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26 Cards in this Set

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What 3 childhood anxiety disorders are often considered together in the process of evaluation, differential diagnosis?
  1. Separation anxiety disorder.
  2. Generalised anxiety disorder.
  3. Social anxiety disorder.

What are the chances of comorbidity presentation of anxiety disorders in children?

Is a 60% chance that a child with either separation anxiety disorder, generalised anxiety disorder or social anxiety disorder will have another disorder as well
What are the age ranges for normal separation anxiety?
Begins between 9 and 18 months diminishes by about 2 1/2 years of age.
What is the key criteria for separation anxiety disorder?
Separation anxiety disorder is diagnosed when developmentally inappropriate and excessive anxiety emerges related to separation from the major attachment figure.
Some of the worries they can feed separation anxiety?
In addition to fear for self the child may also fear harm to the parent.
What what number and type of symptoms are required by the DSM5 and for how long for separation anxiety disorder?
Three Symptoms related to excessive worry about separation from the major attachment figure for a period of at least 4 weeks

What form might worries of separation anxiety disorder take?

  1. Refuse go to school
  2. fears and distress on separation.
  3. Repeated complaints of physical symptoms such as headaches
  4. nightmares related to separation

The child has a generalised fear and distress at activities of daily life focused on incompetence and either performance or social settings, what disorder might they have?

Generalised anxiety disorder

In addition to generalised fear and distress, what other symptoms are required for generalised anxiety disorder and how many?

One of:

  1. Restlessness
  2. being easily fatigued.
  3. Mind going blank
  4. irritability
  5. muscle tension.
  6. Sleep disturbance.
The diagnosis might be given to children who experience intense discomfort and distress in social situations?
Social anxiety disorder
What is a common subtype of social anxiety disorder?
Performance only subtype, an relates to public speaking and performing.
What proportion of individuals with social anxiety disorder receive treatment?
Only 50%
What age separation anxiety most common?
7 to 8 years

How might anxiety disorders be apparent in adolescence?

There may not expressly worry is their behaviour patterns often reflect separation anxiety either anxiety in relation to leaving home, engaging in social activities, be distressed when away from families.

Differential diagnoses for separation anxiety disorder include?

GAD, social anxiety disorder, MDD, panic disorder, PTSD, ODD

Differential diagnoses for social anxiety include?
GAD, MDD, dysthymic disorder, selected mutism, agoraphobia
Differential diagnoses for generalised anxiety disorder include?
social anxiety disorder, ADHD, OCD, MDD and PTSD

what are the 2 factors thought to converge and result in selective mutism?

Underlying social anxiety speech and language problems.

What can precipitate selective mutism?

Physical or emotional trauma, some clinicians will refer to this as traumatic mutism

What age does selected mutism typically onset?
4 to 8 years

What are the differential diagnoses for selective mutism?

  1. Communications disorder
  2. ASD
  3. SAD
  4. These are generally eliminated by confirming that the child is fully capable of speaking social situations
At what age do up to 25% of OCD cases have their onset by?
Age 14
How are the obsessions of OCD different in adults and children and adolescents?
Children and adolescents with OCD more often do not consider the obsessional thoughts or behaviours to be unreasonable.
What brain structure is implicated in childhood OCD both in terms of inflammation hypotheses and increase grey matter?
The basal ganglia
What commonly leads children to be referred OCD assessment?
Taking excessive amounts of time to get ready for school or to leave the house.
If a child is exhibiting repetitive behaviours appear to exhibit stereotyped behaviours that a self stimulating self comforting what is the most likely diagnosis?
ASD as opposed OCD, OCD, rituals are more often driven by anxiety.