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146 Cards in this Set

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Ductless; creates hormones and delivers them directly to the blood stream


Ducts; creates substances that are not hormones


Lipid base substance that created and used by the endocrine system; interacts with cells and systems with various reactions

Pituitary gland

Produces a majority of the bodies hormones; inferior hypothalamus

Anterior pituitary gland

Extension on the cerebrum; produces 6 horomones

Posterior pituitary gland

Produces 2 hormones; seperate from cerebral tissue


Primary control center of the endocrine system

Adrenal glands

Superior to the kidneys; cone shaped

Adrenal cortex

30+ hormones; outside part of the adrenal gland

Adrenal medulla

Creates epinephrine; inside part of the adrenal gland


Both an endocrine/exocrine gland; enzymes for digestion; insulin; glucagon

Islets of langerhans

Location in which insulin is produced


Lowers blood sugar; hormone that allows cells to use glucose


Increases blood sugar; glycogen to glucose

Pineal gland

Produces melatonin; posterior diencephalon


Liquid connective tissue; contains body resources and immune elements




Substance that aids in creating blood clots


"Red cells", blood cells


Substance that is comprised of iron; allows for the transportation of oxygen.


"White cell", immune components

Amoeboid motion

Movement like that of an amoeba


"Walking cells"


65% of white blood cells; multi-lobe nucleus; phagocyte


1-3% of white blood cells; specialized; bilobed nucleus; phagocyte; protozoa and parasite defense


.5% of white blood cells; histamine/heparin


10% of white blood cells; largest; similar to neutrophils; migrates from blood to tissue


25% of white blood cells; mostly nucleus; antibodies


Location of the heart and trachea

Apex (heart)

Lowest point of the heart

Base (of heart)

Superior region of the heart

Perietal pericardium

External portion of the pericardium

Visceral pericardium

Internal portion of the pericardium

Pericardial cavity

Space between visceral/parietal pericardium

Pericardial fluid

Fluid inside of pericardial cavity, lubrication

Heart wall

3 layers


Most exterior layer of the heart wall


Middle layer of the heart wall; thick


Interior most layer of the heart wall


Top chamber(s) of the heart; left and right


Lower chamber(s) of the heart; left and right

Interatrial septum

Separates right and left atrium; wall

Interventricular septum

Separates right and left ventricles; wall

Atrioventricular valves

AV valve; valve between the atrium and ventricles; tricuspid and mitral(bicuspid)

Semilunar valves

Valve between ventricles and veins/arteries; pulmonary and aortic valve

Coronary sulcus

Divides atrium and ventricles

Right atrium

Return blood from the body; receives deoxygenated blood

Inferior vena cava

Return blood from the inferior region of the body; below diaphram

Superior vena cava

Return blood from the superior region of the body; above diaphram

Coronary sinus

Return (deoxygenated) blood from the heart; small return opening


Fringe tissue that lines the edge between atrium and ventricle

Right ventricle

Inferior to atrium; vascular and thick muscle; pumps blood to the lungs

Tricuspid valve

"Three flapped" valve between atrium and ventricle; right AV valve

Chordae tendineae

Tendons that attach tricuspid/bicuspid to papillary muscle

Papillary muscles

Muscle that attaches cordae tendineae to the valve

Pulmonary trunk

Vessel that leads to lungs

Pulmonary valve

Valve between ventricle and pulmonary trunk

Right/left pulmonary arteries

Branches into left/right vessels to lungs; away from heart

Left atrium

Receives oxygenated blood from lungs

Pulmonary veins

Veins (4) that attach directly to atrium; lungs to heart; oxygenated

Left ventricle

Muscular chamber; pumps blood to aorta

Bicuspid (mitral) valve

Similiar to tricuspid; only 2 flaps; left atrium to left ventricle

Aortic valve

Valve between left ventricle and aorta

Pulmonary circulation

From heart to lungs and back

Systemic circulation

From heart to body and back

Tunica externa

External blood vessel

Tunica media

Smooth muscle, middle layer

Tunica interna

Internal blood vessel


Capillaries; simple squamous

Arteries, arterioles, capaillaries

No valves; high pressure

Veins, venules

Contains valves; low pressure

Aortic arch

Between ascending and descending aorta

Brachiocephalic trunk

Supplies blood to head and right arm

Left common carotid

Inside of neck; to head

Left subclavian (artery)

Under clavicle; to arm; departing blood

Common cartoid

From brachiocephalic trunk to head

Internal carotid

To interior of head

External carotid

To exterior of head

Subclavian (artery)

From brachiocephalic trunk to axillary; under clavicle; departing blood

Brachial (artery)

From axillary to radial/ulnar; upper arm; departing blood

Radial (artery)

Lateral to ulnar; after brachial; departing blood

Ulnar (artery)

Medial to radial; after brachial; departing blood

Ascending aorta

Base of aorta; between valve and arch

Thoracic aorta

Post aortic arch; superior to diaphragm; descending aorta

Abdominal aorta

Post thoracic aorta and diaphragm; to lower extremity; descending aorta

Common iliac (artery)

Post aortic bifurcation; starts left and right at L4; departing blood

Internal iliac (artery)

Branches off of common iliac; left and right; supplies blood to groin; departing blood

External iliac (artery)

Branches off of common iliac; circulation to lower extremities; departing blood

Femoral (artery)

Palpable; inguinal ligament to knee; departing blood

Popliteal (artery)

Branches off of femoral artery; knee; departing blood

Superior vena cava

Return blood from upper extremities above diaphragm

Brachiocephalic vein

blood from head and arm

Internal jugular

Parallel to carotid in location and function; return blood to superior vena cava

Subclavian vein

Below the clavicle; return blood

Superficial veins

Secondary venous system

Basilic (vein)

Medial to brachial vein; return blood

Cephalic (vein)

Runs lateral to the brachial vein; return blood

Median cubital

Common location of blood draws; center of anterior elbow

Inferior vena cava

Return from lower extremities; below diaphragm

Common iliac vein

Right and left; major vein in leg; lower extremities; return blood

Internal iliac vein

Right and left; from groin; return blood

External iliac vein

Right and left; from leg; return blood

Femoral vein

Through thigh; return blood

Popliteal vein

Through knee; return blood

Great saphenous

From medial aspect of the foot to the base of the femoral vein; return blood; secondary vein

Hepatic portal

From intestine/stomach to liver


Exchange gasses

Upper respiratory tract

Nose; nasal cavity; nasopharynx

Lower respiratory tract

Lungs; larynx; trachea; bronchi/branchioles

Conducting division

Passage to avoli

Respiratory division


Conducting system

Warms and cleanses air

Perpendicular plate

Superior nasal bone; septum


Inferior nasal bone; septum


Upper respiratory tract; nose and nasal passages


Hanging from palatine; posterior mouth

Pharyngeal tonsils

Posterior nasopharynx; recedes; adenoids

Lingual tonsils

Posterior tongue; near epiglottis


"Voice box"


Cartilage that covers trachea

Thyroid cartilage

Shield like structure; voice box and thyroid gland

Laryngeal prominence

"Adams apple"


Opening that functions as a pressure valve

Cricoid cartilage

Creates a full ring of cartilage around trachea; inferior to thyroid cartilage

Vocal folds

Causes the creation of sound/voice

Tracheal rings

"C" shaped cartilage; creates structure for trachea


Location in which the trachea bifurcates


Branches off of trachea at carina; left and right

Primary bronchus

Enters lung as a single branch

Secondary branch

Branches in two segments in lungs


Branches a third time inside of lungs


Small tubes that lead to alveolar duct

Alveolar duct

Leads to alveoli

Alveolar sac

Clusters of alveoli


Location to O2 and CO2 exchange with air

Alveolar macrophages

Cleans alveoli

Base (lungs)

Bottom of diaphragm

Apex (lungs)

Superior point of the lungs

Superior lobe

Top lung lobe

Oblique fissure

Diagonal separation of two lobes

Cardiac notch

Location in which the left side of the heart rests; left lung

Middle lobe

Center lobe of right lung

Horizontal fissure

Fissure that is parallel to the diaphragm; from left to right; separates two lobes


Central location of the thorax; location of heart and trachea

Parietal pleura

Inside surface of the thoracic walls

Visceral pleura

Exterior surface of thoracic organs