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118 Cards in this Set

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1. According to the FIRST Law of Thermodynamics:
1. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed
2. Energy can be transferred from one system to another
3. Total amount of energy in the universe is constant
2. The second law of thermodynamics states that
Energy tends to flow from concentrated to less concentrated forms
3. Which of the following statements are false concerning the molecules of life?
They form spontaneously under current earth conditions
4. Which of the following terms best describes the role of certain metal ions and coenzymes in metabolic processes?
5. Which of the following statements about exergonic reactions is false?
Their products have more energy then the reactants
6. Refer to figure 6-2. Which statement below is true concerning the movement of calcium ions as shown in the figure?
The net movement of calcium ions is from INSIDE the cell TO OUTSIDE the cell.
7. For an enzyme to function it requires:
A suitable substrate
8. In enzyme-catalyzed reactions, substrate is synonymous with
9. The binding between an enzyme and its substrate:
is weak and temporary
10. Enzyme activity may be affected by:
1. Temperatube
2. pH
3. Salinity
11. Which of the following is false?

a. Enzymes are highly specific and act on chemicals called substrates.
b. Enzymes act as catalysts and speed up chemical reactions within cells.
c. Most enzymes work best under high salt conditions.
d.Most enzymes are proteins.
e. Enzymes can become deactivated in high fevers.
C. Most enzymes work best under high salt conditions
12. Which of the following statements is true of metabolic pathways?

a. They are enzyme-mediated sequences of reactions.
b. They may be biosynthetic or degradative.
c. Photosynthesis is a biosynthetic pathway.
d. Respiration is a degradative pathway.
e. all of these
E. All of these
13. The appearance of high concentrations of oxygen in the atmosphere of the early earth resulted in:

a. the disappearance of many prokaryotes.
b. relegation of some prokaryotes to anaerobic environments.
c. the creation of the ozone layer.
d. the emergence of life from the seas onto land.
e. all of these
E. All of these
14. Plants need what to carry on photosynthesis?
Carbon Dioxide and Water
15. The first event in photosynthesis is the:
Donation of an electron from photosystem to an acceptor.
16. Engelmann was unaware of which fact?
Pigments are involved in photosynthesis
17. Refer to figure 7-1. The best light to grow the algae in is ___, according to the figure.
18. Where are sugars formed in the chloroplasts?
in the STROMA
19. the internal membrane system of the chloroplast is the:
Thylakoid Membrane
20. Refer to figure 7-2. The structure labeled "B" is responsible for:
21. Plants cells produce one molecule of O2 how?
by splitting two molecules of water
22. An important electron and hydrogen accepter in the noncyclic pathway is:
23. The protein associated with teh light dependent reaction of photosynthesis are located;
On the thylakoid membrane
24. The transition of the early earth's atmosphere from one rich in hydrogen to one rich in oxygen may be attributed to:
Photosystem II
25. All EXCEPT which of the following must be available for the light-independent reactions to occur?

a. carbon dioxide
b. oxygen
c. ribulose bisphosphate
d. ATP and NADPH
e. enzymes
26. All EXCEPT which of the following are present in both the light-dependant and light-independent reactions?
27. Which of the following is true concerning the C4 pathway?
It feeds into the C3 pathway
28. Four of the five process listed below are associated with the light-independent reactions. The Exception:
Reduction of NADP+
29. Four of the five choices listened below are sources of energy for chemosynthesis. Select the exception:
Carbon Dioxide
30. The first forms of life that produced ATP probably used pathways similar to
Glycolysis and fermentation
31. ATP is
the energy currency of the cell
32. Plants cells are capable of:
1. Photosynthesis
2. ATP Production
3. Glucose breakdown
4. Aerobic Respiration
33. Cellular Respiration:
is a mechanism of tapping the energy found in the bonds between atoms in organic compounds
34.Refer to figure 8-1. The Krebs cycle is represented by the letter ____.
B. circle in the middle.
35. Glycolysis depends upon a continuous supply of glucose and
36. Krebs cycle reactions and electron transfer phophorylation are
in separate parts of the mitochondrion
37. During which phase of aerobic respiration is ATP produced directly by substrate-level phosphorylation?
Glycolysis and the Krebs Cycle
38. The illustration shows a sumary of second-stage products. The upper arrow spaces should read ___, and the second arrow spaces should read ___.
39. The greatest number of ATP molecules is produced in
electron transfer phosphorylation
40. What is the process by which NADH transfers elections to oxygen?
Electron transfer phosphorylation
41.The electron transfer chain is located:
On the inner membrane of the mitochondria.
42. Which ions accumulate in teh outer compartment of the mitochondria during electron transport phophorylation?
43. Because ____ cells have a NAD+ shuttle built into their mitochondria, they deliever 38 ATP molecules per glucose molecule.
Liver, heart, and kidney
44. In the conversion of pyruvate to ethanol, which of the following is (are) produced?
Acetaldehyde and carbon dioxide only
45. Which of the following is NOT character of slow -twitch muscle fibers?
pale color
46. The main source of energy is the normal human diet is
47. Which of the following statements is true?
Enzymes lower the activation energy for each step in the chemical reactions in respiration
48. Which of theses statements is false

a. Photosynthesis continues to enrich Earth's atmosphere with "leftover" molecular oxygen.
b. Photosynthesizers bring solar energy into living systems.
c. Photosynthesizers produce energy-rich molecules to feed themselves and most other life forms.
d. Photosynthesizers utilize the "leftovers" of aerobic respiration to make more food.
e. Photosynthesis and cell respiration cycle carbon, sulfur, and oxygen through the living world.
e. Photosynthesis and cell respiration cycle carbon, sulfur, and oxygen through the living world.
49. Four of the five compounds listed below are found in glycolosis reactions. Select exception.
50. Four of molecules listed below appear in the Krebs cycle reactions. Select Exception
51. Which of the following is an application of the first law of thermodynamics?
The quantity of energy does not increase or decrease in the universe.
52. ATP contains:
53. Refer ti Figure 6-4. the substance indicated as "B" us a(n):
54. Which of the following statements is true?

a. The products of a reaction can have less energy than the reactants.
b. The products of a reaction can have more energy than the reactants.
c. Reversible reactions tend to approach an equilibrium.
d. Most reactions are reversible.
e. all of these
e. All of these
55. Four of the five processes listed below are related to the second law of thermodynamics. Select Exception:
Energy can be neither created nor destroyed
56. Four of the five processes listed below involve metabolic pathways. Select exception:
57. The ultimate source for food for most organisms is
The sun
58. Which of the following is false concerning autotrophs?

a. They feed themselves and all heterotrophs.
b. They slow the rate of global warming.
c. They play a role in mineral recycling.
d. They are the basis for oceanic food chains.
e. Without them life on earth would still be possible.
e. Without them, life on Earth would be impossible
59. The Krebs cycle takes place in the;
60. Which is capable of being reduced during either glycolysis or the Krebs cycle?
61. The illustration shows details of
Alcoholic fermentation
62. Intermediates in the breakdown of ___ can be diverted into glycolysis and the Krebs cycle?

Intermediates in the breakdown of ____ can be diverted into glycolysis and the Krebs cycle.

d.all of these
e.carbohydrates and lipids only
d. All of these
63. Understanding cell division requires knowledge about:
1. information that guides inheritance.
2. how information in a parent cell is copied.
3. mechanisms that distribute information to daughter cells.
4. mechanisms that insure new individuals receive parental information.
64. Mitosis and cytoplasmic division function in;
1. growth.
2. repair of damaged tissue.
3. replacement of worn-out cells.
4. asexual reproduction.
65. What is not an example of the results of mitosis?
The offspring produced by two parents
66. Which process is absolutely necessary for sexual reproduction to occur in a life cycle but is not necessarily required for organism that only reproduce asexually?
67. A portion of a DNA molecules would around a spool of histone protein is called a :
68. Each of the two strands in the illustration is called:
sister chromatid
69. chromosomes become visible during prophase of mitosis as a result of
70. DNA replication occurs
between the gap phases of interphase
71. chromosomes are duplicated during what portion of the cell cycle?
72. If a parent cell has 16 chromosomes, how many sister chromatids will be present after duplication of the chromosomes?
73. Cells with two of each kind of chromosome are described by the term
74. The spindle apparatus is made of
75. Which of the following is NOT neccessary for spindle apparatus formation?
76. The spindle apparatus begins to become visible during
77. The nuclear membrane re-forms during
78. the illustration shows a cell in ___ of mitosis
79. When a cell undergoes mitosis
The daughter cells have identical genes and the daughter cell has genes identical to those of the mother cell that produced it
80. Cytoplasmic division in animal cells involves all except
Formation of a cell plate
81. The spread of a cancer from one site to toehs in the body is known as
82. Different, or alternative, forms of the same gene are
83. Though meiosis
1. alternate forms of genes are shuffled.
2. parental DNA is divided and distributed to forming gametes.
3. the diploid chromosome number is reduced to haploid.
4. offspring are provided with new gene combinations.
84. Homologous chromosomes
1. pair up during meiosis.
2. have alleles for the same characteristics even though the gene expression may not be the same.
3. are in pairs, one chromosome of each pair from the father and one from the mother.
4. separate from each other during meiosis I.
85. The cell in this illustration is in ____.
Metaphase I
86. Crossing over
increases variability in gametes
87. If a child more strongly resembles one parents physcal traits thatn the other parents, the explanation could be due to chromosomes movements during
Anaphase I
88. If meiosis did NOt occur in sexually reproducing organisms
the choromosome number would double in each generation
89. The essence of meiosis is that
each gamete receives one member of each pair of homologous chromosomes and haploid gametes are formed.
90. Under favorable conditions, during which phase of meiosis will the chromosomes appear as packets of four chromatids?
Prophase I
91. In Mendel's time, most people believed that
the characteristics of parents were blended in the offspring
92. The pea plant was an excellent choice for Mendel's experiments because
True-breeding varieties were available, the plants can self-fertilize and it can be cross-fertilized.
93. A gene locus is
the location of an allele on a chromosome
94. The most accurate description of an organism with genotype AaBb is
95. Gene A occure on chromosome 5, gene B occurs on chromosome 21. Therefore, these two portions of the chromosomes CANNOT be
96. Hybrid organisms produced from a cross between two pure-breeding organisms belong to which generation?
97. Mendel's knowledge in what area of mathematics proved helpful in planning, executing, and interpreting his experiements?
1. sampling error
2. probability
3. quantifying results
4. ratio determination
98. In a Punnett square, the letters within the little boxes represent
a. offspring genotype
99. Using the illustration below and the assumption that half of a plant's sperm and eggs are a and half are A, one can predict that the chance of sperm a meeting egg A at fertilization is
all except 1/2
100. The F2 phenotypic ratio of a monohybrid cross is
101. DNA from bacteria differs from DNA in humans in which of the following ways?
Nucleotide sequence
102. A linear stretch of DNA that specifies the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide is called a(n)
103. The two steps of transcription followed by translation
describe the flow of information
104. the changing of a business letter from shorthand to typewritten copy is analogous to
transcription of DNA
105. All the different kinds of RNA are transcribed in the
106. Which substance is found in RNA but not in DNA?
107. The synthesis of an RNA molecule from a DNA template strand is
occurs during the synthesis of any type of RNA from a DNA template
109. Transcription states at a region of DNA called a(n)
110. Before leaving the nucleus, the RNA molecule
acquires a poly-A tail.
is released from the STOP signal on the template.
becomes capped.
is stripped of its introns.
111. If the DNA triplets are ATG-CGT, the mRNA codoms are
112. In the depiction of transcription, the ________, strand is ____ because it ____
lower, RNA, contains uracil
113. When cells stop responding to normal controls over growth and division they
begin to form a tumor
114. Which of the following statements concerning cancer cells is most accurate?
Tumor cells have lost their ability to stop dividing
115. BRCA 1 and BCA 2
are called cancer genes.
code for tumor suppressing proteins.
are involved in DNA repair mechanisms.
in their mutated forms often occur in cancerous breast cells.
116. When cancer cells infiltrate muscle cells under the breast, the only treatment option is
Radical mastectomy
117. Regulatory elements is gene control interact with
new polypeptide chains.
final proteins.
118. When, how, and to what extent any gene control mechanism comes into play depends on
the type of cell.
the cell's function.
the cell's chemical environment.
signals from the cells external environment.