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93 Cards in this Set

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A health condition characterized by significant dysfunction in individuals cognitions, emotions, or behaviors that reflects a disturbance in the psychological, biological or developmental processes underlying mental functioning?

Mental illness

Maladaptive responses to stressors from the internal or external environment in interfere with the individual social and occupational and physical functioning is called?

Mental illness

Stressors often lead to?


Who/what defines mental health?


Healthy individuals reach what at the highest level of Maslow‘s hierarchy of needs?

Self actualization

5 Steps of Maslow’s Hierarchy?

Self actualization





Maslow’s Hierarchy of unmet needs results in risk for what two possibilities?

Physical illness

Mental illness

(anxiety or depression, PTSD, physical illness, death)

In general adaption syndrome, what is the first stage of alarm response?

Flight or fight response to stress

Characteristics of the body during fight or flight. (hormones, eyes, respiration, cardiac, G.I., liver, bladder, secretions)

-Norepinephrine/epinephrine released

-pupils dilate

-respiration increases

-CO, HR, BP, contraction ⬆️

-G.I. motility, secretions ⬇️

-glycogen/glucose breakdown

-bladder contracts, ureter motility ⤴️, sphincter relax

-sweat gland secretion ⤴️

What kind of responses are used to adapt stress?


What is the second stage of General adaption syndrome?


What is the third stage of the general adaption syndrome?

Stage of exhaustion

Exhaustion means what?

Prolonged exposure to stressor, adaptive energy depleted

What happens if the stage of exhaustion is not reversed?

Exhaustion and death

Diseases of adaption.

Chronic headache

Mental health disorders

Coronary artery disease



What is anxiety not?


What are the four levels of anxiety?





Perception is diminished, difficulty completing simple tasks, interferes with ADLs, physical symptoms is what type of anxiety?


What are the emotional and behavioral symptoms of severe anxiety?

Emotional symptoms: confusion,dread, horror

Behavioral symptoms: agitation, withdrawn, denial, pacing, yelling, may want to flee

Severe anxiety=?


Psychiatric disturbances, prolonged exposure to anxiety, expressed through unusual defense mechanism is called?


Unusual defense mechanisms.




Sexual dysfunction

Describe a person with severe anxiety: neurosis. (Aware vs not aware)

-aware of neurosis

-aware of maladaptive behaviors

-unaware psychological causes

-feels helpless to change

-maintains contact with reality

Most extreme level of anxiety, unable to process events in environment, often loses contact with reality, accompanied by intense fear, may enter into a state of psychosis is called?

Panic anxiety

Exhibits minimal distress: flat or inappropriate affect, unaware behavior as maladaptive, flight from reality into a more adaptable one, may lead to psychotic disorders is called?

Psychosis (panic anxiety)

4 Causes of anxiety disorder.


Brain chemistry


Life events

Women are at how many times more risk than men for anxiety?


Social influences for anxiety.

-social alienation

-lower socioeconomic regions

-environmental threats

Psychosocial influences on anxiety.

-Disturbances and mother/Child relationship

-fear of abandonment

-recent object loss


-emotional neglect



What triggers anxiety disorders?

Trumatic events

What events threaten family integrity?

Spousal or child abuse

Anxiety is linked to what medical conditions?


-obstructive sleep apnea

-mitral valve prolapse

-irritable bowel syndrome

-chronic fatigue syndrome

-Premenstrual syndrome

Intense apprehension, terror, fear of impending doom or death, pain is called?

Panic attacks

Unpredictable onset panic disorder usually happens what age?


Adults have three or more of which symptoms of general anxiety disorder GAD?


Easily fatigue

Difficulty concentrating


Muscle tension

Sleep disturbance

“Inability to turn off my mindresulting in lack of sleep is called?

General anxiety

Symptoms of general anxiety disorder GAD.

-Overwhelmed by tasks

-Procrastination of behaviors

-Seeks reassurance

-Depressive symptoms

-Somatic symptoms

Unconscious fears expressed symbolically is called?


Types of physical distress with exposure to phobic stimulus?





Difficulty breathing

Anxiety about a place or situation where escape may be difficult or embarrassing is called?


A persistent, irrational fear of a situation in which the person may be exposed to unfamiliar people or scrutiny?

Social anxiety

Recurrent & persistent thoughts, impulses or images?


Repetitive/ritualistic behavior?


Which recognizes thoughts are a product of his/her mind, Inability to control behavior? (Compulsion/Obsession)


Which behavior is unrelated to the object causing anxiety, recognizes their action is unreasonable? (Obsession or compulsion)


What relieves anxiety


OCD is often a result of?


Exaggerated belief that the body is deformed is called?

Body dysmorphic disorder

Re-current pulling out of one’s hair is called?


Treatments for trichotillomania.

Behavioral, Cognitive therapy

Treatment of comorbidity

When ego development is delayed, what is perceived?

Unsatisfactory parenting

Person unable to manage anxiety leads to what?

Maladaptive behaviors to resolve conflicts (panic, GAD, OCD)

Fear of aggression from same gender parent displaced onto safer object: phobic stimulus is called what complex?

Oedipal/Electra complex

1. A stressor creates fear.

2. Stressor is paired with harmless object.

3. Harmless object alone instills fear overtime.

(which response is this?)

Unconditioned response

In conditioned responses, how are OCD behaviors rewarded?

By sense of control

In conditioned responses, how are phobic behaviors rewarded?

By a sense of safety when avoiding the harmless object.

When children learn fear behaviors this is called?


What two things produce anxiety?

-negative self statements

-irrational beliefs

Which hormone causes hyper arousal and anxiety, increased levels found in anxiety disorders?


Which hormone has a positive effect in OCD?


Which hormone causes a relaxed state, decreases levels that lead to anxiety?


Routine sessions with license professional, discusses concerns, insight oriented, increases clients logic is what?

Individual psychotherapy

What is used to alter distorted perceptions?


Which therapy assists clients in modifying maladaptive or self obstructing behaviors, habit reversal, often used to treat phobias?

Behavioral therapy

What involves imagery & then physical exposure to the stimulus & stages while using relaxation techniques?

(Exposure to fear stimuli is gradual & progressive based upon client tolerance)


Which therapy does not allow rewarding patterns of escape?

Implosion therapy (flooding)

Which type of med is used for GAD?


Which assessment tool is used for anxiety?

Hamilton anxiety rating scale

Nursing interventions.

Severe emotional shock resulting from tramatic event is called?

Post dramatic stress disorder PTSD

Recurrent distressing memories, dreams, flashbacks, what type of disorder?

Stress intrusion disorders

Which disorder has similar causes/symptoms of PTSD, experience causes intense fear, symptoms immediate last up to three days but no more than a month?

Acute stress disorder ASD

When surroundings do not feel real?


When disconnected or detached from one’s body/thoughts?


Inability to recall important aspects of an event?

Dissociative amnesia

What reduces vividness of trauma & increases memory?

Eye movement desensitization & reprocessing

A maladaptive reaction to a loss or life changes called what disorder?

Adjustment disorder

Timeline for adjustment disorder is?

3 months after stressor

No more than 6 months

Symptoms of adjustment disorder.

-defiant/impulsive behavior


-crying/overwhelming sadness




What does the nurse offer/use in the therapeutic nurse client relationship?

Offers use of self

Uses communication techniques

Real felt physical symptoms without pathophysiological cause are called?

Somatic symptoms

What is the possible cause of somatic symptoms?

Repressed severe anxiety

Excessive thoughts about seriousness of symptoms, multiple trips to the doctor/hospital are part of what disorder?

Somatic symptom disorder

Treatment thru what helps clients recall repressed memories and deal with the anxiety related to the memory?


Preoccupied with having or developing a serious illness?

Illness anxiety disorder

Anticipation of harmful events to mentally prepare for or prevent them from happening is a symptom of what disorder?

Illness anxiety disorder

Which disorder to clients or caregiver is intentionally fake illness? Driven by a need to be seen as ill or injured and order to receive emotional care and support offered to sick people.

Factitious disorder

When client pretends to be sick or injured, may endure painful treatments for attention?

Münchausen syndrome

The separation of something from something else or the state of being disconnected is called? (Alters one’s self awareness and effort to escape it upsetting event or feeling)

Dissociative disorders

Unable to recall personal info caused by stress or trauma is called?

Dissociative amnesia

Dissociative amnesia during fugue state.

-leads a simple life

-seeks little attention from others

-significant distress in life functioning

When two or more identity/personalities control a clients behavior?

Dissociative identity disorder DID

What is the ultimate goal?

Healthy mind, soul, spirit.