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48 Cards in this Set

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Define 'environment'.
all external conditions and factors that affect living organisms
Define 'ecology'.
the study of relationships between living organisms and their environment
Define 'environmental science'.
the interdisciplinary study that examines the roles of humans on earth
Define 'solar capital'.
energy from the sun which provides 99% of the earth's total energy
Define 'earth capital'.
the planet's air, water, soil, wildlife, minerals, natural purification, recycling, and pest control processes
Define 'sustainability'.
the ability to satisfy basic needs without degrading or depleting the resources
Define 'carrying capacity'.
the maximum number of organisms that an environment can support over a specified time period
Define 'linear growth'.
a quantity increases by a constant amount per unit of time
Describe a graph with linear growth.
a straight line sloping upwards
Describe a graph with exponential growth.
a j-shaped curve
Define 'doubling time'.
the amount of time it takes to double resource use, population size, or money in a savings account
What is the rule of 70?
70/percentage growth rate = doubling time (in years)
Define 'economic growth'.
an increase in capacity to provide goods and services
What does GNP stand for?
Gross National Product
Define 'Gross National Product'.
the market value of all goods and services produced within a country by the country's buisnesses during a year
What does GDP stand for?
Gross Domestic Product
Define 'Gross Domestic Product'.
the market value of all goods and services produced by all businesses within a country
Define 'per capita GNP'.
the GNP divided by the total population
What are the characteristics by which the UN declares a country to be DEVELOPED?
1) highly industrialized, 2) usually have per capita GNPs above 4,000$
What three countries account for half of the world's economic output?
United States, Japan, and Germany
Developing countries account for _____% of the population, but only have ____% of the world's wealth and income.
80, 15
What is a renewable resource?
resources that are essentially inexhaustible
What is a potentially renewable resource?
resources that can be replaced rapidly through natural processes
Solar energy, winds, tides, and flowing water are all examples of what type of resource?
Define 'sustainable yield'.
the highest rate at which a potentially renewable resource can be used indefinitely without reducing its available supply
What is environmental degradation?
it is when the rate at which you are using a resource exceeds the rate at which it can be replaced
What is a non-renewable resource?
resources that are fixed in quantity and can be completely used up
What is an economically depleted resource?
a resource where the cost of exploting what is left exceeds the economic value
Define 'pollution'.
any addition to air, water, soil, or food that harms living organisms
Define 'point source'.
type of pollution that comes from a single, identifiable source
Define 'non point source'.
pollution that comes from dispersed and difficult to identify sources
What three factors determine the harmfull effects of pollution?
1. Chemical Nature
2. Concentration
3. Persistence
Which is more effective in reducing pollution: pollution prevention or pollution clean up?
pollution prevention
What are the three major problems of pollution clean up?
1. Temporary
2. Usually transfers the pollutant
3. Too costly
What three factors does environmental impact depend on?
1. Population
2. Per Capita Consumption
3. The amount of degradation produced for each unit or resource used
What is the formular for environmental impact?
Environmental Impact = Population x Consumption x Technology
What is the concept we use to study human population?
exponential growth
How many people live on earth?
6 billion
Why are environmental scientists concerned about economic growth?
Can lead to higher levels of resource use
How much of the world's resources do developed nations use?
What is globalization?
an increasingly integrated world
The amount of land needed to produce the resources used by the average person in a country is called...
Ecological footprint
What two categories is pollution divided into?
Point and non-point
The world population reached six billion in...
the late 20th century
The tragedy of the commons refers to the overuse of
common property or free-access resources
And ecological footprint of the United States is __ times that of India.
Which is more expensive: pollution prevention or clean up?
clean up
Give an example of when polluton comes from natural resources
volcanic eruption