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91 Cards in this Set

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Cell to cell communication, name 4 methods
gap junctions
gap junction
join single unit smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, epithelial and other cells to each other. passes nutrients, electrolytes, and signaling molecules . goes through pores in membranes
released by neurons, diffuse accross narrow synaptic cleft, and bind to specific receptors on next cell
secreted by one cell , diffuse to nearby cells in the same tissue, and stimulate physiology. aka local hormones.
chemical messengers that are transported by the bloodstream. stimulate physiological responses. targets can be far away. what determines whether or not a target is affected? RECEPTOR.
difference between endocrine and exocrine glands
exocrine glands secrete products by way of a duct onto epithelial surfaces. such as skin or mucosa of digestive tract. endocrine glands are ductless and release products into blood stream. endocrine glands have high density of capillaries with pores.
name two glands that are both endocrine and exocrine, and why:
liver: exocrine: bile into ducts that lead to small intestine. endocrine b/c blood clotting factors into blood.
testes: sperm into ducts (exo) but testosterone in blood (endo)
nervous vs. endocrine system
type of signal
speed of response
persistance of response
area of response
nervous is chemical and electrical, endocrine strictly chemical
nervous is rapid (ms), stops quickly, and rapidly adapts
endocrine is variable but may take days, response can persist long after stim stops, and adapt is slow.
nervous is local and specific, endocrine is far away, widespread
Name some chemicals that are both neurotransmitters and hormones
oxytocin and catecholamines come from modified neurons called neuroendocrine cells
systems have overlap: neurons trigger hormones, hormones stim or inhibit neurons
anatomy of hypothalamus
shaped like
where is it
regulates what
who is target
shaped like flattened funnel
forms floor and walls of third ventricle
regulates feeding, **reproduction, fight, flight
target is pituitary
anatomy of pituitary gland
where, how attached
2 structures
pituitary suspended from hypothalamus by infundibulum and housed in sella turica of sphenoid bone.
anterior and posterior
how does hypothalamus control pituitary, what is it connected by?
hypothal connected to anterior pituitary by hypophyseal portal system, primary capillaries to secondary capillaries. hypothalamic hormones make anterior secrete its own hormones. hypothal connected to posterior pit by nerve tissue called hypothal- hypophyseal TRACT. hypothal hormones stored and released by posterior pit, not synthesized here.
Hormones that regulate the anterior pituitary and that are made by the hypothalamus
1st 3:
thyrotropin releasing hormone: makes anterior pit release thryoid stimulating hormone and prolactin
corticotropin-releasing hormone: promotes secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone
gonadotropin-releasing hormone: follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone
Hormones that regulate the anterior pituitary and that are made by the hypothalamus
2nd 3:
growth hormone releasing hormone: growth hormone
prolactin inhibiting hormone: also known as dopamine. inhibits secretion of prolactin
somatostatin: inhibits secretion of growth hormone and thyroid stim hormone. Widespread effects here.
hormones made by hypothalamus that are stored and released by posterior pituitary
antidiuretic hormone
oxytocin produced by paraventricular nuclei, antidiuretic produced by supraoptic nuclei
anterior pituitary hormones: synthesizes 6 of them: and then in turn what do these hormones target:
follicle stimulating hormone: target ovaries and testes.
luteinizing hormone:
thyroid stimulating hormone: thyroid
adrenocorticotropic hormone: adrenal cortex
growth hormone/somatotropin
what does posterior pituitary store and release
antidiuretic hormone
follicle stimulating hormone
produced by anterior pituitary when hypothalamus releases gonadotropin-releasing hormone. In the ovaries, it causes growht of ovarian follicles and release of estrogen. In males, it causes sperm production.
luteinizing hormone
produced by anterior pituitary when hypothalamus releases gonadotropin-releasing hormone. It causes ovaries to undergo ovulation (release of egg), stimulates the corpus luteum to secrete progesterone (important for pregnancy). In males, makes testes secrete testosterone.
thyroid stimulating hormone
produced by anterior pituitary when hypothalamus produces thyrotropin-releasing hormone. Also called thyrotropin. stimulates growth of thyroid gland and they secretion of thyroid hormone. widespread effects on metabolic rate, body temp, etc.
adrenocortiocotropic hormone
growth of adrenal cortex and secretion of glucocorticoids, which regulate glucose primarily, include cortisol: fat and protein catabolism, stress response, tissue repair, anti inflammatory.
secreted by anterior pituitary when hypothalamus releases corticotropic releasing hormone.
secreted by anterior pituitary when hypothalamus releases thyrotropin releasing hormone. affects mammary glands and testes. causes milk synthesis in females and increased luteinizing hormone sensitivity in males.
growth hormone
aka somatotropin. produced by anterior pituitary when hypothalamus releases growth hormone releasing hormone. targets liver, bone, cartilage, muscle, fat. induces liver to produce IGF-1 (insulin growth factors) which have longer half life than GH. stimulate target cells in diverse tissues, protein synthesis (transcript) , lipid metabolism, carb metabolism, glucose sparing, electrolyte retention. TISSUE GROWTH.
growth hormone cont.
bone thickening and remodelling
secretion high during first 2 hrs of deep sleep
peaks in response to vigorous exercise,
GH levels decline with age
Pars Intermedia
present in fetus, absent in adult. produces melanocyte-stim hormone in animals with skin, hair, feathers.. still are remnant cells in adult anterior lobe of pituitary, produce propiomelanocortin. it's not secreted. processed there to produce pain-inhib endorphins.
produced by hypothalamus, stored and released by posterior pituitary. associated with sexual response, bonding between sexual partners and mother/breastfeeding infant, milk letdown, stimulates labor contractions,
negative vs. positive feedback here.
neuroendocrine reflex
suckling infant- stim nerve endings- hypothalamus stimulated- release of oxytocin - milk letdown.

milk ejection also come from infant cry (higher brain functioning).
antidiuretic hormone
increases water retention, reduces urine volume, prevents dehydration. aka vasopressin b/c causes vasoconstriction. stored and released by posterior pituitary on command by hypothalamus.
negative feedback vs.
positive feedback
increased target organ hormone levels inhibit further release of hormone.
positive feedback: release of hormone has amplifying effect.
Anatomy of Pineal gland
changes in it throughout lifespan
attached to roof of 3rd ventricle beneath the posterior end of the corpus callosum.
after age 7, in undergoes involution. down 75% by end of puberty, tiny mass of shrunken tissue in adults.
overall, what does it do
synchronize circadian rhythms of daylight and darkness. synthesizes melatonin from serotonin during the night. fluctuates seasonally with changes in day lenght.
regulates timing of puberty? SAD- seasonal affective disorder. depression, sleepiness, irritibility,carb craving.
plays a role in what 3 organ/fn systems
where is it
what does it do
endocrine: thymopoietin, thymosin, and thymulin are hormones.
immune and lymphatic system.
site of maturation of T-lymphocytes.
its a bi-lobed gland in the mediastinum. does go through involution after puberty.
largest of the endocrine glands. two lobes + isthmus below the larynx. dark reddish brn due to rich blood supply, has follicular cells and parafolicular cells. the follicles are sacs that compose most of the thyroid. contain protein rich colloid w/ iodine. follicular cells are cuboidal epithelium that lines follicles.
thyroid: hormones:
what are they and what do they do
which cells do they come from
secretes thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). T4 is converted to T3. Increases metabolic rate, O2 consumption, heat production, apetite, growht hormone secretion, alertness, quicker reflexes. Parafollicular cells secrete calcitonin with rising blood calcium. stimulates osteoblast activity and bone form.
Parathyroid glands
where, how many
there are usually four of these, tiny, but can be up to 12. embedded in posterior surface of thyroid gland. secrete parathyroid hormone. Ca, Ca, Ca. increase blood Ca2+ levels. promotes synthesis of calcitriol. incr absorption of Ca in digestive tract. decr urinary excretion, increases bone resorption.
adrenal glands
where are they
what are the two parts
small gland that sits on top of each kidney, they are retroperitoneal (in abdomen but not surrounded by membrane). adrenal cortex and medulla fromed by merger of two fetal glands with different origins and functions. similar to pituitary.
adrenal medulla
what part is this again
what does it release
this is the inner core, 10 - 20%. has dual nature of endocrine gland and sympathetic ganglia. chromafin cells are modified sympathetic postganglionic neurons. when stimulated release catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine + tr. dopamine) in blood.

what do they do, why releases
epinephrine and norepinephrine. increases alertness and prepares body for physical activity. mobilizes high-energy fuels, lactate, fatty acid, glucose.
glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis boost glucose levels. glucose sparing b/c inhibits insulin sectretion; muscles use fatty acids. increase blood pressure, heart rate, blood flow to muscles, breathing, metabolic rate, decreases digestion and urine production
adrenal cortex, anatomy
what does it produce, generally
surrounds adrenal medulla and produces more than 25 steroid hormones called corticosteroids. it's the bulk of the adrenal gland.
adrenal cortex
layers and what they secrete
zona glomerulosa (thin outer layer): mineralocorticoids (salts)
zona fasciculata (thick middle layer): glucocorticods (sugars)
zona reticularis ( narrow inner layer): sex steroids
zona glomerulosa. they regulate electrolyte balance, as they're salts. one you need to know is aldosterone. stimulates Na+ retention (water retention) and K+ excretion
sugars. zona fasciculata. regulate metabolism of sugars primarily. includes cortisol. stimulate fat and carb catabolism, gluconeogenesis, and release of fatty acids and glucose in blood. crucial in stress response and tissue repair. short term anti-inflammatory, long term immunosuppressive.
Sex steroids
zona reticularis. these are androgens. this is a testosterone precursor. help set libido. large rold in prenatal male development. DHEA which is converted to testosterone. Estradiol: small quantitiy. sustains bone mass after menopause.
exocrine digestive gland and endocrine cell clusters (islets of Langerhans) found retroperitoneal and posterior to stomach. looks like a wad of chewing gum.
Islets of Langerhans hormones (5) :
somatostatin (also in hypothalamus)
Pancreatic polypeptide
which cells
target organ (s)
secreted by alpha cells
purpose is to maintain blood glucose levels between meals
major target organ is the liver. stimulates gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis. stim release of glucose into the circulation. targets adipose tissue, stim fat catabolism, release of fatty acids
which cells
secreted by beta cells . lowers blood glucose. secreted after big carb-rich meal. stimulates cells to absorb nutrients and store or metabolize them. promostes synthesis of glycogen, fat, protein. suppresses use of already stored fuels. not all tissues require insulin (brain and liver) but most do.
which cells
what does it do
where else does this come from
delta cells.
partially suppresses secretion of glucagon and insulin. inhibits nutrient digestion and absorption which prolongs absorption of nutrients. acts as both a paracrine and hormone when released from pancreas, not hypothalamus.
PP and gastrin
pancreatic polypeptide and gastrin both have digestive fns.
Control of blood sugar/ glucose
hyper vs. hypo glycemic hormones
hyperglycemic hormones: elevate blood sugar.
glucagon, growth hormone, epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol, corticosterone
hypoglycemic: lower blood sugar. only insulin.
produce hormones and germ cells.
ovaries: estradiol, progesterone, inhibin.
testicular: testosterone, some weaker androgens, estrogen, inhibin.
just need to name hormones for now.
Diabetes Mellitus 1
diabetes just means excess urine. Type 1 Diabetes mellitus is hereditary. Comes on fast during early age or adult, only 5-10% of diabetics. beta cells of pancreas destroyed by autoimmune disorder. insulin levels below normal, they are hyper-glycemic. need insulin shots or inhaler, glucose monitoring, exercise, meal planning. Have pancreatic islet cell antibodies.
Diabetes Mellitus type 2
90 - 95% of diabetics. slow onset and comes on usually after age 40 but becoming more prevalent in kids due to obesity epidemic. Pancreatic beta cells are present, just becomming insulin resistant. at beginning of disease, insulin is high but body later stops making so much of it. no antibodies. still have high blood sugar (hyperglycemia). risk is heredity, age, obesity, sedentary lifestyle. treatment is diet, exercise, oral meds.
endocrine functions
keritanocytes convert cholesterol-like steroid into form of Vit. D using UV
endocrine functions
involved in production of at least 5 hormones:
cholecalciferol to calcidiol
makes angiotensinogen, a prohormone involved in bl pressure.
erythropoietin (makes red blood cells)
hepcidin- iron regulation
IGF-I that controls action of growth hormone.
endocrine functions
play a role in production of 3 hormones
convert calcidiol to calcitriol, active form of Vit D
secrete renin, enzyme that controls angiotensin (blood pressure)
makes %85 of erythropoietin (stimulates blood marrow to make RBCs)
Stomach and Heart
endocrine functions
heart: puts Na+ in urine, means water too. regulates blood pressure.
stomach: 10 enteric hormones from enteroendocrine cells. coordinates digestive motility and glandular secretion
Endocrine functions of some tissues
adipose: leptin (apetite control)
osseous: osteocalcin
placenta: estrogen, progesterone (regulates pregnancy, stimulates development of fetus and mammary glands)
WHat are the 3 chemical classes of hormones

WHat do they look like
how made
steroids: it's got cholesterol. 4 connected rings. differs in functional groups attached.
monoamines: 4 iodines, 1 amine (NH), 1 or 2 C rings
peptides/glycoproteins: like any protein, chain of amino acids. at first its an inactive preprohormone. 1st am.ac. signal for ER, signal removed to make "prohormone", gogi cleaves off the Pro part.
talk about two and how made
melatonin is synthesized from amino acid tryptophan and other monoamines from amino acid tyrosine.
thyroid hormone is composed of two tyrosines

sleepy amino acid
Thyroid hormone
how is it made in the thyroid gland
1. iodide absorption and oxidation to iodine, from blood into colloid. 2. the cells surrounding the colloid release thyroglobulin 3. the thyroglobulin combines with the iodine 4. thyroglobulin again uptaken by cells. hydrolysis. 5. release of T3 and T4 in blood. stays in colloid because iodine toxic to cells!
Hormone transport
monoamines and peptides hydrophilic, just float around in blood till hit target. steroids are hydrophobic. have to bind to transport proteins, only unbound hormone leaves capillaries to reach target cell. the trans.proteins. protect the hormone from being broken down by enzymes in plasma and liver and from being filtered out of blood by kidneys.
hormone receptors and mode of action
hormones stimulate only cells with receptors, which are protein-glycoprotein molecules on plasma membrane, cytoplasm, or in nucleus. receptors act like SWITCHES, to turn on metabolic pathways when hormone binds. usually each target cell has few thousand receptors for given hormone.
Receptor-hormone interactions exhibit
1. specificity
2. saturation
hydrophobic hormones
how do they target cells, interact
penetrate pm and enter nucleus (diffuse right through pm b/c they're a lipid). many of these have nuclear receptors, they act directly on genes changing target cell physiology. they are transcription factors.
hydrophilic hormones
how do they target cells, interact
cannot penetrate into target cell. must stimulate physiology indirectly. never goes in cell. just activates that switch and activates a second messenger system
these include monoamines and peptides, with the exception of thyroid. thyroid is not a steroid but is hydrophobic anyway.
thyroid hormone
the metabolic rate controller.
enters target cell by diffusion, mostly as T4 with little metabolic effect. target cell converts T4 to more potent T3. it's a transcription factor. causes protein synthesis.
Peptides and catecholamines
you need to look at diagram in book. hormone binds to receptor. G-protein bound to receptor eats a GTP and activates andenylate cyclase. eats an ATP and makes cyclic AMP. cAMP makes a protein kinase. pk phosphorylate enzymes, activating some and deactivating others. these catalyze metabolic rxns. wide range of effects on cell. p. 662.
Enzyme amplification
for example, cAMP activates >1 protein kinase. hormones are very potent. one hormone molecule triggers synthesis of many enzyme molecules. very small simulus can have very large effect. circulaing concentrations very low.
how does a body modulate target cell sensitivity
change the number of receptors, up regulation or down regulation (down reg happens with long term exposure to high hormone concentrations)
hormone interactions
synergistic: multiple hormones act together for greater effect. FSH and testosterone both incr sperm.
permissive: one hormone enhances target cell's response to later hormone. estrogen prepares the way for progesterone in pregnancy
antagonistic: one hormone opposes the action of another, insulin lowers blood sug, glucogen raises it.
hormone clearance
what is it
how does it happen
what are the terms you need to know
hormone signals have to be turned off when served purpose, most taken up and degraded by liver and kidney, excreted in bile/urine. MCR = metabolic clearance rate. rate at which it is removed. different for adults and kids. half life is time takes to remove 50% from blood.
what are the stages, what are they called collectively
caused by any situation that upsets homeostatsis and threatens one's physical or emotional well-being.
GAS - general adaptation syndrome
alarm rxn, stage of resistance, stage of exhaustion
alarm reaction
what hormones
what happens
what organ is involved
initial response to stress. dominated by catecholamines from the sympathetic nervous system/adrenal medulla
prepares body for fight or flight
stored glycogen is consumed
stage of resistance
what hormones
what happens
what organ is involved
after few hours, glycogen reserves gone, but brain still needs glucose. alternate fuels. stage dominated by cortisol. hypothalamus secretes corticotropin releasing hormone. pituitary secretes adrenocorticotropic hormone. stimulates adrenal cortex to secrete cortisol and other glucocorticoids. promotes breakdown of fat and protein into glycerol,fatty acids, protein, etc. for gluconeogenesis.
stage of resistance
adverse effects
cortisol has glucose sparing effect- inhibits protein synthesis leaving free amino acids for gluconeogenesis.
adverse effects of cortisol , depress immune fn, incr. susceptibility to infect and ulcers, lymphoid tissues atrophy, antibody levels drop, wounds heal poorly.
stage of exhaustion
chronic stress continues and fat reseves are gone, homeostasis is overwhelmed. marked by rapid decline and death. protein breakdown and muscle wasting, loss of glucose homeostasis b/c adrenal cortex stops producing glucocorticoids. heart and kidney infection or overwhelming infection.
eicosanoids and paracrine signaling
what are they
how are they unlike neurotransmitters and hormones
paracrines- chemical messengers that diffuse short distances and stimulate nearby cells. unlike neurotransmitters not produced in neurons. unlike hormones, not transported in blood
eicosanoids and paracrine signalling
name 4
where do they come from what does it do
what determines whether something is behaving as a paracrine or hormone or neurotransmitter
-a single chemical can act as a hormone, paracrine, or even neurotransmitter in a different location.
histamine-from mast cells in connective tissue, causes relaxation of blood vessesl / vasodilation
nitric oxide-from endothelium of blood vessels, causes vaso dilation
somatostatin- from gamma cells, inhibits secretion of alpha and beta cells of pancreas
catecholamines- diffuse from medulla to cortex
what are they
from what are them made
what do they do, generally
important family of paracrines that are derived from fatty acid called arachidonic acid, mediate allergic and inflammatory response.
name 3
prostacyclin- inhibits blood clotting and vasoconstriction
thromboxanes-produced by blood platelets after injury, overrides prostacyclin, stimulates vasoconstriction and clotting.
prostaglandins- diverse family with diverse effects
endocrine disorders
variations inhormone concentration and target - cell sensitivity that have noticeable effects on the body
not enough. tumor or lesion destroys gland or interferes w its ability to receive signals. head trauma affects pituitary gland's ability to make ADH, causes diabetes insipidus, chronic polyuria. autoantibodies fail to distinguish person's own gland from foreign matter
what happens
give 2 ex.
excessive hormone release, tumor, autoimmune disorder. pheochromocytoma: tumor of adrenal medulla, excessive epinephrine/ norepinephrine
toxic goiter: Graves disease: autoantibodies mimic effect of TSH on thryoid, causing thyroid hypersecretion
pituitary disorders
what hormone would you have problems with
3 diseases
hypersecretion of growth hormone
acromegaly-thickening of bones and soft tissues, hands, feet, face
problems in childhood or adolescence, giganticism if hypersec, dwarfism if hypo- rare b/c hormone made by humans
thyroid disorders
4 diseases
hormone you have probems with
congenital hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid hormone
formally called cretinism. oral thyroid hormone. severe. myxedema is adult hypothyroidism.
goiter - endemic goiter - enlargement of thyroid glandfrom dietary iodine deficiency. no neg feedback from TH stimulates TSH.
toxic goiter- autoantibodies mimic effect of TSH.yesTH.
parathyroid disorders
hypoparathyroidism-surgical excision durine thyroid surgery, fatal tetany in 3 -4 days due to rapid decline in blood Ca
hyperparath- excess PTH secreted. tumor. bones get soft, deformed. Ca and phosphate blood levels increase. promotes renal calculi formation.
adrenal disorders
cushing syndrome- excess cortisol. hyperglycemia, hypertension, weakness, endema, rapid muscle and bone loss due to protein catabolism. abnormal fat deposition (moon face and buffalo hump)
diabetes mellitus
most prevalent metabolic disease in the world. Type 1 and type 2 already discussed. either hyposecretion or inaction of insulin. polyuria(excess urine), polydipsia (thirst), polyphagia (hunger). elevated blood glucose, glucose in urine, ketones in urine. excess glucose enters urine and water follows it.
pathogenesis of DM
breakdown of fat and proteins for food, effects
cells must rely on fat and proteins for energy needs. fat catabolism increases free fatty acids and ketones in blood. ketonuria promotes irregular heartbeat, neurological issues, ketoacidosis occurs as ketones decr blood pH , deep, gasping breathingand diabetic coma
pathogenesis of DM
effects of hyper glycemia
chronic hyperglycemia: neuropathy and cardiovascular damage. arterial damage in retina and kidneys (common in type 1) atheosclerosis leads to heart failure (type 2). diabetic neuropathy: nerve damage from impoverished blood flow, erectile dysfn, incontinence, poor wound healing, loss of sensation from area