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55 Cards in this Set

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Cardiovascular system
Heart and blood vessels
Circulatory system
Heart, blood vessels, and the blood
Pulmonary circuit
Carries blood to lungs for gas exchange and back to heart
Systemic circuit
Supplies oxygenated blood to all tissues of the body and returns it to the heart
double-walled sac (pericardial sac) that encloses the heart
Allows heart to beat without friction, provides room to expand, yet resists excessive expansion
Anchored to diaphragm inferiorly and sternum anteriorly
Parietal pericardium
—outer wall of sac
Superficial fibrous layer of connective tissue
Deep, thin serous layer
Visceral pericardium
heart covering
Serous lining of sac turns inward at base of heart to cover the heart surface
Adipose in thick layer in some places
Coronary blood vessels travel through this layer
Pericardial cavity
cavity—space inside the pericardial sac filled with 5 to 30 mL of pericardial fluid
Smooth inner lining of heart and blood vessels
Covers the valve surfaces and is continuous with endothelium of blood vessels
Layer of cardiac muscle proportional to work load
Muscle spirals around heart which produces wringing motion
What are the four chambers?
Right and left atria
Right and left ventricles
Interatrial septum
Wall that separates atria
Interventricular septum
Muscular wall that separates ventricles
How many valves and what are they?
Pulmonary Semilunar
Aortic semilunar
Atrioventricular (AV) valves
control blood flow between atria and ventricles
Right AV valve
has three cusps (tricuspid valve)
no oxygen
Left AV valve
has two cusps (mitral or bicuspid valve)
Chordae tendineae
cords connect AV valves to papillary muscles on floor of ventricles
Prevent AV valves from flipping inside out or bulging into the atria when the ventricles contract
Semilunar valves
control flow into great arteries; open and close because of blood flow and pressure
Pulmonary semilunar valve
in opening between right ventricle and pulmonary trunk
Aortic semilunar valve
in opening between left ventricle and aorta
Myocardial infarction
heart attack
Interruption of blood supply to the heart from a blood clot or fatty deposit (atheroma) can cause death of cardiac cells within minutes
striated, short, thick, branched cells, one central nucleus surrounded by light-staining mass of glycogen
Interdigitating folds
folds interlock with each other, and increase surface area of contact
weldlike mechanical junctions between cells
Prevents cardiocytes from being pulled apart
Gap junctions
allow ions to flow between cells; can stimulate neighbors
Entire myocardium of either two atria or two ventricles acts like single, unified cell
The Conduction System
Coordinates the heartbeat
Composed of an internal pacemaker and nervelike conduction pathways through myocardium
Sinoatrial (SA) node
modified cardiocytes
Pacemaker initiates each heartbeat and determines heart rate
Pacemaker in right atrium near base of superior vena cava
Signals spread throughout atria
Atrioventricular (AV) node
Located near the right AV valve at lower end of interatrial septum
Electrical gateway to the ventricles
Fibrous skeleton—insulator prevents currents from getting to ventricles from any other route
Atrioventricular (AV) bundle (bundle of His)
Bundle forks into right and left bundle branches
Branches pass through interventricular septum toward apex
Purkinje fibers
Nervelike processes spread throughout ventricular myocardium
Signal passes from cell to cell through gap junctions
Sympathetic nerves
Increase heart rate and contraction strength
Dilates coronary arteries to increase myocardial blood flow
Parasympathetic nerves
Parasympathetic stimulation reduces the heart rate
atrial or ventricular contraction
atrial or ventricular relaxation
Sinus rhythm
normal heartbeat triggered by the SA node
Set by SA node at 60 to 100 bpm
Adult at rest is 70 to 80 bpm (vagal tone)
Nodal rhythm
if SA node is damaged, heart rate is set by AV node, 40 to 50 bpm
Intrinsic ventricular rhythm
if both SA and AV nodes are not functioning, rate set at 20 to 40 bpm
Requires pacemaker to sustain life
Ectopic focus
another part of heart fires before the SA node
Caused by hypoxia, electrolyte imbalance, or caffeine, nicotine, and other drugs
any abnormal cardiac rhythm
Failure of conduction system to transmit signals (heart block)
Bundle branch block
Total heart block (damage to AV node)
P wave
SA node fires, atria depolarize and contract
Atrial systole begins 100 ms after SA signal
QRS complex
Ventricular depolarization
Complex shape of spike due to different thickness and shape of the two ventricles
T wave
Ventricular repolarization and relaxation
causes a fluid to flow (fluid dynamics)
Pressure gradient—pressure difference between two points
Fluid flows down its pressure gradient from high pressure to low pressure
opposes fluid flow
Great vessels have positive blood pressure
Ventricular pressure must rise above this resistance for blood to flow into great vessels
listening to sounds made by body
First heart sound (S1
louder and longer “lubb,” occurs with closure of AV valves, turbulence in the bloodstream, and movements of the heart wall
occurs at the beginning of Isovolumetric contraction
Second heart sound (S2),
softer and sharper “dupp,” occurs with closure of semilunar valves, turbulence in the bloodstream, and movements of the heart wall
occurs as blood rebounds from the closed semilunar valves and the ventricle expands...Isovolumetric relaxation
Phases of the Cardiac Cycle
Ventricular filling
Isovolumetric contraction
Ventricular ejection
Isovolumetric relaxation
All the events in the cardiac cycle are completed in less than 1 second!
surge of pressure produced by each heart beat that can be felt by palpating a superficial artery with the fingertips
resting adult heart rate above 100 bpm
Stress, anxiety, drugs, heart disease, or fever
Loss of blood or damage to myocardium
resting adult heart rate of less than 60 bpm
In sleep, low body temperature, and endurance-trained athletes
the amount of tension in ventricular myocardium immediately before it begins to contract
Increased preload causes increased force of contraction
Frank–Starling law of the heart
Stroke volume is proportional to the end diastolic volume
Ventricles eject as much blood as they receive
The more they are stretched, the harder they contract
blood pressure in the aorta and pulmonary trunk immediately distal to the semilunar valves
Opposes the opening of these valves
Limits stroke volume