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15 Cards in this Set

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Patrimonial State
A system of governance in which a single ruler treats the state as personal property.
The traditional form of communal peasant organization in Russia that survived until the collectivization campaign of the late 1920s and involved a periodic redistribution of strips of land among families of the commune.
Democratic Centralism
A system of political organization developed by V.I. Lenin and practiced by all communist party-states.
Vanguard Party
A political party that claims to operate in the ''true'' interests of the group or class it purports to represent, even if this understanding doesn't correspond to the expressed interests of the group itself.
A process undertaken in the Soviet Union under Stalin in the late 1920s and early 1930s and in China under Mao in the 1950s, by which agricultural land was removed from private ownership and organized into large state and collective farms.
Tacit Social Contract
An idea put forth by some Western analysts that an unwritten informal understanding existed between the population and the party/state in the post-Stalinist Soviet Union, which helped form a basis of social and political stability.
The policy of restructuring embarked on by Gorbachev when he became head of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1985.
Gorbachev's policy of "openness" or ''publicity'', which involved an easing of controls on the media, arts, and public discussion, leading to an outburst of public debate and criticism covering most aspects of Soviet history, culture, and policy.
The policy of democratization identified by former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbechev in 1987 as an essential component of perestroika.
Law-Based State
A state where the rule of law prevails, so that actions of the government as well of nongovernmental actors are subject to the requirements of the law.
Market Reform
A strategy of economic transformation embraced by the Yelstin government in Russian and the Deng Xiaoping government in China that involves reducing the role of the state in managing the economy and increasing the role of market forces.
Shock Therapy
A variant of market reform that involves the state simultaneously imposing a wide range of radical economic changes, with the purpose of ''shocking'' the economy into a new mode of operation.
Joint-Stock Companies
A business firm whose capital is divided into shares that can be held by individuals, groups of individuals, or governmental units.
Privatization Voucher
A certificate worth 10,000 rubles issued by the government to each Russian citizen in 1992 to be used to purchase shares in state enterprises undergoing the process of privatization.
Insider Privatization
A term used in relation to Russia to refer to the transformation of formerly state-owned enterprises into joint-stock companies or private enterprises in which majority control of the enterprise is in the hands of employees and/or managers of that enterprise.