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92 Cards in this Set

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is anything that takes up space and has mass
a substance that cannot be broken down to other substances by chemical reactions EX: gold, copper, carbon, and oxygen
a substance consisting of two or more elements combined in a fixed ratio. EX: water(H20) and table salt (Na-Cl)
make up 96% of living matter. About 25 of the 92 natural elements are known to essential to life.
C (carbon), H(hydrogen), O(oxygen) and N(nitrogen)
Trace Elements
elements required by an organism in only minute quantities (e.g., iron and iodine)
the smallest unit of an element that still retains the property of the element. Atoms are made up of neutrons, protons, and electrons.
positively charged particles. They are found in the nucleus and determine the element.
negatively charged particles that are found in the electron shells around the nucleus. They determine the chemical properties and reactivity of elements.
No charge, found in nucleus. Number can vary in the same element, resulting in isotopes. EX: 12C and 14C; both have 6 protons but 12C has 6 neutrons while 14C has 8 Neutrons.
Atomic Number
is the number of protons an element can possesses. Unique to every element.
Mass number
an element is the sum of its protons and neutrons.
Chemical bonds
interactions between the valence electrons of different atoms. Atoms are held together by chemical bonds to form molecules.
Covalent bonds
occurs when valence electrons are shared by two atoms.
Non-polar Covalent Bonds
occurs when the electrons are being shared equally between two atoms. EX: O=O, H-H
Polar Covalent Bonds
one atom has a greater electronegativity than the other, resulting is an unequal sharing of electrons.
Ionic Bonds
two atoms attract valence electrons so unequally that the more electronegative atoms steals the electron away from the less electronegative atom.
the resulting charged atom or molecule
Hydrogen Bonds
relatively weak bonds that form between the positively charged hydrogen atom of one molecule and the strongly electronegative oxygen or nitrogen of another molecule.
Van der Waals interactions
very weal, transient connections that are the result of asymmetrical distribution of electrons with in a molecule.
Structure of Water
made up of 1 atom of oxygen and two atoms of hydrogen, bonded to form a molecule
Polarity of Water
The end bearing the oxygen has a slightly negative charge, the end bearing the hydrogen atoms has a slightly positive charge.
Hydrogen Bonds of Water
Form between water molecules. negative oxygen from one water molecule is attracted to the slightly positive hydrogen end of another water molecule.
What is the maximum number of hydrogen bonds a water molecule can make at a time?
the linking of like molecules, reason for surface tension.
Clinging of one substance of another. EX: water droplets adhering to a glass windshield.
the movement of water molecules up the very thing xylem tubes and their evaporation from the stomates in plant.
Specific Heat
amount of heat required to raise or lower the temperature of a substance by 1 degree Celsius.
Specific Heat of water
water changes less when a given amount of heat is lost of absorbed. The reason oceans can support plant and animal life.
Insulation of Bodies of water by floating Ice
Water is lees dense as a solid than a liquid. Ice floats. This keeps large bodies of water from freezing solid and therefore moderates temperature.
Water as a solvent
It is an important solvent. Many things dissolve in water.
the things a substance dissolves in.
The substance that is being dissolved.
A solute and a solvent together.
substances that are water-soluble. (ionic compounds, polar molecules (e.g., sugars), and some proteins.
Substances that are non polar and do not dissolve in water. (Oils)
the movement of water molecules up the very thing xylem tubes and their evaporation from the stomates in plant.
Specific Heat
amount of heat required to raise or lower the temperature of a substance by 1 degree Celsius.
Specific Heat of water
water changes less when a given amount of heat is lost of absorbed. The reason oceans can support plant and animal life.
Insulation of Bodies of water by floating Ice
Water is lees dense as a solid than a liquid. Ice floats. This keeps large bodies of water from freezing solid and therefore moderates temperature.
Water as a solvent
It is an important solvent. Many things dissolve in water.
the things a substance dissolves in.
The substance that is being dissolved.
A solute and a solvent together.
substances that are water-soluble. (ionic compounds, polar molecules (e.g., sugars), and some proteins.
Substances that are non polar and do not dissolve in water. (Oils)
pH scale
runs between 0-14 and measures the relative acidity and alkalinity of aqueous solutions.
excess of H+ ions and a pH below 7.0
excess of OH- ions and pH above 7.0
Water's pH
pure water is neutral, It's pH is 7. H+=OH-
substances that minimize changes in pH. They accept H+ from solutions when they are excess and donate H+ when they are depleted.
Carbonic Acid (H2CO3)
important buffer in living systems. It moderated pH changes in blood plasma and the ocean.
Why is carbon unparalleled in its ability to form molecules that are large, complex and diverse?
1) it has 4 valence electrons.
2) It can form up to 4 covalent bonds.
3) These can be single, double, or triple covalent bonds.
4) It can form large molecules
5) These molecules can be chains, ring shaped, or branched.
molecules that have the same molecular formula but differ in their arrangement of these atoms. These differences can result in molecules that very different in their biological activities.
Functional groups
are attached to the carbon skeleton have diverse properties. The behavior of organic molecules is dependent on the identity of their functional groups.
Common functional groups
Hydroxyl, Carboxyl, Carbonyl, Amino, Phosphate, Sulfhydryl.
Hydroxyl Functional Group
OH, Alcohols such as ethanol, methanol; helps dissolve molecules such as sugars.
Carboxyl Functional Group
COOH, Carboxylic acids such as fatty acids and sugars; acidic properties because it tends to ionize source of H+ ions.
Amino Functional Group
NH2 Amines such as amino acids
Phosphate Functional Group
Organic phosphates, including ATP, DNA, and phospholipids.
Sulfhydryl Functional Group
The group is found in some amino acids; forms disulfide bridges in proteins.
long chains molecules of repeating subunits called monomers.
chain together to created polymers.
Condensation or dehydration reactions
create polymers from monomers. Two monomers are joined by removing one molecule of water.
occurs when water is added to to split large molecules. The reverse of dehydration synthesis.
include simple sugars and polymers such as starch . All carbohydrates exist in a ratio of 1carbon: 2 hydrogen: 1 oxygen of CH2O
are the monomers of carbohydrates. EX: glucose (C6H12O6) and ribose (C5H10O5)
are polymers of mono-saccharides. EX: starch, cellulose, and glycogen.
Energy Storage Polysaccharides
Starch- storage polysaccharide found in plants
Glycogen- storage polysaccharide found in animals, Vertebrate muscle, and liver cell.
Structural Support Polysaccharides
Cellulose- major component of plant cell walls.
Chitin- Found in exoskeleton of arthropods, such as lobsters and insects and cell walls of fungi.
Hydrophobic, are not polymers, are assembled from a variety of components, examples include waxes, oils, fats, and steroids.
Fats or triglycerides
made up of a glycerol molecule and three fatty acid molecules
Fatty acids
include hydrocarbon chain of variable lengthens. These chains are non-polar and therefore hydrophobic.
Saturated fatty acids
no double bonds between carbons
tend to pack solidly at room temperature
are linked to cardiovascular disease
are commonly produced by animals
EX: butter and lard
Unsaturated fatty acids
have some carbon double bonds; this results in kinks
tend to be liquid at room temperature
are commonly produced by plants
EX: corn oil and olive oil
Functions of Lipids
Energy storage: fat store twice as many calories/gram as carbohydrates
Protection of vital organs and insulation. In humans and other mammals fat is stored in adipose cells.
make up cell membranes. They have a glycerol backbone(head), which is hydrophilic; two fatty acid tails, which are hydrophobic. are a bi-layer to make the cell membrane.
made up of four rings that are fused together.
a steroid that is a common component of cell membranes
The two Steroid hormones are?
Estrogen and Testosterone
polymers made up of amino acid monomers
Amino Acids
contain a central carbon bonded to a carboxyl group, an amino group, a hydrogen atom, and a R group (variable group or side chain)
Peptide bonds
link amino acids. They are formed by dehydration synthesis. the function of a protein depends on the order and number of amino acids.
Four levels of protein structure
Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary
Primary Structure of Proteins
the unique sequence in which amino acids are joined.
Secondary Structure of Proteins
refers to one of two three-dimensional shapes are the result of hydrogen bonding.
Alpha helix- a coiled shape
Beta Pleated sheet- an accordion shape
Tertiary Structure of a Protein
the complex globular shape, due to interactions between R groups. Globular proteins such as enzymes are held in position by these R group interactions.
Quaternary Structure of a Protein
the association of 2 or more polypeptide chains into one large protein. Hemoglobin is a globular protein with quaternary structure, it is composed of 4 chains.
Protein Shape
It is crucial to protein function. If it doesn't fold correctly its function is changed. it can be a amino acid substitution as seen in sickle cell disease.
Assist in proper folding of proteins within cells.. They provide an isolating environment in which a polypeptide may attain final conformation.
proteins denature when it loses its shape and ability to function due to heat, a change in pH, or some other disturbance.
Deoxyribonucleic acid and ribosenucleic acid
They are polymers of nucleotides
made up of three parts
Nitrogenous base (Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, guanine, and uracil)
Pentose (5 carbon sugar) deoxyribose in DNA or ribose in RNA.
Phosphate group