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72 Cards in this Set

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Levels of the nervous system?

Afferent versus Efferent?

Afferent arrives, efferent exits/escapes

Is gray matter myelinated or not?


Does gray matter contain cell bodies?


Is white matter myelinated?


Contents of the CNS

Brain, spinal cord, and CSF. Housed in the dorsal body cavities.

Content of the PNS

Cranial and spinal nerves - sends sensory info to the CNS


Sensory neurons for BP, O2, CO2, temp, etc.


99% of all neurons - convert sensory and motor neurons

Glial cells

Structural, functional, maintenance within the CNS

Which layer of the cerebrum is the white matter? Which layer of the spinal cord is the white matter?

Cerebrum - inside

Spinal cord, outside

What are the raised regions of the cerebrum called? The grooves?

Gyri and sulci

What is the line that separates the two hemispheres of the cerebrum?

Longitudinal fissure

Which side of the brain is more artistic?


What connects the cerebrum to the brainstem?

Diencephalon - hypothalamus and thalamus

Which part of the brain is termed "little brain"?


Damage to the cerebellum produces what?

Ataxia - basically paralysis

What is a contusion?

Visible bruising of the brain

What is hydrocephalus?

Water on the brain due to excessive CSF

Where does the spinal cord begin and end?

Foramen magnum --> L1/L2 vertebrae (end location varies within the population)

What are the layers of the spinal meninges from outside to inside?

Dura, subdura, arachnoid, subarachnoid, pia

Where do you insert the needle during a spinal tap?

L3/L4 or L4/L5

All spinal nerves exit inferior to same numbered vertebrae except for which group?


Below which vertebrae does the cauda equina form?


Label the following: Central canal, ventral primary ramus, dorsal root ganglion, dorsal primary ramus, lateral horn, spinal nerve, sensory afferent, ventral horn, dorsal horn, motor efferent

Label the following: Central canal, ventral primary ramus, dorsal root ganglion, dorsal primary ramus, lateral horn, spinal nerve, sensory afferent, ventral horn, dorsal horn, motor efferent

Which rami (ventral/dorsal) form plexuses?

Ventral - form in the neck, upper limb, and lower limb

Where are ventral rami located?

Costal groove of the rib

Which are dorsal rami GSE's for? Which are they GSA's for?

GSE - intrinsic back muscles

GSA - skin of the back

What are dermatomes?

Sensory distribution of spinal nerves

What are the three important dermatomes?

T4 - nipple

T10 - umbilicus

T12/L1 - groin

What are myotomes?

Group of muscles innervated by ventral roots of spinal cord segment

What is a nerve pathway for a rapid, unconscious, automatic response?

Reflex arc

What is a common example of a spinal reflex?

The knee jerk reflex

What is a bundle of neuron axons in the PNS? The CNS?

PNS - nerve

CNS - tract

What is the pneumonic for remembering the cranial nerves?

Old Opticians occasionally Try To Avoid Facial Visits Gladly Because(vagus) Accidents Happen

What is biofeedback?

Way to manipulate the ANS, such as relaxation to alter blood pressure

What is the ANS traditionally defined as?

A visceral efferent (motor) system (GVE!)

What is the parasympathetic nervous system known as?

The craniosacral division

What is the sympathetic nervous system known as?


Which of the sympathetic nervous system's preganglionic or postganglionic fibers are long or short?

Pre = short

Post = long

(opposite is true of parasym.)

Which nervous system is a 1 neuron system, and which is 2?

1 = GSE - somatic

2 = GVE - autonomic

What are autonomic ganglia?

POSTganglionic cell bodies in the sympathetic nervous system within the PNS

What is the difference between PARAvertebral and PREvertebral autonomic ganglia?

PARA runs parallel to the VC

PRE is in front of the VC

Which sympathetic efferent pathways have their preganglionic fibers below the diaphragm?


Which of the first 3 sympathetic efferent pathways descend?


(1 stay at the same level, 2 ascends)

What is the difference between 4-6 symp. efferent pathways?

4. Jumps of the chain to the heart/lungs

5. Uses the splanchnic circulation

6. Special pathway for the adrenal medulla

Where does symp. efferent pathway #6 synapse?

In the adrenal medulla

What is the difference between the parasympathetic nervous system's postganglionic terminal and intermural ganglia?

Terminal - near the target organ

Intermural - in the wall of the target organ

What does the parasympathetic NS not innervate?

Skin and arterioles

Which gland is not secreted by the parasymp. NS?


Which fibers from the sympathetic and parasym. NS typically make up autonomic plexuses?

Postganglionic sympathetic fibers and preganglionic parasym. fibers

Which pregang. parasym. fiber is not from the CNX, and where is is from?

Hypogastric - splanchnic nerve

What is visceral pain?

Pain from injury, inflammation, ischemia, over-distention, or obstruction of a visceral organ (i.e. heart, lungs, stomach)

What is referred pain?

Pain is felt in a somatic structure distant from the location of the actual painful organ

Can you have visceral pain without referred pain?


What is horner syndrome?

Damage to the symp. innervation to the head.

What is ptosis?

Drooping of the superior eyelid

What is Miosis?

Paralysis of the dilator pupillae muscle

What is anhydrosis?

Without sweat

What is an epidural hematoma?

Blood pooling between the bone and dura matter in the skull

How is CSF reabsorbed into the bloodstream?

By venous circulation in the cranial cavity through Arachnoid villus

What are the three layers of the brainstem?

Midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata

Which layer of the brainstem houses the 4th ventricle?

The pons

Which layer of the brainstem controls breathing?

The pons

How many components are there to a reflex arc, and what are they?

2 components.

1) Afferent limb: Sensory --> CNS

2) Efferent limb: Motor --> Effector organ

Does a spinal tap need to be higher or lower in children and infants?



Lateral rectus - CN VI

Superior oblique - CN IV

All others - CN III

Which cranial nerves are a part of the sensory loop of the gag reflex?


Which cranial nerves are a part of the motor reflex of the gag reflex?


Which cranial nerve never exits the skull?


What connects the 3rd ventricle of the diencephalon to the 4th ventricle located inthe pons

Cerebral aqueduct

Is there adifference between the epidural space in the cranial cavity and the spinalcavity?

Yes! Cranial cavity is a potential space in case of epidural hemorrhage. Spinal cavity is an actual space filled with fat.