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40 Cards in this Set

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bony projection that increase the surface area of the nasal cavity
nasal conchae
space internal to the lips and cheeks and external to the gums and teeth
attachment for the muscles of the tongue and larynx, superior to the thyroid cartilage and ventral to the epiglottis
hyoid bone
flap that covers the opening of the larynx during swallowing
shield like part of the larynx sometimes called the Adam's apple
thyroid cartilage
inward extensions of mucous membranes in the larynx, responsible for speech
vocal folds
base of the larynx
cricoid cartilage
located just above the posterior part of the cricoid, serve as anchor for the laryngeal muscles
Arytenoid cartilages
lymphatic tissue in the posteriosuperior part of the nasopharynx
pharyngeal tonsils (adenoids)
tonsils located lateral to the soft palate
palatine tonsils
tonsils located at the base of the tongue
lingual tonsils
opens into the wall of the nasopharynx, allows for equalization of pressure between the atmosphere and the middle ear
eustachian tube
______ glands are located in the inferior part of the palate
Palatine salivary
posterior extension of the soft palate, helps close off the nasopharynx during swallowing
opening into the larynx
trachea bifrurcates to form the
2 primary bronchi
Subsequent branching after the 2 primary bronchi forms the
secondary and tertiary bronchi
As the branches approach 1 mm in diameter they are called
bronchioles continue to divide to form _______bronchioles and finally_____ bronchioles
terminal bronchioles

respiratory bronchioles
respiratory bronchioles lead into ___________
alveolar ducts
alveolar ducts lead directly or indirectly into
The alveoli are enveloped by
capillary networks
The thoracic cavity is lined with
parietal pleura
the lungs are covered with
visceral pleura
serous fluid between the 2 membranes
prevents friction
the right lung is ______ than the left
has 3 lobes
right lung
has 2 lobes
left lung
aspirated objects are more likely to enter the _____lung
_________give the characteristic segmented appearance to the trachea and the larger bronchi
cartilagenous rings
In the trachea teh cartilagenous rings are ______shaped
_______fills in the gaps of the incomplete rings
smooth muscle
cartilage prevents the ______ of the air passages
anterior part of the roof of the mouth that has rough ridges called rugae
hard palate
posterior part of the roof of the mouth
soft palate
opening from the pharynx into the larynx
rather obvious tube extending from the larynx to the bronchi near the lungs
white, tongue-like structrue that cover the glottis during swallowing, can be manipulated w2th a probe to show how it prevents entrance of food during swallowing
collapsible tube immediately dorsal to the trachea