker part of the spinal cord that holds that go to the pelvic region and lower limbs
Medullary cone
cord tapers to a point inferior to lumbar enlargement
Cauda equine
bundle of nerve roots that occupy the vertebral canal from L2 to S5
web shape that nerves take on just outside of the spinal cord
dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater that enclose the brain and spinal cord
Grey matter
central area of spinal cord shaped like a butterfly surrounded by three columns of white matter, very little myelin, information processing
White matter
abundantly myelinated axons, carry signals from one part of CNS to another
outside of one nerve
bundles (fascicles) of neurons
outside of one neuron
group of myelinated and myelinated nerve fibers
hcluster of somas outside the CNS enveloped in an endoneurium continuous with that of the nerve
when a signal starts on one side of the body and ends on the other
when a signal starts and ends on one side of the body
fibers cross sides
paralysis of lower limbs– damage in the lumbar region
paralysis of all limbs – damage close to cervical
paralysis of one side of the body due to stroke or other brain injury
Muscle spindles
when muscle realizes it’s too stretched out and so it contracts
Tendon organs
when a tendon has too much pressure on it so that the muscle relaxes
Flexor withdrawal reflexes
occurs during withdrawal of foot from pain – polysynaptic arc, controlled by neural circuitry in spinal cord
Crossed extensor reflex
maintains balance after a flexor withdrawal by extending the other leg occurs before pain is registered by the brain
toward the forehead
toward the spinal cord
the majority of the brain, longitudinal fissure, corpus callosum
the little back part, occupies posterior cranial fossa, 50% brain neurons
thick folds of the brain
shallow grooves of the brain
Corpus callosum
thick nerve bundle at the bottom of longitudinal fissure that connects the hemispheres
four main parts – diencephalon, midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata
Mater in order out to in of head
dura mater (spinal fluid in between) arachnoid mater pia mater
separates us from our closest relatives (apes) what makes the humans the humans 90% of cerebral cortex
Cerebrospinal fluid
clear colorless liquid that fills the ventricles and canals of the CNS mainly composed of blood plasma, production begins with filtering of the blood plasma through capillaries of the brain
Purpose of CSF
buoyance allows the brain to be big without squishing itself, protection from strikes, chemical stability
Brain receives _____% blood supply
Blood brain barrier system
strictly regulates what substances can get from the bloodstream into the tissue fluid of the brain
Astrocyte feet
additional bouncer at the bar door to help keep the riff raff out of the bar
Olfactory nerve
1 bulb, fascicles that go down into nose, sense of smell
Optic nerve
2 optic chiasm (the cross), provides vision
Oculomotor nerve
3 controls muscles that move the eyeball lens and upper eyelid damage causes dilated pupil droopy eyelid difficulty focusing
Trochlear nerve
4 eye movement superior oblique muscle damage causes double vision and inability to rotate
Trigeminal nerve
5 mixed nerve, largest cranial nerve, most important sensory nerve of the face, three main branches
Abducens nerve
6 lateral eye movement damage leads to double vision and difficulty focusing
Facial nerve
7 mixed major motor nerve of facial muscles and taste on front 2/3 of tongue (sweet and salty ) damage causes no sense of taste and sagging facial muscles
Vestibulocochlear nerve
8 hearing and balance damage produced deafness, dizziness, nausea, loss of balance
Glossopharyngeal nerve
9 swallowing salivation, gagging, BP, respiration, sensation of back 1/3 of tongue (bitter and sour)
Vagus nerve
10 most extensive nerve, major part of cardiac, pulmonary, digestive, urinary function, swallowing, speech, damage causes hoarseness, loss of voice, impaired swallowing
Accessory nerve
11 swallowing, head, neck, and shoulder movement, damage causes impaired head neck shoulder movement, head turns toward injured side
Hypoglossal nerve
12 tongue movements for speech food manipulation, swallowing