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62 Cards in this Set

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• Metabolism
the totality of an organism’s chemical reactions
• Metabolic pathway
begins with a specific molecule which is then altered in a series of defined steps which results in a certain product→ enzymes catalyze each step in the pathway
• Catabolic pathways
metabolic pathways that release energy by breaking down complex molecules into simpler compounds
o Cellular respiration
• Anabolic pathways
consume energy to build complicated molecules from simpler ones (aka biosynthetic pathways)
o Ex: Synthesis of proteins from amino acids
• Bioenergetics
study of how organisms manage their energy resources
• Energy
capacity to cause change
• Energy can be used to do work (move matter against opposing forces)
• Kinetic energy
energy in movement
• Heat/Thermal energy
kinetic energy associated with the random movements of atoms or molecules
• Potential energy
→ energy due to position/structure
• Chemical energy
potential energy available for release in a chemical reaction
o Reactants in catabolic RXNS are high in chemical energy
• Thermodynamics
study of the energy transformations that occur in a collection of matter
• System
the matter under study
• Surroundings
→ the rest of the universe and everything outside the system
• Closed system
the matter under study is isolated from its surroundings
• Open system
energy and matter can be transferred between the system and its surroundings
• First law of thermodynamics
→ the energy of the universe is constant
o Energy cannot be created or destroyed
o Aka principle of conservation of energy
• Second law of thermodynamics
every energy transfer or transformation increases the entropy of the universe. In order for a process to occur spontaneously it must increase the entropy of the universe

o Most energy in an energy transfer becomes unusable energy (heat) so some energy is “lost”
o The loss of usable energy during energy transfer makes the universe more disordered
o Entropy
measure of disorder or randomness

o The more randomly arranged a collection of matter is the greater its entropy
o There is an unstoppable trend toward randomization of the universe as a whole

• Examples of increasing entropy-→ buildings decay, people age, a burning log
• In order for a process to occur on its own (without energy) it must increase the entropy of the universe

• Living systems increase the entropy of their surroundings
• Spontaneous
processes that occur without an input of energy
o Things roll downhill
• Nonspontaneous
processes that require energy
o Things cannot roll uphill
• Living systems increase the entropy of their surroundings
• Organisms take in organized forms of matter and energy from their surroundings and replace them with less ordered forms
o Ex: animal eats food and breaks the food down into CO2 and H20 (small molecules that store less chemical energy than the food did)
o Depletion of chemical energy is accounted for by heat generated during metabolism

• Evolution of biological order is consistent with the laws of thermodynamics
o Its true that organisms evolved from simpler organisms to more ordered organisms
o The entropy of individual organisms decreased b/c of evolution
o BUT the total entropy of the universe increased- so it fits with the laws of thermodynamics
• Energy flows into an ecosystem in the form of ___ and leaves in the form of ___

• Gibbs free energy equation
o ΔG = ΔH – TΔS
• ΔG= G final state – G initial state

o G=Free energy
o H=change in enthalpy (aka total energy)
o S=change in entropy
o T=absolute temperature in Kelvin (K= Celcius + 273)
• Processes with a negative G
are spontaneous

• Every spontaneous process decreases the system’s free energy (b/c G is negative)
Processes with positive G
• Positive and zero G reactions require energy
Which systems tend to have a higher/lower G?
• Unstable systems (higher G) tend to change to become more stable (lower G)
o Ex: glucose tends to break down into monomers

• Systems will move toward greater stability (equilibrium)
• Equilibrium
state of maximum stability

o Reactions proceed to a point where the forward and backward reactions occur at the same rate (said to have reached equilibrium- no further net change in relative concentration of products/reactants)
o Free energy of reactants/products mixture decreases as something moves towards equilibrium
o Free energy increases when the reaction gets pushed away from equilibrium

Systems NEVER spontaneously move away from equilibrium

• Processes are spontaneous and can preform work only as they’re moving towards equilibrium
• Exergonic reaction
proceeds with a net release of free energy

o Delta G is negative b/c it loses free energy
o Exergonic RXNs occur spontaneously b/c delta G is negative
o Magnitude of delta G for an exergonic reaction represents the maximum amount of work the RXN can perform

cellular respiration is exergonic
• Endergonic reaction
→ absorbs free energy from its surroundings
o Delta G is positive because it gains energy
o These reactions are nonspontaneous
o Magnitude of delta G is the quantity of energy needed to drive the RXN

synthesizing proteins is endergonic
• If a RXN is exergonic in one direction
than its reverse reaction is endergonic (and vis versa)

o If this isn’t true than the reaction can’t be reversible
• Delta G for cellular respiration
-686 kcal/mol
• Types of work that a cell does
o Mechanical work→ movement
o Transport work→ actively transporting things across the membrane
o Chemical work→ synthesizing polymers with the help of energy
• Energy coupling
use of an exergonic process to drive an endergonic one
o The way cells manage their energy resources to do work
o ATP is responsible for mediating most energy coupling in cells
o ATP acts as the immediate source of energy that powers cellular work
o Ribose sugar, adenine, and three phosphate groups
o Bonds between phosphate groups in ATP’s tail can be broken by hydrolysis
o Becomes ADP when it loses a phosphate group
o Delta G of ATP→ADP reaction is -7.3 kcal/mol
How does ATP generate energy?
• Release of energy during ATP hydrolysis comes from the chemical change to a state of lower free energy NOT from the phosphate bonds

• Why does ATP have energy
all three phosphate groups are negatively charged and they repel each other and have potential energy
• Phosphorylation
the transfer of a phosphate group from ATP to a reactant
o The recipient of the phosphate group is said to be phosphorylated
o Phosphorylation makes the reactant unstable and thus more reactive

• The whole process is spontaneous and exergonic
Regeneration of ATP
• Adding a phosphate group to ADP regenerates ATP

• Free energy required to phosphorylate ADP comes from exergonic break down reactions in the cell
• ATP reactions are reversible so the reaction from ADP→ATP makes 7.3 kcal/mol
o Reaction from ATP→ ADP loses 7.3 kcal/mol

• ADP→ATP reaction is not spontaneous- that’s why you need cellular respiration
• Catalyst
chemical agent that speeds up a reaction without being consumed by the reaction

organisms use catalysts to provide the activation energy (not heat)
• Enzyme
catalytic protein

• Enzymes catalyze a reaction by lowering activation energy barrier which enables the reactant molecules to absorb enough energy to reach the transition state
• Enzymes don’t change the delta G of a RXN- they can’t make an endergonic reaction exergonic
• Enzymes speed up reactions that would happen even without the enzyme
• Enzymes determine which chemical reactions will go on in a cell at any particular time

• Enzymes always catalyze the reaction in the direction of equilibrium
• Activation energy
amount of energy needed to start a reaction- energy required to contort the reactants so the bonds can change
o Amount of energy needed to push the reactants over an energy barrier

often comes in the form of heat
o Absorption of thermal energy increases the speed of the reactant molecules so they collide more often
o Thermal agitation makes the bonds more likely to break

• Activation energy provides a barrier that determines the rate of the reaction
o Reactants must absorb enough energy to reach the top of the activation energy barrier
o If the activation energy is low the reaction will proceed more often
• Transition state
the state when the reactants are ready to start reacting→ when the reactants have absorbed the required amount of activation energy
• Substrate
reactant an enzyme acts on

• Enzymes are very specific to their substrates

• Specificity of an enzyme results from its shape
• Active site→
region where the enzyme bonds to the substrate
o Induced fit
brings chemical groups of the active site into positions that enhance their ability to catalyze the chemical reaction
• The active site changes shape to accommodate the substrate
• Steps in how enzymes work
o Substrate enters active site
o Enzyme changes shape so its active site embraces the substrates (induced fit)
o Substrate held in active site by weak bonds like hydrogen bonds and ionic bonds
o Active site (and R groups of its amino acids) lower activation energy and speed up RXN
o Substrates are converted into products
o Products are released
o Active site is now available for new substrates
• Ways that enzymes lower activation energy and speed up RXN
o Active site provides a template for substrates to come together in the proper orientation
o Active site clutches the bound substrates and stresses the chemical bonds that must be broken in the RXN- distorting the substrate makes it approach the transition state faster
o Active site provides a microenvironment that is more conducive to the reaction→ the active site might have an acidic or basic environment for example
o The active site could directly participate in the chemical RXN
• An enzyme is saturated when
it’s working the fastest that it can- when the substrate concentration exceeds the enzyme’s capability of processing substrate

o When an enzyme population is saturated the only way to make it go faster is to add more enzyme
o Optimal conditions
enzymes work under certain specific conditions
o Temp and PH influence enzyme activity

o Enzymes don’t work at very high temps b/c they get denatured

o Generally, High temps (up to a certain point) and neutral PH’s help enzymes work better

o Digestive enzymes work better at acidic PH’s
non protein helpers for catalytic activity- bind to enzymes to help enzymes out
• Coenzyme
cofactors made out of organic molecules (C, H, O, N)
• Competitive Inhibitors
resemble the normal substrate molecule and compete for admission into the active site to inhibit enzyme productivity
o Reduces productivity by blocking active site
• Noncompetitive inhibitors
impede enzymatic reactions by binding to another part of the enzyme- causes the enzyme to change shape which makes its active site less productive
• Selective inhibition
cells naturally regulate enzyme activity by making enzyme inhibitors- essential to the control of cellular metabolism
• Allosteric regulation
any case in which a protein’s function at one site is affected by the binding of a regulatory molecule to a separate site
o Like noncompetitive inhibitors
o Can result in stimulation or inhibition of enzyme activity
Allosteric enzymes
o composed of multiple sub units and has two conformational states (one active and one inactive)
o Allosteric site/Regulatory site
the area where the inhibiting or activating regulatory molecule binds to

o A single activator or inhibitor molecule that binds to one regulatory site will affect the active sites of all subunits
o Activator
bonds with the allosteric site to trigger the active part of the enzyme
o Inhibitor
bonds with the allosteric site to trigger the inactive part of the enzyme
• ATP and allosteric enzymes
• ATP binds to catabolic enzymes allosterically and lowers its affinity for substrate and thus inhibiting its activity
• ADP binds to catabolic enzymes and serves as an activator (a major function of catabolism is to generate ATP)
• Allosteric enzymes help regulate the generation of ATP→ if there’s too much ATP the ATP will bind allosterically and slow the catabolic enzymes down…if there’s too much ADP the ADP will bond allosterically and speed up the catabolic enzymes
o Allosteric enzymes control the rate of key reactions in metabolic pathways
• Cooperativity
→ substrate molecule binding to one active site may stimulate the catalytic powers of a multi subunit enzyme by affecting other active sites
o A substrate molecule causing induced fit in one subunit can trigger the same favorable conformational change in the other sub units
o Helps to amplify the response of enzymes to substrates
• Feedback inhibition
common method of metabolic control, a metabolic pathway is switched off by the inhibitory binding of its end product to an enzyme that acts early in the pathway
o High concentration of product inhibits the reaction from going faster
o The reaction operates according to how much product is needed
o Ex: as isoleucine accumulates it slows down its own synthesis by allosterically inhibiting the enzyme for the first step of the metabolic pathway
o Prevents the cell from synthesizing too much product