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27 Cards in this Set

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Thomas a'Kempis
"The Imitation of Christ"
Critic of Church
Founded The Brethren of the Common life
Encouraged Christians to live simply and make religion a personal experience
The Imitation of Christ
By Thomas a'Kempis
Critical of church (early)
Swabian Rebellion
Peasants War (1524-1525)
Peasants believed Luther would support liberal social agenda
Luther sympathized with plight of peasants, NOT in social/political reform
Twelve Articles: peasant demands: end serfdom, fuedal hunting, tithes
Luther gathered Lutheran and Catholic princes to crush
Brethren of the Common Life
Founded by Thomas a'Kempis
Encouraged Christians to live simply and make religion a personal experience
Ulrich Zwingli
Preacher trained as humanist, use erasmus' edition of Greek New Testament
Bible: Sole authority
Eucharist was symbolic
Colloquy of Marburg: 1529 he splits from Luther
95 Theses
October 31, 1517
Nailed on church door
Luther went beyond criticism of selling indulgences: questioned authority of Pope
Luther is willing to debate in public
Printing press rapidly spread ideas
Anti-baptism: 1525
John Lyden (radical)
No connection to any state, rejected secular agreements
Rejected Holy Trinity
"End of World is imminent"
Far Left in Protestantism
Become pacifist after radicals take over Munster
Phillip Melanchthon
Augsburg Confession: Lutherans officially excluded non-Luther reformers
Lutheran reformer
Established schools for girls in Protestant German states
Augsburg Confession
Lutherans officially excluded non-Luther reformers
In Colloquy of Marburg: 1529
Phillip Melanchthon
"Institutes of the Christian Religion"
Predestination: God is all-knowing, knows if you are saved when born
Salvation ONLY through works of god
Humanist: influenced by Erasmus
Religiously conservative
Founded by John Knox
Presbyters governed the church
Quickly became dominant in Scotland to detriment of Mary Queen of Scots
John Knox
Founded Presbyterianism in Scotland
Bloody Mary
Mary Tudor
Daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon
Betrothed to dauphin of France, but Henry needed a son
Rescinded reformation legislation of Henry VIII, wanted to reinstate Catholicism
Archbishop Cramner
Convinced Henry VIII to break from Church
Received highest office in Church
Executed by Bloody Mary
Supremacy Act of 1534
English subjects must take an oath of loyalty to Henry as head of church of England
Pilgrimage of Grace
Opposition to Act of Succession
Huge multi-class rebellion in the North: largest in English history
God is all-knowing, knows if you are saved before you're born
Salvation ONLY through Grace of God, good works not enough
Religiously conservative
John Calvin
Elizabethan Settlement
Elizabeth displayed outward conformity, did not go out of her way to persecute unless SHE was challenged as head of the Church
People could worship as they pleased, as long as it was privately
Paul III
Most important reform Pope
Challenged Protestantism
Not interested in new doctrines, interested in improving existing doctrines
Goals: Respond to critics with Church regarding Church abuses; Respond to gains of Protestantism
The Council of Trent
3 sessions, established Catholic dogma for next 4 centuries
Paul III
7 sacraments valid, transubstantiation, "Index of Forbidden Books", seminaries, Church reforms
Society of Jesus
Founder: Ignatius Loyola
Organized in military fashion
Goals: reform Church through education, preach gospel to pagan people, fight Protestantism
The Counter-Reformation
Originally separate from Catholic Reformation, then merged
Reaction to Protestantism: bring them back to church
Peace of Augsburg
Treaty between Charles V and the forces of the Schmalkaldic League, an alliance of Lutheran princes
Cuius regio, eius religio
Alexander VI Borgia
Pope: Moral decline of Papacy
Had numerous affairs and children out of wedlock
Sir Thomas More
Writer and Civic Humanist
Chancellor to Henry VIII: highest position
Beheaded: unwilling to take oath of loyalty to Henry as head of Church of England (Act of Succession)
Charles V
HRE during the Hapsburg-Valois War
Sacked Rome (controlled Pope)
Chased the Reformation, Luther, but was too late
On Christian Liberty
Written by Martin Luther in criticism of Catholic Church
Fully forgiven children of God, Christians are no longer compelled to keep God's law; however, they freely and willingly serve God and their neighbors