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30 Cards in this Set

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What is one proposed etiology of depression that invloves synaptic receptors?
Depression may be caused by an elevated B/a1 ratio. Therapy reverses this ratio.
What happens to a1, a2 and B receptors during the start of anti-depressant therapy?
a2 and B receptors are desensitized at the synapse while a1 receptors are not.
MAO inhibitor.
MAO inhibitor
Selective MAOb inhibitor
What neurotransmitters are degraded by MAOa?
Norepinephrine and Seratonin
What neurotransmitters are degraded by MAOb?
Why do most anti-depressants cause a 2-3 week lag phase before they are effective?
During this period a2 and B receptors are desensitized.
What are the toxic effects of MAOIs?
1. Postural hypotension due to a desensitization.
2. Insomia and impotence due to excessive autonomic stimulation
3. Potentailly fatal hypertensive crisis after ingestion of tyramine or sympathomimetic drugs like ephedrine or phenylpropanolamine.
What is the effect of mixing meperidine and an MAOI?
May cause hyperreflexia and convulsions.
Do TCAs produce CNS stimulation?
No. TCAs actually cause sedation or fatigue especially during the first few weeks of treatment, followerd by some mood elevation.
Tricyclic Antidepressant
Tricyclic Antidepressant
What is the mechanism of TCAs?
They inhibit re-uptake pumps, increasing the synaptic concentration of Norepinephrine and Seratonin.
What are the sympathomimetic effects of TCAs?
Arrythmia, tremor and insomnia
What are the antihistaminic effects of TCA's
Initail sedation but tollerance soon develops.
What are the antimuscarinic effects of TCAs?
dry mouth, blurred vision, tachycardia, urinary retention.
What are the effects of mixing TCAs with drugs that interfere with hepatic metabolism?
Enhanced toxic effects of TCAs
What are the effects of mixing TCAs with drugs that increase hepatic metabolism?
May produce additive sedation effects.
Trazadone and Nefazodone
Anitdepressants that inhibit serotonin > norepi uptake.
Seratonin>>>NE pump inhibitor. Used to treat major depression
Unknown mechanism. Contraindicated in patients taking Zyban for smoking cessation.
Antipsychotic with antidepressant effect.
Potent NE reuptake inhibitor
Blocks serotonin and a2 receptors. Also blocks H1 receptors and produces sedation. May also cause weight gain
What are the 4 main SSRIs?
Fluoxetine, Sertaline, Paroxetine, and Fluvoxamine.
What are the side effects associated with SSRIs?
Nausea, insomnia, anxiety, decreased libido. Secondary to excessive serotonin.
What is the promary use of Lithium?
Stabilization of mood swings. Very effective in preventing manic episodes.
How is Lithium eliminated from the body?
It is excreted entirely by the kidney. Na loading causes an increase lithium secretion. Na depletion causes lithium retention.
What is the effect of mixing Thiazides and Lithium?
Causes Lithium toxicity due to renal excretion of Na and Litium retention. NSAIDS also increase Lithium reabsorption.